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The Internet and computers increasingly determine our daily lives. This goes for almost everyone in the Netherlands. Still, it is mostly teenagers who are well informed on how to use all the possibilities of new technologies. They are building a digital world of their own that parents usually know very little about. This booklet intends to inform teachers, parents and other interested parties on what teenagers are actually doing online and how important it is to keep abreast of the new developments that the Internet and computers bring into their world. On the basis of research into these issues in the Netherlands and abroad we attempt to indicate what the digital world of teenagers looks like and how it differs from that of grown-ups. What do they do, exactly, and why? We also look into teenagers’ ICT behaviour and into dangers and abuse of the Internet. Moreover we provide tips for parents and teachers on how to handle certain phenomena. This book does not pretend to provide an exhaustive overview of the digital world of teenagers. It is focused on some important characteristics and parts of that world. It reports on research of the INHOLLAND Centre for eLearning into various aspects of ICT behaviour among teenagers. The research was undertaken in the spring of 2006, focusing mainly on texting, networking, gaming, dangers and abuse on the Internet and the digital relation between school and the home. Ultimately we are especially concerned with the question of what teenagers really learn in their digital world, and how education can profit. This book also addresses that issue.
Specific approaches are needed to reach and support people with a lower socioeconomic position (SEP) to achieve healthier eating behaviours. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that digital health tools exhibit potential to address these needs because of its specific features that enable application of various behaviour change techniques (BCTs). The aim of this scoping review is to identify the BCTs that are used in diet-related digital interventions targeted at people with a low SEP, and which of these BCTs coincide with improved eating behaviour. The systematic search was performed in 3 databases, using terms related to e/m-health, diet quality and socioeconomic position. A total of 17 full text papers were included. The average number of BCTs per intervention was 6.9 (ranged 3–15). BCTs from the cluster ‘Goals and planning’ were applied most often (25x), followed by the clusters ‘Shaping knowledge’ (18x) and ‘Natural consequences’ (18x). Other frequently applied BCT clusters were ‘Feedback and monitoring’ (15x) and ‘Comparison of behaviour’ (13x). Whereas some BCTs were frequently applied, such as goal setting, others were rarely used, such as social support. Most studies (n = 13) observed a positive effect of the intervention on eating behaviour (e.g. having breakfast) in the low SEP group, but this was not clearly associated with the number or type of applied BCTs. In conclusion, more intervention studies focused on people with a low SEP are needed to draw firm conclusions as to which BCTs are effective in improving their diet quality. Also, further research should investigate combinations of BCTs, the intervention design and context, and the use of multicomponent approaches. We encourage intervention developers and researchers to describe interventions more thoroughly, following the systematics of a behaviour change taxonomy, and to select BCTs knowingly.
Technological developments go fast and are interrelated and multi-interpretable. As consumer needs change, the technological possibilities to meet those needs are constantly evolving and new technology providers introduce new disruptive business models. This makes it difficult to predict what the world of tomorrow will look like for an organization and that makes the risks for organizations substantial. In this context, it is difficult for organizations to determine what constitutes a good strategy to adopt digital developments. This paper describes a first step of a study with the objective to design a method for organizations to formulate a future-proof strategy in a rapidly changing, complex and ambiguous context. More specifically, this paper describes the results of a sequence of three focus groups that were held with a group of eight experts, with extensive experience as members of the decision making unit in organizations. The objectives of these sessions were to determine possible solutions for the outlined challenge in order to provide direction for continuation and scoping of the following research phases.
Creating and testing the first Brand Segmentation Model in Augmented Reality using Microsoft Hololens. Sanoma together with SAMR launched an online brand segmentation tool based on large scale research, The brand model uses several brand values divided over three axes. However they cannot be displayed clearly in a 2D model. The space of BSR Quality Planner can be seen as a 3-dimensional meaningful space that is defined by the terms used to typify the brands. The third axis concerns a behaviour-based dimension: from ‘quirky behaviour’ to ‘standardadjusted behaviour’ (respectful, tolerant, solidarity). ‘Virtual/augmented reality’ does make it possible to clearly display (and experience) 3D. The Academy for Digital Entertainment (ADE) of Breda University of Applied Sciences has created the BSR Quality Planner in Virtual Reality – as a hologram. It’s the world’s first segmentation model in AR. Breda University of Applied Sciences (professorship Digital Media Concepts) has deployed hologram technology in order to use and demonstrate the planning tool in 3D. The Microsoft HoloLens can be used to experience the model in 3D while the user still sees the actual surroundings (unlike VR, with AR the space in which the user is active remains visible). The HoloLens is wireless, so the user can easily walk around the hologram. The device is operated using finger gestures, eye movements or voice commands. On a computer screen, other people who are present can watch along with the user. Research showed the added value of the AR model.Partners:Sanoma MediaMarketResponse (SAMR)
Kinderen met een autisme spectrum stoornis (ASS) kunnen zich vaak moeilijk in anderen verplaatsen en hebben moeite met sociale interactie. In de behandeling van kinderen met ASS wordt ingezet op het trainen van deze sociale vaardigheden (SoVa). SoVa-trainingen hebben echter te weinig effect. Het probleem van de huidige sociale vaardigheidstraining (SoVa) is enerzijds het gebrek aan motivatie bij kinderen met ASS om de training vol te houden en anderzijds de beperkte toepassing van dat wat in de SoVa training wordt geleerd naar het dagelijks leven. Zorgprofessionals concluderen dat aanpassing van de werkvormen gewenst is en hiervoor is een innovatieve blik nodig. De professionals willen nadrukkelijk kijken naar de inzet van digitale toepassingen. Om het effect van de SoVa-trainingen te vergroten wordt in dit project een zgn. Behaviour Change Support System (BCSS) ontwikkeld. Dit BCSS zal bestaan uit een aantal (digitale) toepassingen die met elkaar een logisch samenhangend geheel vormen, passend bij de doelen en methodische kaders die professionals hanteren in de SoVa-trainingen. De toepassingen moeten een set van op maat aan te bieden interventies zijn, gericht op belangrijke c.q. vaak benodigde vaardigheden in sociale interactie. Naast de ontwikkeling van het BCSS richt het project zich ook op het delen van kennis die gegenereerd wordt gedurende het ontwikkelproces van dit BCSS. Het project is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de lectoraten Zorg voor Jeugd, Zorg & Innovatie in de Psychiatrie en iHuman (NHL Hogeschool), het lectoraat User- Centered Design (Hanzehogeschool) en het lectoraat ICT innovatie in de Zorg (Windesheim). Daarnaast wordt samengewerkt met zorgaanbieders van kinder en jeugdpsychiatrie in Noord Nederland (Accare, Kinnik en GGZ Drenthe), diverse scholen basis- en voortgezet onderwijs in Noord-Nederland, het RGOc, de RUG en het kenniscentrum Kinder en Jeugdpsychiatrie. De ontwikkeling van de digitale toepassingen wordt gedaan door 8Dgames.
Cross-Re-Tour supports European tourism SME while implementing digital and circular economy innovations. The three year project promotes uptake and replication by tourism SMEs of tools and solutions developed in other sectors, to mainstream green and circular tourism business operations.At the start of the project existing knowledge-gaps of tourism SMEs will be researched through online dialogues. This will be followed by a market scan, an overview of existing state of the art solutions to digital and green constraints in other economic sectors, which may be applied to tourism SME business operations: water, energy, food, plastic, transport and furniture /equipment. The scan identifies best practices from other sectors related to nudging of clients towards sustainable behaviour and nudging of staff on how to best engage with new tourism market segments.The next stage of the project relates to two design processes: an online diagnostic tool that allows for measuring and assessing (160) SME’s potential to adapt existing solutions in digital and green challenges, developed in other economic sectors. Next to this, a knowledge hub, addresses knowledge constraints and proposes solutions, business advisory services, training activities to SMEs participating. The hub acts as a matchmaker, bringing together 160 tourism SMEs searching for solutions, with suppliers of existing solutions developed in other sectors. The next key activity is a cross-domain open innovation programme, that will provide 80 tourism SMEs with financial support (up to EUR 30K). Examples of partnerships could be: a hotel and a supplier of refurbished matrasses for hospitals; a restaurant and a supplier of food rejected by supermarkets, a dance event organiser and a supplier of refurbished water bottles operating in the cruise industry, etc.The 80 cross-domain partnerships will be supported through the knowledge hub and their business innovation advisors. The goal is to develop a variety of innovative partnerships to assure that examples in all operational levels of tourism SMEs.The innovation projects shall be presented during a show-and-share event, combined with an investors’ pitch. The diagnostic tool, market scan, knowledge hub, as well as the show and share offer excellent opportunities to communicate results and possible impact of open innovation processes to a wider international audience of destination stakeholders and non-tourism partners. Societal issueSupporting the implementation of digital and circular economy solutions in tourism SMEs is key for its transition towards sustainable low-impact industry and society. Benefit for societySolutions are already developed in other sectors but the cross-over towards tourism is not happening. The project bridges this gap.