To aid HR practitioners in their design of firm specific HRM configurations, andcontribute to the state of the art HRM knowledge, we created a simulation model. In this paper we present the simulation model, and the serious game in which it was implemented, but focus on the practical and academical implication of creating and using our initial HRM simulation model.Deciding which HR-practices to select, and how to design them in a multiyear HRMconfiguration is a challenging task for any HR-practitioner due to the large number of interrelated options to pick from. In particular as, according to configurational HRM, the configuration of HR-practices needs to reflect the organizational strategy (vertical alignment) and show internal consistency (horizontal alignment). Currently, no (technological) tool aids HR-practitioners in their quest to design an aligned HRM configuration. To fill this void, we created an HRM simulation model and used it in a serious game which was played during workshops with HR-practitioners.Configurational HRM postulates that HRM configuration need to be both verticallyand horizontally aligned. However, to date, no specific information on how to make these levels of alignment happen is present. As a result, no specific hypothesis based on configurational HRM has been defined and empirical validation of this mode of theorizing is limited. Using the simulation model and serious game we aspire to specify the configurational mode of theorizing with a new level of detail enabling more precise empirical exploration of configurational HRM.The creation of an HRM simulation model and serious game proved to beworthwhile. During the workshops, HR-practitioners stated that the simulation model and game enables them to get to grips with the complexity of designing a firm specific HRM configuration. Furthermore, the simulation model enables us to specify configurational HRM to a new level of detail enabling a wide variety of research opportunities. The simulation model, serious game, and implications are discussed in this paper.
Developing and testing several AR and VR concepts for SAMSUNG (Benelux) Samsung and Breda University of Applied Sciences decided to work together on developing and testing several new digital media concepts with a focus on VR and gaming. This collaboration has led to several innovative projects and concepts, among others: the organisation of the first Samsung VR jam in which game and media students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR in 24 hours, the pre-development of a VR therapy concept (Fear of Love) created by CaptainVR, the Samsung Industry Case in which students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR (wearables), the IGAD VR game pitch where over 15 VR game concepts were created for SAMSUNG VR GEAR and numerous projects in which VR concepts are developed and created using new SAMSUNG technologies. Currently we are co-developing new digital HRM solutions.
Onderzoek naar en aanpak van blue collar jovs in EDR in MKB
3. Innovatiewerkplaats ‘APK Werkscan’Arbeid is de laatste decennia sterk veranderd. Elk jaar ontstaan en verdwijnen beroepen. Bedrijven zien zich regelmatig genoodzaakt om de oriëntatie op de corebusiness te herzien (Kelly, 2016). Veel sterker dan vroeger is hierdoor een oriëntatie op competenties en rollen bepalend geworden in plaats van op de vaste functierollen en -inhoud. Daarnaast is ook de inrichting van de arbeid individueler geworden, denk aan het veel mobieler zijn ten aanzien van de werkplek en het tijdstip van werken. Hierdoor ligt meer nadruk op de eigen kracht van de werknemer. Het klassieke functioneringsgesprek doet geen recht meer aan de hedendaagse werknemer, die autonomie en competentie nodig heeft om de aansluiting met de snel veranderende omstandigheden te behouden. Tegelijk wordt hij meer dan vroeger met verantwoordingseisen (protocollen en keurmerken) geconfronteerd. De innovatiewerkplaats ‘APK Werkscan’ richt zich op de vragen: “Hoe kan ICT bijdragen aan duurzame inzetbaarhid van werknemers in alle fasen van de loopbaan?” en “Welke bijdrage kunnen de gegenereerde onderzoeksdata leveren aan de algemene Human Capital Agenda van een bedrijf?”