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This chapter focuses on how pupil’s scientific understanding can be studied. The principles of a complex dynamic systems approach are highlighted.
Studying real-time teacher-student interaction provides insight into student's learning processes. In this study, upper grade elementary teachers were supported to optimize their instructional skills required for co-constructing scientific understanding. First, we examined the effect of the Video Feedback Coaching intervention by focusing on changes in teacher-student interaction patterns. Second, we examined the underlying dynamics of those changes by illustrating an in-depth micro-level analysis of teacher-student interactions. The intervention condition showed significant changes in the way scientific understanding was co-constructed. Results provided insight into how classroom interaction can elicit optimal co-construction and how this process changes during an intervention.
Empowerment is een centraal begrip in het hedendaagse pedagogisch denken en handelen. In dit artikel wordt empowerment besproken in het licht van de positieve psychologie: een stroming in de psychologie die bestudeerd hoe het welbevinden en optimaal functioneren van mensen kan worden bevorderd.In de positieve psychologie heeft recent een paradigmaverschuiving plaatsgevonden. De interactie tussen individu en omgeving wordt niet langer begrepen in termen van causaliteit maar vanuit het narratief van complexiteit. In dit narratief wordt de interactie tussen individu en omgeving opgevat als een complex dynamisch systeem waarin er zelden sprake is vandirecte oorzaak-gevolg relaties (lineaire causaliteit). Bij het ontstaan van empowerment spelen zowel multi-causaliteit, multi-finaliteit als circulaire causaliteit een rol. Empowerment wordt in dit artikel dan ook niet beschouwd als een inherent psychisch kenmerk van een individu, maar als iets dat zich vormt op basis van iemands dagelijkse ervaringen in interactie met zijn socialeomgeving.In dit artikel onderzoeken we wat het denken vanuit het perspectief van complex dynamische systemen betekent voor de pedagogische visie op empowerment en welke gevolgen dit heeft voor interventies in de pedagogische praktijk.TREFWOORDENEmpowerment, Complexiteit, Complex Dynamische Systemen, Positieve Psychologie, Sociale interventies, Zelfregie, Eigen Kracht, AgencyABSTRACT- ENGLISHIn the Netherlands, empowerment plays a major role in the daily work of pedagogues and in social policies. Empowerment is closely related to the assumptions of positive psychology. This is a scientific approach that focuses on strengths instead of weaknesses, building the good in life instead of repairing the bad. Empowerment also is about taking control of one’s life and by doingso enhancing wellbeing. Therefore empowerment fits the concept of positive psychology.Recently there has been a paradigm shift in positive psychology where research is going beyond the individual person as the primary focus of enquiry and is looking more deeply at the groups and systems in which people are embedded: less in terms of causality and more as a narrative of complexity. In this narrative, the interaction between individuals and the environment is seen as a complex dynamic system.In this article we discuss empowerment and agency in the light of complexity and the implications for the daily work of pedagogues.
CRISPR/Cas genome engineering unleashed a scientific revolution, but entails socio-ethical dilemmas as genetic changes might affect evolution and objections exist against genetically modified organisms. CRISPR-mediated epigenetic editing offers an alternative to reprogram gene functioning long-term, without changing the genetic sequence. Although preclinical studies indicate effective gene expression modulation, long-term effects are unpredictable. This limited understanding of epigenetics and transcription dynamics hampers straightforward applications and prevents full exploitation of epigenetic editing in biotechnological and health/medical applications.Epi-Guide-Edit will analyse existing and newly-generated screening data to predict long-term responsiveness to epigenetic editing (cancer cells, plant protoplasts). Robust rules to achieve long-term epigenetic reprogramming will be distilled based on i) responsiveness to various epigenetic effector domains targeting selected genes, ii) (epi)genetic/chromatin composition before/after editing, and iii) transcription dynamics. Sustained reprogramming will be examined in complex systems (2/3D fibroblast/immune/cancer co-cultures; tomato plants), providing insights for improving tumor/immune responses, skin care or crop breeding. The iterative optimisations of Epi-Guide-Edit rules to non-genetically reprogram eventually any gene of interest will enable exploitation of gene regulation in diverse biological models addressing major societal challenges.The optimally balanced consortium of (applied) universities, ethical and industrial experts facilitates timely socioeconomic impact. Specifically, the developed knowledge/tools will be shared with a wide-spectrum of students/teachers ensuring training of next-generation professionals. Epi-Guide-Edit will thus result in widely applicable effective epigenetic editing tools, whilst training next-generation scientists, and guiding public acceptance.