From the article: "Individuals with dementia often experience a decline in their ability to use language. Language problems have been reported in individuals with dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or degeneration of the fronto-temporal area. Acoustic properties are relatively easy to measure with software, which promises a cost-effective way to analyze larger discourses. We study the usefulness of acoustic features to distinguish the speech of German-speaking controls and patients with dementia caused by (a) Alzheimer’s disease, (b) Parkinson’s disease or (c) PPA/FTD. Previous studies have shown that each of these types affects speech parameters such as prosody, voice quality and fluency (Schulz 2002; Ma, Whitehill, and Cheung 2010; Rusz et al. 2016; Kato et al. 2013; Peintner et al. 2008). Prior work on the characteristics of the speech of individuals with dementia is usually based on samples from clinical tests, such as the Western Aphasia Battery or the Wechsler Logical Memory task. Spontaneous day-to-day speech may be different, because participants may show less of their vocal abilities in casual speech than in specifically designed test scenarios. It is unclear to what extent the previously reported speech characteristics are still detectable in casual conversations by software. The research question in this study is: how useful for classification are acoustic properties measured in spontaneous speech."
From the article: "Individuals with dementia often experience a decline in their ability to use language. Language problems have been reported in individuals with dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or degeneration of the fronto-temporal area. Acoustic properties are relatively easy to measure with software, which promises a cost-effective way to analyze larger discourses. We study the usefulness of acoustic features to distinguish the speech of German-speaking controls and patients with dementia caused by (a) Alzheimer’s disease, (b) Parkinson’s disease or (c) PPA/FTD. Previous studies have shown that each of these types affects speech parameters such as prosody, voice quality and fluency (Schulz 2002; Ma, Whitehill, and Cheung 2010; Rusz et al. 2016; Kato et al. 2013; Peintner et al. 2008). Prior work on the characteristics of the speech of individuals with dementia is usually based on samples from clinical tests, such as the Western Aphasia Battery or the Wechsler Logical Memory task. Spontaneous day-to-day speech may be different, because participants may show less of their vocal abilities in casual speech than in specifically designed test scenarios. It is unclear to what extent the previously reported speech characteristics are still detectable in casual conversations by software. The research question in this study is: how useful for classification are acoustic properties measured in spontaneous speech."
The realization of one’s musical ideas at the keyboard is dependent on the ability to transform sound into movement, a process called audiomotor transformation. Using fMRI, we investigated cerebral activations while classically-trained improvising and non-improvising musicians imagined playing along with recordings of familiar and unfamiliar music excerpts. We hypothesized that audiomotor transformation would be associated with the recruitment of dedicated cerebral networks, facilitating aurally-cued performance. Results indicate that while all classically-trained musicians engage a left-hemisphere network involved in motor skill and action recognition, only improvising musicians additionally recruit a right dorsal frontoparietal network dedicated to spatially-driven motor control. Mobilization of this network, which plays a crucial role in the real-time transformation of imagined or perceived music into goal-directed action, may be held responsible not only for the stronger activation of auditory cortex we observed in improvising musicians in response to the aural perception of music, but also for the superior ability to play ‘by ear’ which they demonstrated in a follow-up study. The results of this study suggest that the practice of improvisation promotes the implicit acquisition of hierarchical music syntax which is then recruited in top-down manner via the dorsal stream during music performance. In a study of audiomotor transformation in Parkinson patients, we demonstrated a dissociation between dysprosody in speech and music. While patients’ speech could reliably be distinguished from that of healthy individuals, purely on the basis of aural perception, no difference was observed between patients and healthy controls in their ability to sing improvised melodies.