Background: Nurses and nursing students experienced an emotional burden while working during the COVID-19 outbreak. During the COVID-19 outbreak three questions for nurses working under these extreme circumstances were formulated: 1. What today’s events do you remember? 2. How do you feel (physically and mentally)? 3. Do you have enough support? The purpose of this study was to obtain insight into whether nurses and nursing students perceive that the use of the three-questions-method contributes to effective coping with the emotional burden during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: Focus group interviews were held with hospital nurses (n = 11) and nursing students with internships in mental health care (n = 2), hospital (n = 9), and homecare/nursing home care (n = 3) in September 2020 followed by twenty semi-structured interviews one year later. Results: Almost all nurses and nursing students named factors that contributed to the emotional burden: fear, powerlessness, frustration, lack of knowledge about COVID-19, and pressure to pass the internship. Participants indicated that using the three-questions-method can help to effectively cope with the emotional burden during and after the COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusions: Using the three-questions-method offers added value in coping with emotional burden and can be used in education as well as in practice.
Background: Nurses and nursing students experienced an emotional burden while working during the COVID-19 outbreak. During the COVID-19 outbreak three questions for nurses working under these extreme circumstances were formulated: 1. What today’s events do you remember? 2. How do you feel (physically and mentally)? 3. Do you have enough support? The purpose of this study was to obtain insight into whether nurses and nursing students perceive that the use of the three-questions-method contributes to effective coping with the emotional burden during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: Focus group interviews were held with hospital nurses (n = 11) and nursing students with internships in mental health care (n = 2), hospital (n = 9), and homecare/nursing home care (n = 3) in September 2020 followed by twenty semi-structured interviews one year later. Results: Almost all nurses and nursing students named factors that contributed to the emotional burden: fear, powerlessness, frustration, lack of knowledge about COVID-19, and pressure to pass the internship. Participants indicated that using the three-questions-method can help to effectively cope with the emotional burden during and after the COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusions: Using the three-questions-method offers added value in coping with emotional burden and can be used in education as well as in practice.
Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van de mensheid zijn er meer mensen met overgewicht dan met ondervoeding. Overgewicht is in snel tempo toegenomen en is een van de grootste maatschappelijke (gezondheids)problemen van deze tijd. Overgewicht heeft ondervoeding overschaduwd. In "The land of plenty"’ is geen gebrek meer, en dus geen ondervoeding zou je verwachten. Ondervoeding blijkt echter ook in deze tijd nog steeds een van de grootste maatschappelijke (gezondheids). Door inactiviteit of door ziekte kan spiermassa afnemen en wordt het steeds lastiger ondervoeding door de laag vet heen te ontdekken. Het aanpakken van overgewicht en ondervoeding door de professional vergt goed gewichtsmanagement. Voeding en beweging spelen hierbij een cruciale rol. Energie uit de voeding is gerelateerd aan vetmassa, en eiwit uit de voeding en beweging is gerelateerd aan spiermassa