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Background: Empowerment is expected to have a beneficial effect on a woman’s well-being during the perinatal period and her readiness to face the challenges of motherhood. In the literature on pregnancy and childbirth, empowerment is used widely in different contexts, with different connotations and often without a definition, thus indicating a lack of clarity of what is actually meant by the concept. Objective: To report an analysis of the concept of women’s empowerment in the context of the perinatal period. Methods: We used the concept analysis framework of Walker and Avant to analyse the concept of women’s empowerment during pregnancy and childbirth. In July 2018, we did a systematic search in EBSCOhost, including the database MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES and SocINDEX, using keywords: empower, women, childbirth and their synonyms. All selected papers were analysed for definitions of empowerment, defining attributes, antecedents and consequences. Results: Ninety-seven scientific papers from all continents were included in the analysis. Defining attributes, antecedents, consequences and empirical referents are discussed, and a model case as well as related and contrary cases are presented. Conclusion: Attributes, external and internal to the woman, were identified. Both types of attributes need to be considered within the broader socio-cultural-economic-political landscape of the individual woman, in conjunction with a woman’s belief in herself and her meaningful interconnectedness with carers. Relevance: This study resulted in an understanding of empowerment in the context of pregnancy and childbirth that can be used in research and for the development of interventions preparing women for childbirth and their subsequent transition to motherhood.
This article examines internal organizational factors and external antecedents of sus-tainable value creation by small medium enterprises (SMEs) and constructs a frame-work that integrates, at both levels, the theories of psychological distance andconstrual level from the field of psychology. This research provides an explanation asto why sustainable value creation remains a complex issue, and why many SMEs'engage with sustainable value creation to varying degrees. This paper particularlyhighlights how owner/managers of SME may construe different dimensions of psy-chological distance and apply their understanding to their response to different ante-cedents of sustainable value creation. Finally, by adopting the psychological distanceperspective, this paper highlights the conditions under which internal and externalorganizational and factors can affect SMEs' propensity to create sustainable value. Itfurther concludes by highlighting areas for further research
This investigation explores relations between 1) a theory of human cognition, called Embodied Cognition, 2) the design of interactive systems and 3) the practice of ‘creative group meetings’ (of which the so-called ‘brainstorm’ is perhaps the best-known example). The investigation is one of Research-through-Design (Overbeeke et al., 2006). This means that, together with students and external stakeholders, I designed two interactive prototypes. Both systems contain a ‘mix’ of both physical and digital forms. Both are designed to be tools in creative meeting sessions, or brainstorms. The tools are meant to form a natural, element in the physical meeting space. The function of these devices is to support the formation of shared insight: that is, the tools should support the process by which participants together, during the activity, get a better grip on the design challenge that they are faced with. Over a series of iterations I reflected on the design process and outcome, and investigated how users interacted with the prototypes.