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Not much is known about the favourable indoor air conditions in long term care facilities (ltcf’s), where older adults suffering from dementia live. Due to the decrease in cognition function, it is hard to evaluate comfort and health in this group. Nevertheless, infectious diseases are a persistent problem. Based on literature an assessment method has been developed to analyse ltcf’s to determine if differences in building characteristics and HVAC systems influence the spread of airborne infectious diseases. The developed method is applied in seven long term care facilities in the Netherlands. From this research it can be concluded that this method has potential to evaluate and compare ltcf’s and develop design guidelines for these buildings. However, some adjustments to the methodology are necessary to achieve this objective. Therefore the relation between the indoor environment and infection risk is not yet analysed, but a consistent procedure to analyse this link is provided.
Background: Urban slums are characterised by unique challenging living conditions, which increase their inhabitants’ vulnerability to specific health conditions. The identification and prioritization of the key health issues occurring in these settings is essential for the development of programmes that aim to enhance the health of local slum communities effectively. As such, the present study sought to identify and prioritise the key health issues occurring in urban slums, with a focus on the perceptions of health professionals and community workers, in the rapidly growing city of Bangalore, India. Methods: The study followed a two-phased mixed methods design. During Phase I of the study, a total of 60 health conditions belonging to four major categories: - 1) non-communicable diseases; 2) infectious diseases; 3) maternal and women’s reproductive health; and 4) child health - were identified through a systematic literature review and semi-structured interviews conducted with health professionals and other relevant stakeholders with experience working with urban slum communities in Bangalore. In Phase II, the health issues were prioritised based on four criteria through a consensus workshop conducted in Bangalore. Results: The top health issues prioritized during the workshop were: diabetes and hypertension (non-communicable diseases category), dengue fever (infectious diseases category), malnutrition and anaemia (child health, and maternal and women’s reproductive health categories). Diarrhoea was also selected as a top priority in children. These health issues were in line with national and international reports that listed them as top causes of mortality and major contributors to the burden of diseases in India. Conclusions: The results of this study will be used to inform the development of technologies and the design of interventions to improve the health outcomes of local communities. Identification of priority health issues in the slums of other regions of India, and in other low and lower middle-income countries, is recommended.
Not much is known about the favourable indoor air quality in long term care facilities (LTCFs), where older adults suffering from dementia live. Older adults, especially those who suffer from dementia, are more sensible to the indoor environment. However, no special requirements for the indoor air in long term care facilities exist. Due to the decrease in cognition function, it is hard to evaluate comfort and health in this group. Nevertheless, infectious diseases are a persistent problem. Based on literature an assessment methodology has been developed to analyse LTCFs to determine if differences in building characteristics and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems influence the spread of airborne infectious diseases. The developed methodology is applied in seven long term care facilities in the Netherlands. After that, the methodology has been evaluated and its feasibility and applicability are discussed. From this study, it can be concluded that this method has potential to evaluate, compare LTCFs, and develop design guidelines for these buildings. However, some adjustments to the methodology are necessary to achieve this objective. Therefore, the relation between the indoor environment and infection risk is not yet analysed, but a consistent procedure to analyse this link is provided.
Routine neuropathology diagnostic methods are limited to histological staining techniques or directed PCR for pathogen detection and microbial cultures of brain abscesses are negative in one-third of the cases. Fortunately, due to improvements in technology, metagenomic sequencing of a conserved bacterial gene could provide an alternative diagnostic method. For histopathological work up, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue with highly degraded nucleic acids is the only material being available. Innovative amplicon-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has the capability to identify pathogens based on the degraded DNA within a few hours. This approach significantly accelerates diagnostics and is particularly valuable to identify challenging pathogens. This ensures optimal treatment for the patient, minimizing unnecessary health damage. Within this project, highly conserved primers in a universal PCR will be used, followed by determining the nucleotide sequence. Based on the obtained data, it is then precisely determined which microorganism(s) is/are responsible for the infection, even in cases of co-infection with multiple pathogens. This project will focus to answer the following research question; how can a new form of rapid molecular diagnostics contribute to the identification of microbial pathogens in CNS infections? The SME partner Molecular Biology Systems B.V. (MBS) develops and sells equipment for extremely rapid execution of the commonly used PCR. In this project, the lectorate Analysis Techniques in the Life Sciences (Avans) will, in collaboration with MBS, Westerdijk Institute (WI-KNAW) and the Institute of Neuropathology (Münster, DE) establish a new molecular approach for fast diagnosis within CNS infections using this MBS technology. This enables the monitoring of infectious diseases in a fast and user-friendly manner, resulting in an improved treatment plan.
Since the COVID-19-pandemic, the enormous societal, medical and financial impact associated with the transfer of infectious pathogens from wild animals to humans and other animals urged for further follow-up in early signalling management of zoonotic diseases. Consequently, the Raad-voor-Dierenaangelegenheden and the Dutch government currently recommend to set up a surveillance system and cooperation with (applied-)scientists to detect zoonotic diseases using data and samples from animals entering wildlife rehabilitation centres. Each year approximately 100,000 wild animals are submitted to ±78 Dutch wildlife rehabilitation centres. This would potentially generate an enormous amount of currently unutilized information, which could reduce disease incidence and avoid the problems of scaling-up disease control if early detection can be improved. The current wild animal health surveillance system could be much enhanced if wild animals taken into care by wildlife rehabilitation centres would be consistently registered, processed and shared. However the processes, technology and biological knowhow to do this are currently not up to standards. Besides for this to work, wildlife rehabilitation centres need to be more strongly aligned and strongly embedded in the current health networks. Therefore, our objective is to develop a sustainable participatory collaboration system in the current health networks, on which first the focus is on valid and reliable data bundling of animals and their diseases from wildlife rehabilitation centres. These data can be made applicable to scientific research and the professional field to be able to signal the risks of (inter)national zoonotic diseases. We will focus our methodology on the societal, technical and biological elements involved. Van Hall Larenstein Hogeschool, Wageningen University, the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre, the National-Institute-for-Public-Health-and-the-Environment, Falcon together with Dutch wildlife rehabilitation centres will develop the fundaments of the surveillance system. The Foundation DierenLot, the Ministry-of-Agriculture-Nature-and-Food-quality, Flemish wildlife rehabilitation centres, vets, and governmental organisations are partners, among others.