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In dit artikel wordt gekeken naar de relatie tussen het gebruik van mobiele applicaties en fysieke activiteit en gezonde leefstijl. Dit is gedaan op basis van een vragenlijst onder deelnemers aan een hardloopevenement, de Dam tot Damloop. Er werden aparte analyses gedaan voor 8km lopers en 16 km lopers. Een positieve relatie werd gevonden tussen app gebruik en meer bewegen en zich gezonder voelen. App gebruik was ook positief gerelateerd aan beter voelen over zichzelf, je voelen als een atleet, anderen motiveren om te gaan hardlopen en afvallen. Voor de 16 km lopers was app gebruik gerelateerd aan gezonder eten, zich meer energieker voelen en een hogere kans om het sportgedrag vol te houden. De resultaten van dit onderzoek laten zien dat app gebruik mogelijk een ondersteunende rol kunnen hebben in de voorbereiding op een hardloopevenemen, aangezien het gezondheid en fysieke activiteit stimuleert.
Intention of healthcare providers to use video-communication in terminal care: a cross-sectional study. Richard M. H. Evering, Marloes G. Postel, Harmieke van Os-Medendorp, Marloes Bults and Marjolein E. M. den Ouden BMC Palliative Care volume 21, Article number: 213 (2022) Cite this articleAbstractBackgroundInterdisciplinary collaboration between healthcare providers with regard to consultation, transfer and advice in terminal care is both important and challenging. The use of video communication in terminal care is low while in first-line healthcare it has the potential to improve quality of care, as it allows healthcare providers to assess the clinical situation in real time and determine collectively what care is needed. The aim of the present study is to explore the intention to use video communication by healthcare providers in interprofessional terminal care and predictors herein.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, an online survey was used to explore the intention to use video communication. The survey was sent to first-line healthcare providers involved in terminal care (at home, in hospices and/ or nursing homes) and consisted of 39 questions regarding demographics, experience with video communication and constructs of intention to use (i.e. Outcome expectancy, Effort expectancy, Attitude, Social influence, Facilitating conditions, Anxiety, Self-efficacy and Personal innovativeness) based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze demographics and experiences with video communication. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to give insight in the intention to use video communication and predictors herein.Results90 respondents were included in the analysis.65 (72%) respondents had experience with video communication within their profession, although only 15 respondents (17%) used it in terminal care. In general, healthcare providers intended to use video communication in terminal care (Mean (M) = 3.6; Standard Deviation (SD) = .88). The regression model was significant and explained 44% of the variance in intention to use video communication, with ‘Outcome expectancy’ and ‘Social influence’ as significant predictors.ConclusionsHealthcare providers have in general the intention to use video communication in interprofessional terminal care. However, their actual use in terminal care is low. ‘Outcome expectancy’ and ‘Social influence’ seem to be important predictors for intention to use video communication. This implicates the importance of informing healthcare providers, and their colleagues and significant others, about the usefulness and efficiency of video communication.
Limited evidence is available about (non)-representativeness of participants in health-promoting interventions. The Dutch Healthy Primary School of the Future (HPSF)-study is a school-based study aiming to improve health through altering physical activity and dietary behaviour, that started in 2015 (registered in on14-06-2016, NCT02800616). The study has a response rate of 60%. A comprehensive non-responder analysis was carried out, and responders were compared with schoolchildren from the region and the Netherlands using a cross-sectional design. External sources were consulted to collect non-responder, regional, and national data regarding relevant characteristics including sex, demographics, health, and lifestyle. The Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, or Student's t-test were used to analyse differences.