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Educators and students in entrepreneurship education are challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male” paradigm

Purpose – The paradigm “think entrepreneur–think male” continues to prevail in entrepreneurship education(EE). Aiming to explore how EE educators and EE students engage with this paradigm, this paper examines how students’ beliefs about entrepreneurship are shaped within the classroom.Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a single case comprising 32 interviews with EE students and educators from a variety of higher education institutions in the Netherlands. Observations were conducted in a learning environment where undergraduate students from a range of EE minors (general, social and tech entrepreneurship) collaborated on projects under the guidance of entrepreneurship educators.Findings – Our findings reveal that gendered constructs are deeply embedded in EE, shaping perceptions of entrepreneurship. However, these constructs are changing and challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male”.Originality/value – This study contributes to gender and entrepreneurship literature by challenging the existence of the prevailing paradigm “think entrepreneur–think male” in EE. We emphasise the importance ofacknowledging individual entrepreneurial motivations while recognising gendered constructs in entrepreneurial support and resource access.


Educators and students in entrepreneurship education are challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male” paradigm

Aan de slag met studentparticipatie

Deze infosheet onderbouwt de meerwaarde van studentparticipatie voor hbo instellingen. Daarnaast schetsen we een theoretisch kader voor studentparticipatie en potentiële richtingen voor vervolgonderzoek.


Aan de slag met studentparticipatie

Aan de slag met studentparticipatie

Deze infosheet onderbouwt de meerwaarde van studentparticipatie voor hbo instellingen. Daarnaast schetsen we een theoretisch kader voor studentparticipatie en potentiële richtingen voor vervolgonderzoek.


Aan de slag met studentparticipatie

People 1


Marco Bevolo


Marco Bevolo