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In our Guest Editorial “The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Family Affair,” which was published in the Journal of Family Nursing by members of the FAMily Health in Europe–Research in Nursing (FAME-RN) group (Luttik et al., 2020), we highlighted the impact on nurses and families.The pandemic was at its beginning, and we described the situation of patients and families and the need for family nursing. Furthermore, we addressed the effect on the mental health of nurses and other health care professionals, due to the increasing workload they needed to manage. In this Guest Editorial, we discuss the impact of the COVID-19 on families during and post pandemic.
The corona pandemic has forced higher education (HE) institutes to transition to online learning, with subsequent implications for student wellbeing. Aims: This study explored influences on student wellbeing throughout the first wave of the corona crisis in the Netherlands by testing serial mediation models of the relationships between perceived academic stress, depression, resilience, and HE support.
From the onset of the Corona crisis, a specific policy challenge was identified in the Netherlands: How to motivate young people to adhere to the behavioral measures, such as physical distancing? Young people have an important role to play in stopping the virus from spreading, but they may be more difficult to reach and less motivated and able to adhere to the guidelines than adults. Mid-March, Moniek Buijzen was invited to consult the behavioral unit of the Dutch national health institute (RIVM) on communication and behavioral change among youth. She immediately called together the Dutch Young Consumer Network, which consists of scholars with expertise in communication directed at children and adolescents. Over the months, our network has been approached by policymakers, campaign developers, and journalists and engaged in a wide variety of advice activities. Even though the crisis is not over yet, we would like to share the collaborative approach that we took to harness our expertise and, most importantly, the specific tool that we used to share it.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the use of eHealth tools became increasingly demanded by patients and encouraged by the Dutch government. Yet, HBO health professionals demand clarity on what they can do, must do, and cannot do with the patients’ data when using digital healthcare provision and support. They often perceive the EU GDPR and its national application as obstacles to the use of eHealth due to strict health data processing requirements. They highlight the difficulty of keeping up with the changing rules and understanding how to apply them. Dutch initiatives to clarify the eHealth rules include the 2021 proposal of the wet Elektronische Gegevensuitwisseling in de Zorg and the establishment of eHealth information and communication platforms for healthcare practitioners. The research explores whether these initiatives serve the needs of HBO health professionals. The following questions will be explored: - Do the currently applicable rules and the proposed wet Elektronische Gegevensuitwisseling in de Zorg clarify what HBO health practitioners can do, must do, and cannot do with patients’ data? - Does the proposed wet Elektronische Gegevensuitwisseling in de Zorg provide better clarity on the stakeholders who may access patients’ data? Does it ensure appropriate safeguards against the unauthorized use of such data? - Does the proposed wet Elektronische Gegevensuitwisseling in de Zorg clarify the EU GDPR requirements for HBO health professionals? - Do the eHealth information and communication platforms set up for healthcare professionals provide the information that HBO professionals need on data protection and privacy requirements stemming from the EU GDPR and from national law? How could such platforms be better adjusted to the HBO professionals’ information and communication needs? Methodology: Practice-oriented legal research, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions will be conducted. Results will be translated to solutions for HBO health professionals.
UNStudio, een in Amsterdam gevestigd, internationaal toonaangevend architectenbureau, wil hun Green Mile-plan1 voor het centrum van Amsterdam uitwerken om een 'post-pandemisch groen stedenbouwkundig ontwerp' voor de stad te onderzoeken - kunnen groene gebieden worden (her) ontworpen om ruimte aan voetgangers te geven, terwijl voorkomen wordt dat mensen zich niet op dezelfde plek ophopen? De Corona-pandemie benadrukte ook de noodzaak om vaart te zetten achter duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen, waaronder de ambitie om groenere stedelijke omgevingen te creëren. In dit voorstel wordt stadsmeubilair voor de Green Mile ontworpen en gerealiseerd met hergebruikte materialen, en met post-pandemische stedenbouwkundige en bouwkundige principes. GPGroot en Schijf, leveranciers van rest- en gebruikte bouwmaterialen2, willen hun kennis over circulaire materiaalverwerking en -levering in de stedelijke context graag verder ontwikkelen. Het initiatief van UNStudio biedt een unieke kans om deze kennis te ontwikkelen, in samenwerking met de HvA en het onderzoek in de Robot Studio, dat zich tot nu toe met name richt op circulair gebruik van hout voor binnen-toepassingen. Het project volgt een iteratief ontwerpproces van parametrisch ontwerp en digitale productie. Bij het ontwerp wordt rekening gehouden met functionele eisen en beschikbare materialen, evenals met de specifieke kenmerken van de stedelijke context waar het prototype zou kunnen worden geplaatst. De productie van het prototype zal worden uitgevoerd met 6-assige robots in de HvA Robot Studio. De resultaten zijn ontwerpen en een prototype, maar ook kennis over het verbinden van parametrisch ontwerp en robotproductie met buitentoepassingen, met bijzondere aandacht voor rest- en gebruikte materialen. Innovatieve aspecten zijn de overstap naar structureel belaste buitentoepassingen en het gebruik van een breder scala aan materialen dan alleen hout. Hiermee kan het project bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van “smart industry” en de circulaire economie, beide relevant voor de maatschappelijke uitdagingen zoals vastgelegd in de nationale Kennis- en Innovatie-Agenda’s voor wetenschap en technologie.