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Public transgressions by group members threaten the public image of a group when outside observers perceive them as representative of the group in general. In three studies, we tested the effectiveness of rejection of a deviant group member who made a racist comment in public, and compared this to several other strategies the group could employ to protect their image. In Study 1 (N¼75) and Study 2 (N¼51), the group was judged less racist after rejecting the deviant than after claiming a non-racist position or not responding to the transgression. Perceived typicality of the deviant partially mediated this effect in Study 2. In Study 3 (N¼81), the group was judged least racist after forcing the deviant to apologize and as most racist after denying the severity of the transgression. Results also showed a negative side-effect of rejection. Perceived exclusion of the deviant contributed to a perception of the group as disloyal to its members, which resulted in a less favorable overall group evaluation. Potential benefits and risks of rejection, denial, and apologies are further discussed in the General Discussion.
Presentatie van eerste versie manuscript 'How voters ' multiple identities affect their response to politicians ' moral violations ' door Annemarie Walter en David Redlawsk, bij het Department Politicologie en Internationale Betrekkingen van de Universiteit van Delaware op 17 maart 2021.
Deze training Morele Psychologie wil helpen inzicht te ontwikkelen in de psychologische dynamiek zelf die ontstaat rond discussies over ‘het goede handelen’ en die je als begeleider of beleidsmaker voortdurend zult tegenkomen in het werkveld, zodat je patronen daarin herkent. De training is ontwikkeld voor begeleiders van asielzoekers en statushouders in Nederland en België. De basisprincipes uit de Morele Psychologie zullen echter herkenbaar zijn voor een bredere groep beleidsmakers en ondersteuners, en toepasbaar binnen andere beroepsgroepen. Deze training Morele Psychologie is onderdeel van het project ‘Your Global Future’, een project gericht op begeleiders van asielzoekers en statushouders ter bevordering van een inclusieve en toekomstvrije benadering (Future Free Approach).