Teacher education is in a state of change. There is a new focus on professional competence, including the competence for further development and learning, conceived of as workplace learning. Teacher shortages put pressure on the development of alternative routes to teaching. The arrival of prospective teachers with experience and qualifications in other areas than education requires adaptive programs, with a greater emphasis on professional learning in school. It is argued that promoting professional workplace learning asks for a conceptual clarification, based on new theory of learning and concepts of professionalism. A definition of professional learning is proposed. Some examples of new practice in teacher education are discussed.
Teacher education is in a state of change. There is a new focus on professional competence, including the competence for further development and learning, conceived of as workplace learning. Teacher shortages put pressure on the development of alternative routes to teaching. The arrival of prospective teachers with experience and qualifications in other areas than education requires adaptive programs, with a greater emphasis on professional learning in school. It is argued that promoting professional workplace learning asks for a conceptual clarification, based on new theory of learning and concepts of professionalism. A definition of professional learning is proposed. Some examples of new practice in teacher education are discussed.
In 2010 voerde Marco Snoek de eindredactie over een beleidshandboek van de Europese Commissie rond inductieprogramma's voor beginnende leraren. Dit inductie handboek is het resultaat van een peer learning proces waarin ervaringen vanuit verschillende landen rond inductieprogramma's gedeeld zijn. Het handboek geeft handvatten voor het ontwikkelen en implementeren van (beleid gericht op) systematische inductieprogramma's voor beginnende leraren. aan de orde komen doelen, ontwerpkenmerken, condities en voorbeelden van inductieprogramma's in een aantal landen.