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We zijn tegenwoordig allemaal wel actief op sociale netwerksites zoals Facebook of Linkedin. Hoewel sociale netwerken op die manier zowel privé als zakelijk maximaal worden ingezet en positief worden gewaardeerd, lijkt de sociale sector dat vreemd genoeg beduidend minder te doen. Dat is niet altijd zo geweest, enkele decennia geleden was er wel degelijk de nodige theorievorming en ontwikkeling van sociale interventies. Het nieuwe sociaal beleid in Nederland, mede naar aanleiding van de Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning (Wmo), vraagt om meer zorgkracht uit sociale netwerken van burgers. Die zorgkracht is er niet automatisch, maar kan en moet door professionals 'ontgonnen' worden. In dit boek wordt daarom de oude vakkennis van onder het stof gehaald en geactualiseerd met nieuwe relevante ervaringen. Deze publicatie bevat resultaten van de Wmo-werkplaats Noord-Brabant.
The purpose of this article is the presentation of a multidimensional guideline for the diagnosis of anxiety and anxiety-related behavior problems in people with intellectual disability (ID), with a substantial role for the nurse in this diagnostic process. DESIGN AND METHODS: The guideline is illustrated by a case report of a woman with ID with severe problems. FINDINGS: It appears that a multidimensional diagnostic approach involving multidisciplinary team efforts can result in a more accurate diagnosis and improved subsequent treatment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Nurses should be engaged in the diagnostic process because of their ability to make direct observations and to actively participate in carrying out all parts of the guideline.
This article presents a model for conducting contextual therapy with the aim of contributing to the further development of contextual therapy. Its founder, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, introduced the core of this approach, relational ethics, as a new paradigm for family therapy, which has been received well. The authors presume that the training of (upcoming) contextual therapists and conducting contextual therapy itself can benefit from more concrete guidelines and a phased structure. It can also enhance the further development, research and accountability of this approach. Therefore, using a design-oriented method, the authors developed a model that helps to shape a contextual therapy process and the applicable contextual interventions. It is based on strengthening connectedness in close relationships, using relational ethics as its compass. The framework of the model consists of three phases: exploring connectedness in close relationships, modifying connectedness in close relationships and reinforcing connectedness in close relationships, whereby the goals of each of these phases are defined as process elements and expanded into guidelines for nineteen interventions. The ingredients for these interventions are derived from two recent studies on the practice of Nagy and on the practice of current contextual therapists. The model is explained and substantiated based on contextual theory and therapy. Final remarks are presented in the conclusion.