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Background: Persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) are vulnerable when it comes to experiencing pain. Reliable assessment of pain-related behaviour in these persons is difficult. Aim To determine how pain items can be reliably scored in adults with PIMD.Methods: We developed an instruction protocol for the assessment of pain-related behaviour in four phases. We used videos of 57 adults with PIMD during potentially painful situations. The items were assessed for inter-rater reliability (Cohen's kappa or percentage of agreement).Results: The developed instruction protocol appeared to be adequate. Twelve items had satisfactory inter-rater reliability (n = 9: .30–1.00; n = 3: 85%–100%).Discussion: Calibrating and adjustments to the instructions and item set appeared to be crucial to reliably score 12 items in adults with PIMD. Further research should focus on creating an assessment instrument based on these reliably scored items.
This is the first draft of the large scale 3d printing protocol for granulated thermoplastics. The main purpose of this document is to share the key steps of operating, preparation, data entry, and optimization procedures while handling the robotic 3d printing equipment. One main aspect of this protocol is that it is independent of specific 3d printing hardware or software setups. The aim is to have the users from robotic 3d printing from various technologies follow these steps and be able to set the basics up when it comes to handling such 3d printers.
In het herstellen en behouden van zinvolle bezigheden voor mensen met een lichte of matige vorm van van de ziekte van Alzheimer is doelstelling van groot praktisch belang. De studies gericht op dit doel hebben vertrouwd op de verschillende strategieën van zelfmanagement van instruction cues. Zeven studies werden gevonden die plaats hadden in de periode 2008-2012 (dat wil zeggen, de periode waarin onderzoek op dit gebied daadwerkelijk vorm heeft gekregen). Die strategieën bestaan uit het gebruik van (1) verbale signalen aangeboden via audiorecorders, (2) visuele signalen aangeboden via computersystemen, en (3) een combinatie van verbale en visuele signalen gepresenteerd via computersystemen. Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van de hiervoor genoemde strategieën en bespreekt de resultaten daarvan, hun algemene doeltreffendheid, op prestaties en stemmingen, en hun geschiktheid en bruikbaarheid. Thema's voor toekomstig onderzoek werden eveneens onderzocht. ABSTRACT Helping people with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease restore and maintain constructive occupations is an objective of great practical importance. Studies targeting this goal have relied on different strategies for self-management of instruction cues. Seven studies were identified in the period 2008- 2012 (i.e. the period in which research in this area has actually taken shape). These strategies consist of the use of (1) verbal cues presented via audio recording devices, (2) pictorial cues presented via computer-aided systems and (3) combinations of verbal and pictorial cues presented via computer-aided systems. This paper reviews these strategies and discusses their outcomes, their overall effectiveness on performance and mood, and their suitability and practicality. Issues for future research are also examined.