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Educational design research yields design knowledge, often in the form ofdesign principles or guidelines that provide the rationale or ‘know-why’ for the design of educational interventions. As such, design principles can be utilized by designers in contexts other than the research context in which they were generated. Although research has shown that quality support is important for design success, less is known about processes that promote utilization of design principles as the rationale for instructional design.In this study we therefore explored an intervention for promoting the utilization of a set of research-based design principles in educational practice. This intervention aimed to promote utilization through enhancing perceived usefulness of the design principles by design teams in various contexts. The set of design principles that was utilized by the design teams in this study underpins the design of so-called hybrid learning configurations that aresituated at the interface between school and workplace. The intervention was developed from the perspective of boundary crossing theory and was conducted with four different design teams. It was evaluated by way of a questionnaire and a dialogue with members of the design teams. This boundary crossing intervention appeared to bring about the desiredoutcomes. Most of the design team members considered the set of design principles useful in several different ways and they expected that utilization of the principles would lead to an improved learning configuration.
From the article: "Abstract, technology-enhanced learning can be used to replicate existing teaching practices, supplement existing teaching or transform teaching and/or learning process and outcomes. Enhancing workplace learning, which is integrated into higher professional education, with technology, calls for designing such transformations. Although research is carried out into different kinds of technological solutions to enhance workplace learning, we do not know which principles should guide such designs. Therefore, we carried out an explorative, qualitative study and found two such design principles for the design of technology-enhanced workplace learning in higher professional education. In this research, we focused on the students' perspective, since they are the main users of such technology when they are learning at the workplace, as part of their study in becoming lifelong learning, competent professionals."
Using language adequately within technology tasks is part of technological literacy. However, this can be challenging for students, and a teacher may need to help students to master aspects of domain specific language that matter for the task at hand. In this study, a curricular design was developed through a series of trials, with the aim to arrive at general principles for a pedagogy that helps students to write about an engineering (electronics) design. The curricular design was theoretically anchored in ‘genre pedagogy’. The interventions were carried out by one experienced teacher in one course, during three consecutive cycles of trialling and improving the curricular design. The resulting design principles for teaching to write about (engineering) design are concerned with: a relevant, complete and feasible focus on language; scaffolding the writing process; procedures for teacher support. For each of these, specifications are described.
In order to achieve much-needed transitions in energy and health, systemic changes are required that are firmly based on the principles of regard for others and community values, while at the same time operating in market conditions. Social entrepreneurship and community entrepreneurship (SCE) hold the promise to catalyze such transitions, as they combine bottom-up social initiatives with a focus on financially viable business models. SCE requires a facilitating ecosystem in order to be able to fully realize its potential. As yet it is unclear in which way the entrepreneurial ecosystem for social and community entrepreneurship facilitates or hinders the flourishing and scaling of such entrepreneurship. It is also unclear how exactly entrepreneurs and stakeholders influence their ecosystem to become more facilitative. This research programme addresses these questions. Conceptually it integrates entrepreneurial ecosystem frameworks with upcoming theories on civic wealth creation, collaborative governance, participative learning and collective action frameworks.This multidisciplinary research project capitalizes on a unique consortium: the Dutch City Deal ‘Impact Ondernemen’. In this collaborative research, we enhance and expand current data collection efforts and adopt a living-lab setting centered on nine local and regional cases for collaborative learning through experimenting with innovative financial and business models. We develop meaningful, participatory design and evaluation methods and state-of-the-art digital tools to increase the effectiveness of impact measurement and management. Educational modules for professionals are developed to boost the abovementioned transition. The project’s learnings on mechanisms and processes can easily be adapted and translated to a broad range of impact areas.
Toetsen is een essentieel onderdeel van het onderwijs. Helaas leidt het huidige gebruik van toetsen vooral tot kortetermijn-effecten op leren: leerlingen werken van toets naar toets en het leren stopt bij het ontvangen van het cijfer. Deze constatering heeft veel VO-scholen gestimuleerd andere aanpakken te verkennen. Formatief evalueren is een bewezen aanpak die de ontwikkeling, betrokkenheid en het langetermijnleren van leerlingen versterkt. Momenteel stellen veel scholen de formatieve functie van toetsen centraal: zo reduceren scholen bijvoorbeeld het aantal momenten waarop cijfers worden gegeven en investeren zij in de kwaliteit van feedback. Zij zoeken naar manieren om zonder ‘formele toetsen’ inzicht te krijgen in de ontwikkeling van leerlingen. Docenten die binnen hun eigen lespraktijk aan de slag zijn met formatieve evaluatie, geven zelf aan dat dit op kleine schaal tot mooie resultaten leidt: docenten ervaren een toenemende motivatie en eigenaarschap bij leerlingen, en geven aan zelf meer plezier te hebben in het lesgeven. Toch ervaren zij ook de nodige knelpunten. Het blijkt dat docenten weliswaar in staat zijn om losstaande formatieve leeractiviteiten toe te passen, maar handelingsverlegenheid ervaren bij het ontwerpen en uitvoeren van een programma van formatieve leeractiviteiten: een combinatie van bewust gekozen en in samenhang ingezette formatieve leeractiviteiten die de juiste informatie oplevert om beslissingen te kunnen nemen over hoe het onderwijs verder vorm te geven ten dienste van het verdere leren van hun leerlingen. Doel van dit project is wetenschappelijk onderbouwde én praktische handvatten te ontwikkelen die docenten ondersteunen bij het ontwerpen en uitvoeren van een dergelijke combinatie van formatieve leeractiviteiten. De kernopbrengsten van dit project zijn ontwerpprincipes die docenten helpen bij het maken van een programma van formatieve leeractiviteiten dat docenten aantoonbaar ondersteunt bij het nemen van beslissingen over leerlingen en een praktische handreiking om deze combinatie van activiteiten in te zetten in de dagelijkse onderwijspraktijk.
My research investigates the concept of permacomputing, a blend of the words permaculture and computing, as a potential field of convergence of technology, arts, environmental research and activism, and as a subject of future school curricula in art and design. This concept originated in online subcultures, and is currently restricted to creative coding communities. I study in what way permacomputing principles may be used to redefine how art and design education is taught. More generally, I want to research the potential of permacomputing as a critical, sustainable, and practical alternative to the way digital technology is being taught in art education, where students mostly rely on tools and techniques geared towards maximising productivity and mass consumption. This situation is at odds with goals for sustainable production and consumption. I want to research to what degree the concept of permacomputing can be broadened and applied to critically revised, sustainable ways of making computing part of art and design education and professional practice. This research will be embedded in the design curriculum of Willem de Kooning Academy, focused on redefining the role of artists and designers to contribute to future modes of sustainable organisation and production. It is aligned with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences sectorplan masters VH, in particular managing and directing sustainable transitions. This research builds upon twenty years of experience in the creative industries. It is an attempt to generalise, consolidate, and structure methods and practices for sustainable art and design production experimented with while I was course director of a master programme at WdKA. Throughout the research I will be exchanging with peers and confirmed interested parties, a.o.: Het Nieuwe Instituut (NL), RUAS Creating 010 kenniscentrum (NL), Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (NO), Mikrolabs (NO), Varia (NL), Media Arts department at RHU (UK), Media Studies at UvA (NL).