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The transition taking place within the Dutch healthcare system has been a central theme in politics and public debate for decades. The recent changes again demand the full attention of researchers and educators in the field. In this article, we reflect on the current ideology and goals of the transition and link these to the range of ideas that lie behind the ideal of “community care”. Additionally, we pose the question of what these changes may mean for research and education within the social care domain in general and for our research group in particular. The AUAS Community Care Research Group covers a variety of research topics that are clustered into three “streams”: informal care, social inclusion and network strengthening. Within these streams, we focus on care by society and link this to professional caregiving. We will also explain why our research interests are specifically relevant in the context of the transition of the healthcare system, as this transition explicitly accentuates the importance of a “caring society” and thus a change in role for the care professional. We will also reflect on how we can best translate our research results into the curriculum of education programmes for students who will soon work as professionals in the social and/or care domains.
Introduction F-ACT is a flexible version of Assertive Community Treatment to deliver care in a changing intensity depending on needs of individuals with severe mental illnesses (Van Veldhuizen, 2007). In 2016 a number of the FACT-teams in the Dutch region of Utrecht moved to locations in neighborhoods and started to work as one network team together with neighborhood based facilities in primary care (GP’s) and in the social domain (supported living, social district teams, etc.). This should create better chances on clinical, social and personal recovery of service users. Objectives This study describes the implementation, obstacles and outcomes for service users. The main question is whether this Collaborative Mental Health Care in the Community produces better outcome than regular FACT. Measures include (met/unmet) needs for care, quality of life, clinical, functional and personal recovery, and hospital admission days. Methods Data on care utilization regarding the innovation are compared to regular FACT. Qualitative interviews are conducted to gain insight in the experiences of service users, their family members and mental health care workers. Changes in outcome measures of service users in pilot areas (N=400) were compared to outcomes of users (matched on gender and level of functioning) in regular FACT teams in the period 2015-2018 (total N=800). Results Data-analyses will take place from January to March 2019. Initial analyses point at a greater feeling of holding and safety for service users in the pilot areas and less hospital admission days. Conclusions Preliminary results support the development from FACT to a community based collaborative care service.
Community care is becoming increasingly important. In the Netherlands, the percentage of people over the age of 65 is expected to increase to 22% by 2025, leading to more elderly patients, often with long-term and complex health problems (multimorbidity). Because many of these patients continue to live at home until a very old age, nurses are increasingly working outside of institutions. The 17 Dutch Bachelor nursing programmes responded to this development with a new national education profile 'Bachelor Nursing 2020 (BN2020)’ with more elements of community care. However, despite the increase in extramural care, the Dutch labour market has a shortage of community nurses with higher professional education qualifications, partly because most nursing students focus on the general hospital setting as the environment for their future career. Whether this is based on a perception of community care that deters making this choice has never been systematically investigated. It is also unclear whether a more community-oriented curriculum will better equip students for working in community care. In response to these issues, the nursing programme at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) redesigned its curriculum to include more elements of community care. Three perspectives were chosen for the redesign: (1) the influence of lecturers as role models, (2) positive placement experiences, and (3) five new ‘community-based’ themes in education. These new themes are as follows: patient self-management, shared decision-making, collaboration with the patients’ social system, healthcare technology, and allocation of care. The redesign also includes a ‘paved way’ into community care in the form of a coherent and attractive programme for interested students.This thesis describes whether and how the curriculum-redesign within higher professional education in nursing can be effective in terms of (1) stimulating a positive perception of community care and (2) realising a form of community care in line with the new themes in BN2020. In other words, that students will base choices in their actions/nursing interventions on these new themes in the education profile.