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The aim of this study was to test the inter- and intraobserver reliability of the Physician Rating Scale (PRS) and the Edinburgh Visual Gait Analysis Interval Testing (GAIT) scale for use in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Both assessment scales are quantitative observational scales, evaluating gait. The study involved 24 patients ages 3 to 10 years (mean age 6.7 years) with an abnormal gait caused by CP. They were all able to walk independently with or without walking aids. Of the children 15 had spastic diplegia and 9 had spastic hemiplegia. With a minimum time interval of 6 weeks, video recordings of the gait of these 24 patients were scored twice by three independent observers using the PRS and the GAIT scale. The study showed that both the GAIT scale and the PRS had excellent intraobserver reliability but poor interobserver reliability for children with CP. In the total scores of the GAIT scale and the PRS, the three observers showed systematic differences. Consequently, the authors recommend that longitudinal assessments of a patient should be done by one observer only.
The aim of this study was to investigate if physiotherapists had knowledge and skills in applying Bobath-based therapy (BB), also referred to as Neurodevelopmental Treatment, in the care of stroke patients and if they generally used the therapy in daily practice. This is because of the important emphasis placed on documenting the extent of the therapy given to the client groups compared in outcome studies measuring the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. The study took place as an intervention check for a large outcome study measuring the effects of BB therapy. BB therapy had been implemented on six wards, whereas six other wards did not use this approach. The physiotherapists (n /38) knowledge and skills in making decisions about applying the BB principles in all wards was measured in two steps. In step 1, the physiotherapists received a questionnaire focusing on their physiotherapy strategy, and Bobath education. In step 2, they received a case vignette describing a stroke patient and questions concerning the content of the physiotherapy provided to this patient. An expert panel judged the therapists responses to the questions of both steps. Of the physiotherapists working in the BB wards, 14 (74%) therapists generally used BB principles, whereas four (21%) therapists did not (one was uncertain). Of the physiotherapists working in the non-BB wards (n /19), three (16%) did use BB therapy whereas 10 (52%) therapists did not use the therapy (six responses were missing). The study showed that within the BB wards, the physiotherapists had followed sufficient BB education, as judged by a panel of experts, and demonstrated the knowledge and skills in applying the BB therapy, whereas in the other wards they did not. BB wards could therefore participate in the experimental group of the study measuring the effects of the Bobath therapy, and the non-BB wards could serve as proper control wards.
Background: Innovative technologies such as game consoles and smart toys used with games or playful approaches have proven to be successful and attractive in providing effective and motivating hand therapy for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Thus, there is an increased interest in designing and implementing interventions that can improve the well-being of these children. However, to understand how and why these interventions are motivating children, we need a better understanding of the playful elements of technology-supported hand therapy.Objective: This scoping review aims to identify the playful elements and the innovative technologies currently used in hand therapy for children with CP.Methods: We included studies that design or evaluate interventions for children with CP that use innovative technologies with game or play strategies. Data were extracted and analyzed based on the type of technology, description of the system, and playful elements according to the Lenses of Play, a play design toolkit. A total of 31 studies were included in the analysis.Results: Overall, 54 papers were included in the analysis. The results showed high use of consumer technologies in hand therapy for children with CP. Although several studies have used a combination of consumer technologies with therapeutic-specific technologies, only a few studies focused on the exclusive use of therapeutic-specific technologies. To analyze the playfulness of these interventions that make use of innovative technologies, we focused our review on 3 lenses of play: Open-ended Play, where it was found that the characteristics of ludus, such as a structured form of play and defined goals and rules, were the most common, whereas strategies that relate to paidia were less common. The most commonly used Forms of Play were physical or active form and games with rules. Finally, the most popular Playful experiences were control, challenge, and competition.Conclusions: The inventory and analysis of innovative technology and playful elements provided in this study can be a starting point for new developments of fun and engaging tools to assist hand therapy for children with CP.