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We report research into the evolvement of a hybrid learning environment where education, companies and government successfully cooperate. This hybrid learning environment—one of the latest inventions in curriculum design—is special because it was neither intended nor planned by the parties involved. With some self-astonishment, the participants in this research experienced a growing acknowledgement of their emerging educational creation, aside from the experience of and appreciation for their cooperation and the increasing turnover. With a bricolage research approach within the scope of a rhizomatic perspective on becoming, a multivocal perspective on the evolvement of the learning environment was pursued. In emphasizing the historical evolvement of the learning environment, our findings challenge the tradition of drawing board design, accompanied by an appeal for re-appreciating professional craftsmanship. In addition, some reflections regarding the research are discussed.
This article proposes a model for the design of a hybrid VET curriculum across the school-work boundary.
This paper deals with the problematic nature of the transition between education and the workplace. A smooth transition between education and the workplace requires learners to develop an integrated knowledge base, but this is problematic as most educational programmes offer knowledge and experiences in a fragmented manner, scattered over a variety of subjects, modules and (work) experiences. To overcome this problem, we propose a design approach and shifting the educational focus of attention from individual learners to learning environments. The broader notion of learning environments facilitates transitions by establishing horizontal connections between schools and the workplace. The main argument of this paper is that combining or connecting aspects of school-based settings only is not sufficient to ensure learners will develop an integrated knowledge base. The concept and examples of “hybrid learning environment” show how formal, school-based learning and workplace experiences can be closely connected. The paper offers a framework of four coherent perspectives that can help to understand the complex nature of such environments and to design hybrid learning environments: the “agency perspective”, the “spatial perspective”, the “temporal perspective”, and the “instrumental perspective”. The framework is applied to three cases taken from vocational education in the Netherlands to describe what hybrid learning environments look like in contemporary educational practice. RÉSUMÉ
Logistics represents around 10-11% of global CO2 emissions, around 75% of which come from road freight transport. ‘The European Green Deal’ is calling for drastic CO2 reduction in this sector. This requires advanced and very expensive technological innovations; i.e. re-design of vehicle units, hybridization of powertrains and automatic vehicle technology. Another promising way to reach these environmental ambitions, without excessive technological investments, is the deployment of SUPER ECO COMBI’s (SEC). SEC is the umbrella name for multiple permutations of 32 meter, 70 tons, road-train combinations that can carry the payload-equivalent of 2 normal tractor-semitrailer combinations and even 3 rigid trucks. To fully deploy a SEC into the transport system the compliance with the existing infrastructure network and safety needs to be guaranteed; i.e. to deploy a specific SEC we should be able to determine which SEC-permutation is most optimal on specific routes with respect to regulations (a.o. damage to the pavement/bridges), the dimensions of specific infrastructures (roundabouts, slopes) and safety. The complexity of a SEC compared to a regular truck (double articulation, length) means that traditional optimisation methods are not applicable. The aim of this project is therefore to develop a first methodology enabling the deployment of the optimal SEC permutation. This will help transport companies (KIEM: Ewals) and trailer manufactures (KIEM: Emons) to invest in the most suitable designs for future SEC use. Additionally the methodology will help governments to be able to admit specific SEC’s to specific routes. The knowledge gained in this project will be combined with the knowledge of the broader project ENVELOPE (NWA-IDG). This will be the start of broader research into an overall methodology of deploying optimal vehicle combinations and a new regulatory framework. The knowledge will be used in master courses on vehicle dynamics.
The consistent demand for improving products working in a real-time environment is increasing, given the rise in system complexity and urge to constantly optimize the system. One such problem faced by the component supplier is to ensure their product viability under various conditions. Suppliers are at times dependent on the client’s hardware to perform full system level testing and verify own product behaviour under real circumstances. This slows down the development cycle due to dependency on client’s hardware, complexity and safety risks involved with real hardware. Moreover, in the expanding market serving multiple clients with different requirements can be challenging. This is also one of the challenges faced by HyMove, who are the manufacturer of Hydrogen fuel cells module ( To match this expectation, it starts with understanding the component behaviour. Hardware in the loop (HIL) is a technique used in development and testing of the real-time systems across various engineering domain. It is a virtual simulation testing method, where a virtual simulation environment, that mimics real-world scenarios, around the physical hardware component is created, allowing for a detailed evaluation of the system’s behaviour. These methods play a vital role in assessing the functionality, robustness and reliability of systems before their deployment. Testing in a controlled environment helps understand system’s behaviour, identify potential issues, reduce risk, refine controls and accelerate the development cycle. The goal is to incorporate the fuel cell system in HIL environment to understand it’s potential in various real-time scenarios for hybrid drivelines and suggest secondary power source sizing, to consolidate appropriate hybridization ratio, along with optimizing the driveline controls. As this is a concept with wider application, this proposal is seen as the starting point for more follow-up research. To this end, a student project is already carried out on steering column as HIL
The Healthy Workplace monitor is being developed to monitor the health and well-being of knowledge workers in relation to the office space and their home workplace. Since the corona period, a lot has changed in the way knowledge workers work. Both offices and employees require more flexibility to carry out work in an efficient but also healthy and enjoyable way. It is important to identify office workers needs with regard to workspaces at the office and at home from a holistic view, in which mental , physical and social aspects play a role. A vital, happy employee is a productive employee.