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Within large service organizations there are currently two trends visible. These trends seem to be diametrically opposed. On the one hand organizations face increasing price pressure and thus a pressure to cut costs. One of the consequences of this trend is that organizations are increasingly encouraging customers to make more use of digital communication channels. At the same time, companies find it important to know their customers in order to respond adequately to their needs. To do this, organizations must have a certain degree of personal involvement to their customers and they must have regular personal contact. It is assumed that both trends – digitisation and personalisation – will have a strong impact on customer experience and (perhaps) on the relational models customers use. If it is true that relational models - so the way in which people perceive and assess a relationship - play a role in the perception of the customer, it is also interesting to know if it is possible to influence these relational models. During the last fifty years much research has been done into the possibilities to influence customers by using subliminal priming techniques. In these techniques thoughts and feelings are unconsciously activated by showing people certain words or images (eg Bargh, Chen & Burrows, 1996; Dijksterhuis, 2005). In recent years a number of experiments were performed in which customers were unconsciously primed at some type of relationship (eg Aggarwal, 2004; McGraw & Tetlock, 2005; Tuk, Verlegh, Smidts & Wigboldus, 2009). These experiments showed that it is possible to activate a certain type of relationship. The experiments however the researchers used scenario’s based on an interpersonal relationship, and often to a fictitious relationship. The question is whether priming techniques also work for an already existing and more complex relationship between an organization and its customers. From 2010-2013 we conducted research for six large service providers in banking, insurance, utilities and social welfare to discover what the customer experience of these organisations, what role relational models played in customer experience and whether it was possible to influence these relational models. The research project has provided answers to the following questions: - Which relational models are used by customers and what is the influence of these models on customer experience? - What is the influence of digitisation in customer communication on relational models and customer experience? - What is the influence of personalisation in customer communication on relational models and customer experience? And finally, - Is it possible to influence relational models (and customer experience) by using specific words and images that are associated with relational models (relational framing)?
Aanleiding : Het vakgebied Customer Experience is de laatste jaren enorm in ontwikkeling. Organisaties zien de toegevoegde waarde van een positieve klantbeleving. Voor commerciële organisaties kan een positieve klantbeleving leiden tot meer tevreden klanten die loyaler zijn naar de organisatie, meer bereid zijn de organisatie aan te bevelen (NPS) en minder gevoelig zijn voor prijs. Voor organisaties in de publieke sector kan een goede klantbeleving daarnaast leiden tot een beter imago en meer vertrouwen in de organisatie. Omdat klantbeleving een steeds belangrijker plek inneemt op de agenda van organisaties heeft het lectoraat Marketing en Customer Experience in 2021 besloten om een onderzoek te doen naar de toekomst van het vakgebied customer experience. Het belangrijkste doel van dit onderzoek was om duidelijk te krijgen hoe deze toekomst er mogelijk uit komt te zien en wat hiervan uiteindelijk de consequenties zijn voor nader onderzoek, onderwijs en de beroepspraktijk.
Immersive technologies are redefining and revolutionizing the staging of experiences and co-creation of value, implicating the management of customer experiences. However, limited studies have looked at the role of immersive technologies as part of the customer experience management (CXM) process. Incorporating the concepts of experience economy and value co-creation, this study proposes a dynamic CXM framework that highlights the emerging field of immersive technologies like augmented and virtual reality as part of business and marketing research. The framework acts as a guide for researchers and industry practitioners to initiate immersive technology ventures that are rooted in the co-creation and management of customer experiences
Vacation travel is an essential ingredient in quality of life. However, the contriubtion of vacations to quality of life could be improved in two ways: by optimizing the decisions people make when planning and undertaking their vacations, and by travel industry testing and implementing––based on evidence––innovative experience products which touch customers' emotions. Secondary analysis of two longitudinal panel datasets will address the impact of people's decisions in planning and undertaking their vacations, on their quality of life. Field experiments in cooperation with travel industry partners will address the effects of innovative experience products, such as apps designed to help vacationers meet fellow travelers, or personalized memory books designed to help people relive their vacations after return home. Experience data in these field experiments will be collected using technology of the Breda University of Applied Sciences' Experience Measurement Lab, a unique facility for measuring emotions continuously from research participants' body and mind. Thus, the project will contribute to general understanding of quality of life, will feed valuable knowledge about experience design, measurement, and implementation to the Dutch travel industry, and will support the Breda University of Applied Sciences' key research theme of Designing, Measuring, and Managing Experiences. Inspiring examples from the project will reinforce research methods courses in the academic Bachelor of Science in Tourism, the HBO Master in Tourism Destination Management, and the academic Master of Science in Leisure Studies. Wearable emotion measurement from the field experiment will be a cornerstone of the fourth-year HBO-bachelor module Business Intelligence, where students will conduct their own research projects on experience measurement using consumer wearables, based on knowledge from this postdoc project. Finally, a number of methodological and content questions within the project will serve as suitable thesis assignments for graduation students in the above educational tracks.
More and more aged people are joining the traffic, either using a passenger car or through a special low speed two-seater for in-city use. For elderly people, self-management in staying mobile is an essential part of their quality of life. However, with increased involvement of elderly in traffic, the risk of serious accidents increases, especially in cities. Fortunately, a rapid development of innovative technology is shown in vehicle design, with focus on advanced driver support, herewith referred to as ‘ambient intelligence’. This holds a promise to improve the safety situation, under the condition that adaption to the elderly driver’s need is accounted for. And that is not a straightforward issue, since ‘no size fits all’. With increasing age, we see an increased variety in driving skills with emphasis on cognitive, perceptual and physical limitations. In addition, people may suffer from diseases with a neurological background or other (cardiopulmonary disease, obesity or diabetes). The partners in this project have expressed the need to survey the feasibility of ‘ambient intelligence’ technology for low-speed vehicles also addressing E-Health functions to bring people safely home or involve medical help in case of health-critical situations. The MAX Mobiel make their vehicle available for that, and will help to guard the elder customer demand. The HAN Automotive Research team carries out the research, in cooperation with the HAN professorship on E-Health. Hence, both the automotive technology part of the HAN University of Applied Sciences as well as expertise from the Health oriented part of the HAN are included, being essential to successfully extend the relevant technologies to a fully integrated elderly driver support system, in the future. Noldus Information Technology is involved on the basis of their knowledge in human monitoring (drive lab) and data synchronization. The St. Maartenskliniek (Nijmegen) brings in their experience with people being restricted in physical or neurological sense.