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Report in English on the results of the international Stadslab Master Class on urban segregation. The project focuses on the redevelopment strategy for the Lyuko valley in the Hungarian city of Miskolc. The valley is occupied by an increasing number of roma residents, who live in ramshackle buildings and very poor conditions. The international team develop design strategies for a long term re-integration strategy for the roma population. The report contains essays by international experts on segregation, integration policies, gypsy architecture and urban anthropology. The design strategy itself is extensively illustrated.
Snelle technologische ontwikkelingen bieden kansen voor de maritieme sector. Zij maken de scheepvaart efficiënter, veiliger en schoner. De techniek heeft regelgeving en professionals nodig die ook klaar zijn voor de toekomst. Het lectoraat Maritime Law voert praktijkgericht onderzoek uit op de scheidslijn van recht en (maritieme) techniek samen met studenten, docenten, het bedrijfsleven en kennisinstellingen.
Empirical studies in the creative arts therapies (CATs; i.e., art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, psychodrama, and poetry/bibliotherapy) have grown rapidly in the last 10 years, documenting their positive impact on a wide range of psychological and physiological outcomes (e.g., stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, and pain). However, it remains unclear how and why the CATs have positive effects, and which therapeutic factors account for these changes. Research that specifically focuses on the therapeutic factors and/or mechanisms of change in CATs is only beginning to emerge. To gain more insight into how and why the CATs influence outcomes, we conducted a scoping review (Nstudies = 67) to pinpoint therapeutic factors specific to each CATs discipline, joint factors of CATs, and more generic common factors across all psychotherapy approaches. This review therefore provides an overview of empirical CATs studies dealing with therapeutic factors and/or mechanisms of change, and a detailed analysis of these therapeutic factors which are grouped into domains. A framework of 19 domains of CATs therapeutic factors is proposed, of which the three domains are composed solely of factors unique to the CATs: “embodiment,” “concretization,” and “symbolism and metaphors.” The terminology used in change process research is clarified, and the implications for future research, clinical practice, and CATs education are discussed.