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Objectives: Simulation is an important learning activity in nursing education. There is little knowledge about dialogue and communication between students and facilitators in a virtual simulation setting. The current study, conducted in Norway, explores the dialogic teaching approaches applied by facilitators in a virtual classroom and adapt an analytic tool from a physical classroom in lower education to a virtual classroom in higher education. Methods: Sixteen virtual simulation sessions of groups with nursing students were video-taped. The videos were coded with a coding scheme developed for physical classrooms and adapted to the virtual setting. The dialogic approaches from the facilitator were analysed using descriptive analysis. Results: The most frequently used approaches from the facilitator were categorized as listening (“Modelling prompts and body language to encourage continuation”) and asking (“Big questions”). The most frequent pattern seen in the use of dialogic approaches fall under the category listening. Conclusions: The coding scheme is suitable to analyse facilitators’ dialogic approaches in a virtual setting in nursing education. Further research should examine how the facilitator can strategically deploy dialogic approaches in other types of simulations with students. Innovation: The coding scheme was developed from lower to higher education, and from a physical to a virtual setting.
We are at the start of the research group ‘Entrepreneurship in Transition’, which is an initiative of Hanze University of Applied Sciences and Alfa-college to conduct research and valorise knowledge about the relationship between entrepreneurship and education, entrepreneurial success factors, retail and succession.In the research group, students of vocational education (mbo), university ofapplied sciences (hbo), staffand other partners involved, study the dynamics ofentrepreneurship in the northern region of the Netherlands. Our goal is to contribute to a sustainable social, cultural and economic healthy region through research and practises. An important parameter for the research group is the concept of explorative space. In short is this a space where people and organisations are encouraged and welcomed to explore their potentialities and find ways to actualise them.
We are at the start of the research group ‘Entrepreneurship in Transition’,which is an initiative of Hanze University of Applied Sciences andAlfa-college to conduct research and valorise knowledge about therelationship between entrepreneurship and education, entrepreneurialsuccess factors, retail and succession.In the research group, students of vocational education (mbo), university ofapplied sciences (hbo), staff and other partners involved, study the dynamics ofentrepreneurship in the northern region of the Netherlands. Our goal is to contribute to a sustainable social, cultural and economic healthy region through research and practises. An important parameter for the research group is the concept of explorative space. In short is this a space where people and organisations are encouraged and welcomed to explore their potentialities and find ways to actualise them. This booklet is written as a metaphorical travel journey, it shows how the research group will move in the years to come. I present the crew, the vision and the ways we work. The last months have been busy, since we have already prepared and started this shared journey. During our preparations, we have made initial choices about travel companions , potential routes, visions on the trip, and the work ahead. Naturally, theteam will make alterations, variations, and harmonisations over the course of the trip.