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Eight deaf scholars come together to reflect on their experiences with exclusionary practices in the academy that contribute to feelings of imposterism, otherness, and not-belonging. The combined powers of ableism, audism, and negative attitudes about signed languages generate tension as deaf academics affirm their place within higher education institutions and fields of research. Across individual and shared experiences, they narrate about hostility towards disability and sign languages, reflecting on how such hostilities work towards excluding signing deaf scholars. As disability rights legislation increased access for deaf academics, gaps exist in which ableism continues to function as an institutional barrier. In spite of exclusionary practices and negative attitudes, deaf academics have organized ways to be resilient as they argue they make valuable contributions to scholarly discourses.
Wat is de ideale bestuurskunde? In dit artikel beantwoorden we deze vraag op basis van gesprekken met tien jonge hoogleraren. We beschrijven de ontwikkeling van het vakgebied en schetsen een portret van de mannen en vrouwen die de bestuurskunde de komende periode zullen vormgeven.