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Het sectoraal adviescollege Hogere Sociale Studies (SAC-HSS) van de Vereniging Hogescholen (VH) heeft in het voorjaar van 2015 een project geïnitieerd met als doel de gemeenschappelijke kennisbasis van de bachelor opleidingen voor het sociaal werk vast te stellen. De kennisbasis zal voor een substantieel deel de inhoud van deze opleidingen gaan bepalen, waarbij opleidingen en studenten ruimte houden voor profilerende invullingen en aanvullingen. Het SAC-HSS beoogt met het project een bijdrage te leveren aan het versterken van de kwaliteit van de opleidingen. Aanleiding voor het project zijn de rapporten ‘Meer van Waarde’ van de Commissie Boutellier en ‘Sociaal werk op solide basis’ van de Gezondheidsraad waarin geconstateerd is dat de kwaliteit van de beroepsuitoefening van sociaal werkers in het kader van de Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning achterblijft bij de verwachtingen. Voor een duurzame kwaliteitsverbetering is een goed functionerend kennissysteem nodig. Kennis afkomstig uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek en uit de beroepspraktijk, van professionals en van ervaringsdeskundige burgers. Kennis die samen met beroepsvaardigheden en houdingen het curriculum van sociaal werk opleidingen uitmaken en studenten helpen zich te ontwikkelen tot start bekwame sociale professionals. Het onderhavige rapport heeft als doel een overzicht te bieden van het wetenschappelijk deel van de kennisbasis.
Purpose: The Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA©) is a validated nutritional screening, assessment, triage, and monitoring tool. The aim of this study was to perform translation, cultural adaptation, linguistic, and content validation of the translated and culturally adapted version of the PG-SGA for the Polish setting. Methods: The study was performed in concordance with the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Principles. Patients (n = 174) and healthcare professionals (HCPs, n = 188) participated in the study. Comprehensibility and difficulty were assessed by patients for the PG-SGA Short Form, and by HCPs for the professional component. Content validity was assessed for the full PG-SGA by HCPs only. Evaluations were operationalized by a 4-point scale. Item and scale indices were calculated using the average item ratings divided by the number of respondents. Item indices < 0.78 required further analysis of the item, while scale indices ≥ 0.90 were defined as excellent and 0.80–0.89 as acceptable. Results: The PG-SGA Short Form was rated as excellent for content validity (Scale-CVI = 0.90) by HCPs and easy to comprehend (Scale-CI = 0.96) and use (Scale-DI = 0.94) by patients. The professional component of the PG-SGA was perceived as acceptable for content validity (Scale-CVI = 0.80), comprehension (Scale-CI = 0.87), and difficulty (Scale-DI = 0.80). The physical exam was rated the least comprehensible and the most difficult, and with the lowest content validity. We found significant differences in scale indices (p < 0.05 for all) between HCPs with different professions and between those being familiar with PG-SGA and not. Conclusion: Translation and cultural adaptation of the PG-SGA for the Polish setting preserved the purpose and conceptual meaning of the original PG-SGA. Validation revealed that the Polish version of PG-SGA is well understood and easy to complete by patients and professionals, and is considered relevant by professionals. However, detailed results indicate the need for appropriate training of the Polish HCPs, especially physicians and nurses, mainly in the worksheets related to the metabolic demand and physical exam.
BACKGROUND: Forming partnerships is a prominent strategy used to promote integrated service delivery across health and social service systems. Evidence about the collaboration process upon which partnerships evolve has rarely been addressed in an integrated-care setting. This study explores the longitudinal relationship of the collaboration process and the influence on the final perceived success of a partnership in such a setting. The collaboration process through which partnerships evolve is based on a conceptual framework which identifies five themes: shared ambition, interests and mutual gains, relationship dynamics, organisational dynamics and process management.METHODS: Fifty-nine out of 69 partnerships from a national programme in the Netherlands participated in this survey study. At baseline, 338 steering committee members responded, and they returned 320 questionnaires at follow-up. Multiple-regression-analyses were conducted to explore the relationship between the baseline as well as the change in the collaboration process and the final success of the partnerships.RESULTS: Mutual gains and process management were the most significant baseline predictors for the final success of the partnership. A positive change in the relationship dynamics had a significant effect on the final success of a partnership.CONCLUSIONS: Insight into the collaboration process of integrated primary care partnerships offers a potentially powerful way of predicting their success. Our findings underscore the importance of monitoring the collaboration process during the development of the partnerships in order to achieve their full collaborative advantage.