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© 2025 SURF
Aim: To investigate the effects of exercise on salivary concentrations of inflammatory markers by analyzing a panel of 25 inflammatory markers in subjects who had participated in bicycle ergometer tests varying in workload and hydration status. Methods: Fifteen healthy young men (20-35 years) had performed 4 different exercise protocols of 1 hour duration in a randomly assigned cross-over design, preceded by a rest protocol. Individual workloads depended on participant's pre-assessed individual maximum workload (Wmax): rest (protocol 1), 70% Wmax in hydrated (protocol 2) and dehydrated (protocol 3) state, 50% Wmax (protocol 4) and intermittent 85%/55% Wmax in 2 min blocks (protocol 5). Saliva samples were collected before (T0) and immediately after exercise (T1), and at several time points after exercise (2 hours (T3), 3 hours (T4), 6 hours (T5) and 24 hours (T6)). Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI), Matrix Metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9) and lactoferrin was analyzed using a commercial ELISA kit, a panel of 22 cytokines and chemokines were analyzed using a commercial multiplex immunoassay. Data was analyzed using a multilevel mixed linear model, with multiple test correction. Results: Among a panel of 25 inflammatory markers, SLPI concentrations were significantly elevated immediately after exercise in all protocols compared to rest and higher concentrations reflected the intensity of exercise and hydration status. MMP-9 showed a significant increase in the 70% Wmax dehydrated, 50% Wmax and intermittent protocols. Conclusions: Salivary concentrations of SLPI and MMP-9 seem associated with exercise intensity and hydration status and may offer non-invasive biomarkers to study (local) inflammatory responses to different exercise intensities in human studies. sa
In deze studie hebben Sturing, Biemans, Mulder en de Bruijn onderzoek gedaan naar de bruikbaarheid en de methodologische kwaliteit van de vernieuwde 'matrix voor competentiegericht beroepsonderwijs', een reflectie-instrument voor docententeams om de 'competentiegerichtheid' van hun onderwijsprogramma te bepalen. De vernieuwde matrix bevat een principe over de flexibiliteit van onderwijsprogramma's en een extra implementatieniveau ten opzichte van de 'oude' matrix.
Study Type – Aetiology (individual cohort)Level of Evidence 2bWhat's known on the subject? and What does the study add?Recent studies have already shown associations between generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) and voiding and defecation dysfunction and/or slow transit constipation. Changes in extracellular matrix composition in vesico‐ureteric junction of vesico‐ureteral reflux (VUR) patients were also observed previously.This study is the first to assess joint mobility as a parameter for connective tissue composition in vesico‐ureteral reflux. We convincingly demonstrate that VUR patients have significantly more hypermobile joints compared to controls and this provides a new angle to the intriguing subjects of development of VUR and susceptibility to VUR.OBJECTIVE•To assess whether there is an increased prevalence of joint hypermobility in patients with vesico‐ureteric reflux (VUR).MATERIALS AND METHODS•We studied 50 patients with primary VUR and matched controls drawn from a reference population.•Joint mobility was assessed using the Bulbena hypermobility score.RESULTS•We identified significantly more patients with VUR with generalized joint hypermobility than controls (24% vs 6.7%, P= 0.007).CONCLUSION•Our findings confirm our clinical observation of an increased rate of joint hypermobility in patients with VUR. We speculate that an altered composition of the connective tissue may contribute to the severity of the (pre‐existing) VUR phenotype.
Implanting biocompatible materials is nothing new, 3D printing of cells and extracellular matrix is well underway so growing replacement tissues in a lab is within reach. However, certain obstacles remain: How to culture functional tissues with robust and reproducible 3D architecture? Application of support structures can aid, but what if such scaffolds obstruct functionality of the graft while having limited chance of being degraded within the recipient’s body? Bioplastics are polymers of natural origin that can be degraded enzymatically. We want to use bioplastics for production of 3D printed mesh scaffolds that support cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation (Fig. 1). These scaffolds are designed to be temporal and sacrificial: enzymes will be used to remove the scaffold in a tissue friendly manner prior to implantation allowing tailor made, functional and ideally ‘self-only’ grafts.