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Article for the Albanian Studies Days 2021 of the European University of Tirana. Higher education supports students in acquiring competences; a mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Experience has shown that it is precisely attitude and skills that ensure a better connection to the labor market, in whatever sector in whatever country.
Article for the Albanian Studies Days 2021 of the European University of Tirana. Higher education supports students in acquiring competences; a mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Experience has shown that it is precisely attitude and skills that ensure a better connection to the labor market, in whatever sector in whatever country.
Nowadays the main airports throughout the world are suffering because their capacity are getting close to saturation due to the air traffic which is still increasing besides the economic crisis and oil prices. In addition, the forecasts predict an increase in air traffic of at least 3.6% until 2020. This situation makes very important to come up with solutions to alleviate capacity congestions in the main airports throughout the world. Capacity has been perceived traditionally as the factor to be addressed in airport systems and it is faced through a technical perspective. In this paper we propose to change the mind-set and view capacity of airport systems taking other factors than pure technical ones. The discussion is illustrated with the example of Schiphol Airport.
Nowadays the main airports throughout the world are suffering because their capacity are getting close to saturation due to the air traffic which is still increasing besides the economic crisis and oil prices. In addition, the forecasts predict an increase in air traffic of at least 3.6% until 2020. This situation makes very important to come up with solutions to alleviate capacity congestions in the main airports throughout the world. Capacity has been perceived traditionally as the factor to be addressed in airport systems and it is faced through a technical perspective. In this paper we propose to change the mind-set and view capacity of airport systems taking other factors than pure technical ones. The discussion is illustrated with the example of Schiphol Airport.
In dit boek vindt u een beknopte weergave van de ideeën en plannen behorende bij de eerste twee lectoraten van het Kenniscentrum voor Procesinnovatie. In het eerste deel behandelt lector Extended Enterprise Studies Johan Versendaal het concept van de extended enterprise en belangrijke aandachtsgebieden daarbij zoals inkoopvolwassenheid, procesdenken, en e-business ontwikkelingen. Het succes van een extended enterprise is voor een groot deel afhankelijk van de kwaliteit van de architectuur en architecten die de bedrijfsvoering ondersteunen. Dit is dan ook het thema van het tweede deel van dit boek. Hierin neemt lector Architectuur voor Digitale Informatiesystemen Wiebe Wiersema u mee op een tocht die gaat van de opkomst van architectuur tot de knelpunten die zich voordoen binnen het hedendaagse informaticaonderwijs