Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
This study investigated the association of fatigue and cognitive complaints among employees post-cancer diagnosis, with work-related outcomes, and moderation by cancer-related anxiety. A survey was carried out among workers 2–10 years after cancer diagnosis. Employees without cancer recurrence or metastases were selected (N = 566). Self-reported fatigue and cognitive complaints were classified into three groups. ANOVA’s and regression analyses were used, controlling for age. Group 1 (cognitive complaints, n = 25, 4.4%), group 2 (fatigue, n = 205, 36.2%), and group 3 (cognitive complaints and fatigue, n = 211, 37.3%) were associated with higher burnout complaints and lower work engagement, and group 2 and 3 with lower work ability. Cancer-related anxiety positively moderated the association of group 3 with higher burnout complaints. Employees with both fatigue and cognitive complaints report less favorable work functioning. Cancer-related anxiety needs attention in the context of burnout complaints.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of possible late effects of cancer treatment (physical complaints, fatigue, and cognitive complaints) and of two job resources (autonomy and supportive leadership style) on future burnout complaints, among employees living 2–10 years beyond breast cancer diagnosis.Methods: Data at T1 (baseline questionnaire) and at T2 (9 months later) were collected in 2018 and 2019 (N = 287). These data were part of a longitudinal study among Dutch speaking workers with a cancer diagnosis 2–10 years ago. All complaints and job resources were self-reported. Longitudinal multivariate regression analyses were executed, controlling for years since diagnosis, living with cancer (recurrence or metastasis), and other chronic or severe diseases. Mediation by baseline burnout complaints was considered.Results: A higher level of fatigue and cognitive complaints at baseline (T1) resulted in higher future burnout complaints (at T2), with partial mediation by baseline burnout complaints. No effect of physical complaints at T1 was observed. Higher levels of autonomy or a supportive leadership style resulted in lower burnout complaints, with full mediation by baseline burnout complaints. Buffering was observed by autonomy in the relationship of cognitive complaints with future burnout complaints. No moderation was observed by supportive leadership.Conclusion: The level of burnout complaints among employees 2–10 years beyond breast cancer diagnosis may be an effect of fatigue or cognitive complaints, and awareness of this effect is necessary. Interventions to stimulate supportive leadership and autonomy are advisable, the latter especially in the case of cognitive complaints.
Background: Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder and the standard treatment is replacement therapy with levothyroxine (LT4). Although many hypothyroid patients improve upon treatment with LT4, a proportion seems to experience residual hypothyroid complaints despite treatment, even when plasma TSH and FT4 are within reference ranges. Methods: Using an on-line survey we investigated 1. the health-related quality of life (QoL) (ThyPRO), 2. the activities of daily living (SF-36), 3. hypothyroid-related symptoms (ThySHI) in diagnosed, treated hypothyroid patients (>18 years, treated >6 months) and control persons (without thyroid disease, >18 years). In patients, the time course of symptoms from diagnosis until 3 years was asked (retrospectively, ThySHI). Patients and control persons were recruited by e-mails from patient organizations, posters in pharmacies and health centers and Twitter/Facebook. For data analysis (ThyPRO, 0-100 scale, t-test; daily functioning, 1-5 scale and ThySHI 0-3 scale, Mann-Whitney; time course symptoms, Friedmann-Dunnett; confounding factors, ANCOVA) IBM SPSS 24 was used. Results: In this cohort consisted of 1667 patients (mean duration of illness 12.2 ± SD 9.9 years) and 275 controls. Treated hypothyroid patients had 1. a significant decrease in health-related QoL and all domains (fatigue, vitality, cognition, anxiety, depressivity, emotional susceptibility, social life, daily life), as compared to controls (mean total QoL 39.9 vs 19.1 resp. and all domains p<0.001), 2. Significantly more impairment with activities of daily living (p<0.001), and 3. significantly higher scores for symptoms related to hypothyroidism, as compared to control persons (all p<0.01). Symptoms generally decreased after 3 years of treatment, with fatigue, reduce daily functioning, coldness, muscle pain/cramps and being overweight as the most intense residual complaints. Many patients (78.5%) reported having complaints despite taking thyroid medication and reported not feeling well (77.8%) while their blood values were within range. TSH level, age, gender and duration of illness did not significantly affect total QoL, whereas the M3 comorbidity index did. Desiccated thyroid hormone users (9.4%) had a significantly better mean total QoL than LT4 users (90.5%) (36,0 vs 40.6, p=0.003). Conclusions: Persistent complaints, such as reduced health-related quality of life, reduced daily functioning, and residual hypothyroid related symptoms, are common in this group of hypothyroid patients despite replacement therapy. Caregivers should be aware that persistent complaints can be present in treated hypothyroid patients, despite following current guidelines, and that these remaining symptoms may affect their quality of life and daily functioning.