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This paper presents the results of an experimental field study, in which the effects were studied of personalized travel feedback on car owners’ car habits, awareness of the environmental impact of their travel choices, and the intention to switch modes. For a period of six weeks, 349 car owners living in Amsterdam used a smart mobility app that automatically registered all their travel movements. Participants in the experiment group received information about travel distance, time, and CO2 emission. Results show that the feedback did not influence self-reported car habits, intention, and awareness, suggesting that personalized feedback may not be a one-size-fits-all solution to change travel habits.
Feedback from digital technology has often been used to support people in changing undesired, unhealthy habits. As yet, there has been little research into the efficacy of these designs. In my PhD project, I evaluated the acceptance, sustained use, and effect of four designs that provide feedback on undesired habitual behaviour through digital technology. Findings are that the disruptive effect of feedback on undesired habits has been proven, and there is some evidence that feedback may have a lasting effect on behavioural change. (Sustained) use of digital designs that provide feedback is moderated by motivation, age, goal-related aspects, and user experience. The necessity of high motivation to use a device poses challenges for the acceptance of and sustained engagement with designs for behaviour change that rely on feedback. Further challenges concern privacy and the quality of the evaluations of our designs.
Purpose: Little is known about how tourists’ eating habits change between everyday life and holidays. This study aims to identify market segments based on changes in food consumption and experiences of a sun-and-sea destination’s local food. The authors evaluate to what extent tourists consume local food and assess the contribution of local food experiences to the tourists’ overall experience. Design/methodology/approach: The target population was all tourists visiting the Algarve in the Summer 2018 and included both domestic and international sun-and-sea tourists. A sample of 378 valid questionnaires was collected. Data analysis included descriptive analysis, statistical tests and cluster analysis. Findings: Cluster analysis identified three segments: non-foodies, selective foodies and local gastronomy foodies. Results indicate that tourists change their eating habits during holidays, eating significantly more seafood and fish and less legumes, meat, fast food and cereals and their derivatives. International and domestic sun-and-sea tourists reported that eating local food contributes significantly to their overall tourism experience. Practical implications: Sun-and-sea destinations should promote the offer of local dishes, especially those that include locally produced fish and seafood, to improve the tourist experience, differentiate the destination and increase sustainability. Originality/value: The authors address three identified research gaps: a posteriori segmentation based on tourists’ food consumption behaviour; measurement of changes in eating practices between home and in a sun-and-sea destination; and assessment of the role of food experiences to overall tourism experience of tourists visiting a sun-and-sea destination.