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Bird strikes, a risk factor in the aviation industry, are a common problem in certain states of the USA, while they are extremely rare in other states. Similarly, the seasonal distribution of bird strikes is not proportional. This situation poses an unfair situation in the aviation insurance of airline companies in terms of routes taken. The current study, detecting a literature gap related to the principal-agent problem within the aviation sector, evaluates the possible differences in aviation companies' insurance costs, assuming bird strikes are spatially and temporally analyzed in the US, and airline companies are provided with complete information regarding bird-strikes. In this research, QGIS software served in spatial model mappings. In terms of the threshold value, the study results show that making bird-strike insurance aircraft in twenty-one states which were below the threshold value increased the aviation costs of these airline companies, while in the remaining twenty-nine states, non-insurance raised the cost. In this context, as of 2022, it has been determined that not paying an extra premium for bird strikes in twenty-one states below the threshold value will create efficiency, while expending an above-average insurance premium in twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia above the threshold value will create efficiency. The research seeks to answer the following question: Is it fair for airlines operating on routes with low or high bird strike risks to pay the same amount of insurance cost?
Background: Generally, a significant portion of healthcare spending consists of out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses. Patients indicate that, in practice, there are often some OOP expenses, incurred when they receive medical care, which are unexpected for them and should have been taken into account when deciding on a course of action. Patients are often reliant on their GP and may, therefore, expect their GP to provide them with information about the costs of treatment options, taking into consideration their individual insurance plan. This also applies to the Netherlands, where OOP expenses increased rapidly over the years. In the current study, we observed the degree to which matters around patients' insurance and OOP expenses are discussed in the Netherlands, using video recordings of consultations between patients and GPs. Methods: Video recordings were collected from patient-GP consultations in 2015-2016. In 2015, 20 GPs and 392 patients from the eastern part of the Netherlands participated. In 2016, another eight GPs and 102 patients participated, spread throughout the Netherlands. The consultations were coded by three observers using an observation protocol. We achieved an almost perfect inter-rater agreement (Kappa = .82). Results: In total, 475 consultations were analysed. In 9.5% of all the consultations, issues concerning patients' health insurance and OOP expenses were discussed. The reimbursement of the cost of medication was discussed most often and patients' current insurance and co-payments least often. In some consultations, the GP brought up the subject, while in others, the patient initiated the discussion. Conclusions: While GPs may often be in the position to provide patients with information about treatment alternatives, few patients discuss the financial effects of their referral or prescription with their GP. This result complies with existing literature. Policy makers, GPs and insurers should think about how GPs and patients can be facilitated when considering the OOP expenses of treatment. There are several factors why this study, analysing video recordings of routine GP consultations in the Netherlands, is particularly relevant: Dutch GPs play a gatekeeper function; OOP expenses have increased relatively swiftly; and patients have both the right to decide on their treatment, and to choose a provider.
This study provides an in-depth understanding of the perceptions of patients with T2DM before use (acceptability) and after use (acceptance) regarding 4 different mobile health apps for diabetes control and self-management. This study was part of the TOPFIT Citizenlab project. TOPFIT Citizenlab is a 3-year research and innovation program in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Citizens, health care professionals (HCPs), and companies have joined forces with researchers to develop and implement technology for health and well-being.
For English see below In dit project werkt het Lectoraat ICT-innovaties in de Zorg van hogeschool Windesheim samen met zorganisaties de ZorgZaak, De Stouwe, en IJsselheem en daarnaast Zorgcampus Noorderboog, Zorgtrainingscentrum Regio Zwolle, Patiëntenfederatie NPCF, VitaalThuis, ActiZ, Vilans, V&VN, Universiteit Twente en het Lectoraat Innoveren in de Ouderenzorg van Windesheim aan het in staat stellen van wijkverpleegkundigen om autonoom en doelmatig, op basis van klinisch redeneren, eHealth te indiceren en in te zetten bij cliënten. De aanleiding voor dit project wordt gevormd door de wijzigingen per 1 januari 2015 in de Zorgverzekeringswet. Wijkverpleegkundigen zijn sindsdien zelf verantwoordelijk voor de indicatiestelling en zorgtoewijzing voor verzorging en verpleging thuis: zij moeten bepalen welke zorg hun cliënten nodig hebben gezien hun individuele situaties, en hoe die zorg het best geleverd kan worden. Zorgverzekeraars leggen hierbij minimumeisen op, o.a. met betrekking tot de inzet van eHealth. Wijkverpleegkundigen hebben op dit moment echter niet of nauwelijks ervaring met het inzetten en toepassen van technologische toepassingen zoals eHealth. Vraagarticulatie leidde tot de volgende praktijkvraagstelling: 1. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden voorzien in hun informatiebehoefte over eHealth? 2. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden ondersteund in hun klinisch redeneren over het inzetten van eHealth bij hun cliënten? 3. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden ondersteund bij het inzetten van eHealth in hun zorgproces? Het project levert hiertoe drie bijdragen: - De eerste bijdrage is een duurzaam geborgde keuzehulp (een app voor tablet of smartphone) waarmee wijkverpleegkundigen toegang hebben tot de benodigde informatie over eHealth-toepassingen en die aansluit bij de manier waarop wijkverpleegkundigen zorg indiceren (bijvoorbeeld door relaties te leggen tussen NIC-interventies en bijpassende eHealth-toepassingen). - Informatievoorziening is niet een afdoende antwoord op de handelingsverlegenheid van de wijkverpleegkundige omdat eHealth sterk in ontwikkeling is en blijft waardoor er altijd een discrepantie zal bestaan tussen de beschikbare en de benodigde informatie. . De tweede bijdrage van dit project is daarom kennis over (en inzicht in) het klinisch redeneren over de inzet van eHealth. Deze kennis wordt in het project doorvertaald naar een trainingsmodule die erop is gericht om het klinisch redeneren van wijkverpleegkundigen over het inzetten van eHealth en andere thuiszorgtechnologie bij hun cliënten te versterken. - De derde bijdrage van dit project omhelst inbedding van bovengenoemde resultaten in het verpleegkunde-onderwijs van onder meer Windesheim en in nascholingstrajecten voor wijkverpleegkundigen. Voor duurzame, bredere inbedding in het onderwijs wordt samengewerkt met regionale zorgonderwijsnetwerken. In this project the research group IT-innovations in Health Care of Windesheim University of Applied Sciences cooperates with care organisations de ZorgZaak, De Stouwe, and IJsselheem, and stakeholders Zorgcampus Noorderboog, Zorgtrainingscentrum Regio Zwolle, Patiëntenfederatie NPCF, VitaalThuis, ActiZ, Vilans, V&VN, University of Twente, and research group Innovation of Care of Older Adults of Windesheim to enable home care nurses to autonomously and adequately, based on clinical reasoning, allocate eHealth and implement it in patient care. The motivation behind this project lies in the alterations in the care insurance legislation per January 2015. Since then, home care nurses are responsible for the care allocation of all care at home: they determine which care their clients require, taking into account the individual situations, and how this care can best be delivered. Care insurance companies impose minimum requirements for this allocation of home care, among others concerning the implementation of eHealth. Home care nurses, however, have no or limited information about and experience with technical applications like eHealth. Articulation of the demands of home care nurses resulted in the following questions: 1. How can home care nurses be provided with information concerning eHealth? 2. How can home care nurses be supported in their clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth by their patients? 3. How can home care nurses be supported when deploying eHealth in their care process? This project contributes in three ways: " The first contribution is a sustainable selection tool (an app for tablet or smartphone) to be used by home care nurses to provide them with the required information about eHealth applications. This selection tool will work in accordance with how home care nurses allocate care, e.g. by relating NIC-interventions to matching eHealth applications. " Providing information is an insufficient, although necessary, answer to the demands of home care nurses because of continuously developing eHealth applications. Hence, the second contribution of this project is knowledge about (and insight in) the clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth. This knowledge will be converted into a training module aimed at strengthening the clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth by their patients. " The third contribution of this project concerns embedding the selection tool and the training module in regular education (among others at Windesheim) and in refresher courses for home care nurses. Cooperation with regional care education networks will ensure sustainable and broad embedding of both the selection tool and the training module.
In Europe nearly 10% of the population suffers from diabetes and almost 1% from Rheumatoid Arthritis which can lead to serious problems with mobility and active participation, especially in the ageing population. Pedorthists deliver personalised designed and manufactured orthopaedic footwear or insoles for these patients. However, despite their often laborious efforts upfront, the industry has very little means to quantify how successful the fitting and function of a shoe is. They have to rely on subjective, qualitative measures such as client satisfaction and diminishing of complaints. Although valuable, the need for objective quantitative data in this field is growing. Foot plantar pressure and shear forces are considered major indicators of potential foot problems. Devices to measure plantar pressure slowly gain terrain as providers of objective quantitative data to guide orthotic design and manufacturing. For shear forces however, measuring devices are not yet commercial available. Although shear forces are considered as a major contributor to ulcer formation in diabetic feet, their exact role still requires elucidation and quantification. This project aims to develop a prototype of an in-shoe wearable device that measures both shear forces and pressure using state-of-the-art developments in sensor technologies, smart textiles and wireless data transfer. The collaboration of pedorthists’ small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)’s with medical device engineering companies, knowledge institutes,technical universities and universities of applied sciences in this project will bring together the different fields of expertise required to create an innovative device. It is expected that the tool will be beneficial to improve the quality of pedorthists’ services and potentially reduce health insurance costs. Furthermore, it can be used in new shear forces research and open new business potential. However, the eventual aim is to improve patient care and help maintain personal mobility and participation in society.