The transition from adolescence to adulthood also has been described as a window of opportunity or vulnerability when developmental and contextual changes converge to support positive turnarounds and redirections (Masten, Long, Kuo, McCormick, & Desjardins, 2009; Masten, Obradović, & Burt, 2006). The transition years also are a criminological crossroads, as major changes in criminal careers often occur at these ages as well. For some who began their criminal careers during adolescence, offending continues and escalates; for others involvement in crime wanes; and yet others only begin serious involvement in crime at these ages. There are distinctive patterns of offending that emerge during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. One shows a rise of offending in adolescence and the persistence of high crime rates into adulthood; a second reflects the overall age-crime curve pattern of increasing offending in adolescence followed by decreases during the transition years; and the third group shows a late onset of offending relative to the age-crime curve. Developmental theories of offending ought to be able to explain these markedly different trajectories
The transition from adolescence to adulthood also has been described as a window of opportunity or vulnerability when developmental and contextual changes converge to support positive turnarounds and redirections (Masten, Long, Kuo, McCormick, & Desjardins, 2009; Masten, Obradović, & Burt, 2006). The transition years also are a criminological crossroads, as major changes in criminal careers often occur at these ages as well. For some who began their criminal careers during adolescence, offending continues and escalates; for others involvement in crime wanes; and yet others only begin serious involvement in crime at these ages. There are distinctive patterns of offending that emerge during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. One shows a rise of offending in adolescence and the persistence of high crime rates into adulthood; a second reflects the overall age-crime curve pattern of increasing offending in adolescence followed by decreases during the transition years; and the third group shows a late onset of offending relative to the age-crime curve. Developmental theories of offending ought to be able to explain these markedly different trajectories
Technological innovations enable rapid DNA analysis implementation possibilities. Concordantly, rapid DNA devices are being used in practice. However, the effects of implementing rapid DNA technologies in the crime scene investigation procedure have only been evaluated to a limited extent. In this study a field experiment was set up comparing 47 real crime scene cases following a rapid DNA analysis procedure outside of the laboratory (decentral), with 50 cases following the regular DNA analysis procedure at the forensic laboratory. The impact on duration of the investigative process, and on the quality of the analyzed trace results (97 blood and 38 saliva traces) was measured. The results of the study show that the duration of the investigation process has been significantly reduced in cases where the decentral rapid DNA procedure was deployed, compared to cases where the regular procedure was used. Most of the delay in the regular process lies in the procedural steps during the police investigation, not in the DNA analysis, which highlights the importance of an effective work process and having sufficient capacity available. This study also shows that rapid DNA techniques are less sensitive than regular DNA analysis equipment. The device used in this study was only to a limited extent suitable for the analysis of saliva traces secured at the crime scene and can mainly be used for the analysis of visible blood traces with an expected high DNA quantity of a single donor.
Ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid spelen een centrale rol in de zorg voor maatschappelijke veiligheid. Hun focus ligt van oudsher op de preventie van slachtofferschap van veelvoorkomende criminaliteit (zoals diefstal, vernielingen en vandalisme) en high impact crime (zoals woninginbraak, overvallen en straatroven) binnen hun verzorgingsgebied. Intussen heeft de digitalisering van de samenleving een ongeëvenaarde gelegenheid voor criminaliteit gecreëerd. De totale maatschappelijke schade van cybercrime werd voor 2018 op 10 miljard euro geschat (1% van BNP). Uit cijfers van het CBS blijkt dat tussen 2012 en 2018 het slachtofferschap van hacken zelfs hoger lag dan dat van fietsendiefstal. Nederlandse gemeenten hebben cybercrime in de afgelopen twee jaar dan ook breed als beleidsprioriteit omarmd. Maar in de vertaling van deze beleidsprioriteit naar concrete acties gaat het mis. Duidelijk is dat de ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid een taak voor zichzelf zien in de preventie van cybercrime, maar waar te beginnen? In dit project bundelen professionals uit twaalf gemeenten en vier regionale veiligheidsnetwerken hun slagkracht met onderzoekers van twee hogescholen en het NSCR voor de cyberweerbaarheid van de samenleving. De hoofdvraag van dit project luidt: Met welke interventies kunnen ambtenaren openbare orde en veiligheid de cyberweerbaarheid van burgers en bedrijven binnen hun gemeente vergroten? Middels actieonderzoek werken professionals van gemeenten en regio’s samen met onderzoekers aan het verbeteren van bestaande en het ontwikkelen van nieuwe interventies. Daarbij verscherpen zij hun beeld van de omvang en achtergronden van slachtofferschap van cybercrime. Ook onderzoeken zij achtergronden en verklaringen voor het risicobewustzijn en preventief gedrag onder doelgroepen. Deze inzichten worden in verschillende iteraties aangevuld met effectstudies, om tot een set beproefde interventies te komen waarmee de cyberweerbaarheid van burgers en bedrijven zal toenemen.