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This chapter considers the use of haptics for learning fundamental rhythm skills, including skills that depend on multi-limb coordination. Different sensory modalities have different strengths and weaknesses for the development of skills related to rhythm. For example, vision has low temporal resolution and performs poorly for tracking rhythms in real time, whereas hearing is highly accurate. However, in the case of multi-limbed rhythms, neither hearing nor sight is particularly well suited to communicating exactly which limb does what and when, or how the limbs coordinate. By contrast, haptics can work especially well in this area, by applying haptic signals independently to each limb. We review relevant theories, including embodied interaction and biological entrainment. We present a range of applications of the Haptic Bracelets, which are computer-controlled wireless vibrotactile devices, one attached to each wrist and ankle. Haptic pulses are used to guide users in playing rhythmic patterns that require multi-limb coordination. One immediate aim of the system is to support the development of practical rhythm skills and multi-limb coordination. A longer-term goal is to aid the development of a wider range of fundamental rhythm skills including recognising, identifying, memorising, retaining, analysing, reproducing, coordinating, modifying and creating rhythms—particularly multi-stream (i.e. polyphonic) rhythmic sequences. Empirical results are presented. We reflect on related work and discuss design issues for using haptics to support rhythm skills. Skills of this kind are essential not just to drummers and percussionists but also to keyboards’ players and more generally to all musicians who need a firm grasp of rhythm.
Recent textile innovations have significantly transformed both the material structures of fibers and fabrics as well as their sphere of use and applications.At the same time, new recycling concepts and methods to re--use textile waste are rapidly being developed and many new ways to make use of recycled and reclaimed fibers have already been found. In this paper, we describe how the development of a new textile, making use of recycled fibers, sparked the development of Textile Reflexes, a robotic textile that can change shape. This paper elaborates on the development of the new textile material, the multidisciplinary approach we take to advance it towards a robotic textile and our first endeavours to implement it in a health & wellbeing context. Textile Reflexes was applied in a vest that supports posture correction and training that was evaluated in a user study. In this way, the paper demonstrates a material and product design study that bridges disciplines and that links to both environmental and social change.doi: 10.21606/dma.2017.610This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Visually impaired people (VIP) can experience difficulties in navigating urban environments. They mostly depend on the environment’s infrastructure or technical solutions like smartphone apps for navigation. However apps typically use visual and audio feedback, which can be ineffective, distracting and dangerous. Haptic feedback in the form of vibrations can complement where visual and audio fall short, reducing the cognitive load.Existing research into wayfinding using haptic feedback to better support navigation for the visually impaired often relies on custom tactile actuators and the use of multiple vibration motors. Although these solutions can be effective, they are often impractical in every day life or are stigmatizing due to their unusual appearance.To address this issue we propose a more modular system that can be easily integrated in commercially available smartwatches. Based on existing research we present a tactile communication method utilizing the vibrotactile actuator of a smartwatch to provide VIP with wayfinding information that complements visual and audio feedback. Current smartwatches contain a single tactile actuator, but can still be used by focusing on navigation patterns. These patterns are based on research in personal orientation and mobility training with VIP. For example, a vibration pattern is used to represent a concept like ‘attention’, ‘left’ or ‘stairs’ directing the navigator’s attention towards audio or visual information or to the environment.In next phase of this research we will conduct several focus groups and co-creation sessions with VIP and orientation and mobility experts to further specify the requirements and test our proposed tactile method. In the future, this method could be integrated in existing navigation apps using commercially available devices to complement visual and audio information and provide VIP with additional wayfinding information via haptic feedback.
In Nederland zijn er zo’n 451.900 mensen die lijden aan de gevolgen van een beroerte. Na een beroerte heeft 80% van de patiënten te maken heeft met een verminderde arm-hand vaardigheid. Deze groep is gebaat bij een revalidatietool die zelfstandig kan worden ingezet, aanzet tot veelvuldig gebruik en direct inzicht geeft in vorderingen, zoals de toename van kracht in de hand of individuele vingers. Virtual Reality-spellen met directe krachtterugkoppeling kunnen hier een uitkomst bieden. De hiervoor benodigde technologie zoals VR, platform, gaming, en bewegingsregistratie is voor een groot deel beschikbaar, maar nog niet specifiek toepasbaar op de problematiek van de handrevalidatie. Belangrijke elementen in de reële wereld, zoals de tastzin, de kracht in de grip, de wrijvingsweerstand met het oppervlak en de weerstand van het object zijn in de virtuele wereld nog nauwelijks vertegenwoordigd. Het onderzoek in dit project spitst zich toe op de vraag: In hoeverre kan met huidig beschikbare technologie de hand-object manipulatie zodanig worden nagebootst in de virtuele omgeving dat het gevoel overeenkomt met de reële, fysieke ruimte en het een bruikbare tool wordt voor handrevalidatie? Uitkomstmaten en gebruikerseisen worden geïnventariseerd en getoetst met het werkveld van handtherapeuten en patiënten. Hiermee wordt een ontwikkelingsstap gezet richting een handrevalidatie tool in VR met forcefeedback waar patiënten zelfstandig thuis mee kunnen oefenen en die direct de vorderingen monitort. Het consortium borduurt voort op eerdere samenwerking binnen Fontys Hogescholen in het SIA RAAK-project SmartScan, aangevuld met specifieke expertise van de TU Eindhoven, MKB-bedrijven op het gebied van VR-technologie en serious gaming in de zorg, en hand- en revalidatieklinieken. Met het project kan een kiem gelegd worden voor een handexpertisecentrum gericht op het uitwisselen van kennis vanuit de technische, (para)medische en gamedisciplines.
Psychosocial problems related to social isolation are a growing issue for wellbeing and health and have become a significant societal problem. This is especially relevant for children and adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities, and those spending extended periods in hospitals or permanently living in assisted living facilities. A lack of social relationships, social connectivity, and the inability to travel freely leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Loneliness interventions often use mediated environments to improve the feeling of connectedness. It has been proven that the utilization of haptic technologies enhances realism and the sense of presence in both virtual environments and telepresence in physical places by allowing the user to experience interaction through the sense of touch. However, the technology application is mostly limited to the experiences of serious games in professional environments and for-entertainment-gaming. This project aims to explore how haptic technologies can support the storytelling of semi-scripted experiences in VR to improve participants’ sense of presence and, therefore, the feeling of connectedness. By designing and prototyping the experience, the project aims to obtain insights and offer a better understanding of designing haptic-technology-supported storytelling and its potential to improve connectedness and become a useful tool in isolation interventions. The project will be conducted through the process of participants’ co-creation.
Despite the recognized benefits of running for promoting overall health, its widespread adoption faces a significant challenge due to high injury rates. In 2022, runners reported 660,000 injuries, constituting 13% of the total 5.1 million sports-related injuries in the Netherlands. This translates to a disturbing average of 5.5 injuries per 1,000 hours of running, significantly higher than other sports such as fitness (1.5 injuries per 1,000 hours). Moreover, running serves as the foundation of locomotion in various sports. This emphasizes the need for targeted injury prevention strategies and rehabilitation measures. Recognizing this social issue, wearable technologies have the potential to improve motor learning, reduce injury risks, and optimize overall running performance. However, unlocking their full potential requires a nuanced understanding of the information conveyed to runners. To address this, a collaborative project merges Movella’s motion capture technology with Saxion’s expertise in e-textiles and user-centered design. The result is the development of a smart garment with accurate motion capture technology and personalized haptic feedback. By integrating both sensor and actuator technology, feedback can be provided to communicate effective risks and intuitive directional information from a user-centered perspective, leaving visual and auditory cues available for other tasks. This exploratory project aims to prioritize wearability by focusing on robust sensor and actuator fixation, a suitable vibration intensity and responsiveness of the system. The developed prototype is used to identify appropriate body locations for vibrotactile stimulation, refine running styles and to design effective vibration patterns with the overarching objective to promote motor learning and reduce the risk of injuries. Ultimately, this collaboration aims to drive innovation in sports and health technology across different athletic disciplines and rehabilitation settings.