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An on-going investigation in the learning effects of IPD projects. In three subsequent semesters the students were asked how they rated their competencies at the start of the project as well as at the end of it. Also questionnaires were filled out and students were interviewed. A lot of students tended to give themselves lower ratings in the end than in the begin. It appeared that if they met any difficulties in for instance communication or co-operation during the project, that they interpreted this as a decrease in competencies. Finally the students were explicitly asked to mention an eventual increase in competencies and also a possible contribution for this effect. Only a few factors that actually contribute to the learning effects have been defined.
Lector Gezonde Stad Jeannette Nijkamp richt zich met haaronderzoeksprogramma op een gezonde stedelijke fysieke leefomgeving.Doel is het verkleinen van gezondheidsverschillen tussen bewoners meteen hoge en lage sociaaleconomische status. Deze laatste groep heeftnamelijk een kortere levensverwachting, een slechtere gezondheid en eenongezondere leefstijl.Het Nederlandse gezondheidsbeleid zette tot voor kort vooral in opleefstijlinterventies. Vanwege de hardnekkige gezondheidsverschillenis er nu echter ook aandacht voor een gezonde fysieke leefomgeving.De geschiedenis leert namelijk dat fysieke ingrepen, zoals bijvoorbeeldde aanleg van riolering, een belangrijke bijdrage kunnen leveren aangezondheidsbevordering voor alle bewoners en het verkleinen vangezondheidsverschillen.Binnen het onderzoeksprogramma Gezonde Stad wordt onderzochthoe de fysieke leefomgeving zodanig kan worden ontworpen eningericht dat stadsbewoners zich hier prettig voelen en worden verleidtot gezond gedrag. Hiertoe worden interventies ontwikkeld, waarbijwordt samengewerkt met allerlei partijen zoals gemeenten, bedrijven,organisaties en kennisinstellingen en vooral ook met de bewoners. Ookwordt onderzocht hoe de verschillende partijen kunnen samenwerken bijhet gezonder maken van de leefomgeving.Docent-onderzoekers en studenten werken in hun onderzoek samen metgemeentelijke professionals uit zowel het fysieke als het sociale domein endragen zo bij aan de verbinding tussen beide domeinen. De praktijk heeftgrote behoefte aan deze verbinding, want een combinatie van fysieke ensociale interventies is vaak effectiever.
Citizen science can be a powerful approach to foster the successful implementation of technological innovations in health, care or well-being. Involving experience experts as co-researchers or co-designers of technological innovations facilitates mutual learning, community building, and empowerment. By utilizing the expert knowledge of the intended users, innovations have a better chance to get adopted and solve complex health-related problems. As citizen science is still a relatively new practice for health and well-being, little is known about effective methods and guidelines for successful collaboration. This scoping review aims to provide insight in (1) the levels of citizen involvement in current research on technological innovations for health, care or well-being, (2) the used participatory methodologies, and (3) lesson’s learned by the researchers. A scoping review was conducted and reported in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The search was performed in SCOPUS in January 2021 and included peer-reviewed journal and conference papers published between 2016 and 2020. The final selection (N = 83) was limited to empirical studies that had a clear focus on technological innovations for health, care or well-being and involved citizens at the level of collaboration or higher. Our results show a growing interest in citizens science as an inclusive research approach. Citizens are predominantly involved in the design phase of innovations and less in the preparation, data-analyses or reporting phase. Eight records had citizens in the lead in one of the research phases. Researcher use different terms to describe their methodological approach including participatory design, co-design, community based participatory research, co-creation, public and patient involvement, partcipatory action research, user-centred design and citizen science. Our selection of cases shows that succesful citizen science projects develop a structural and longitudinal partnership with their collaborators, use a situated and adaptive research approach, and have researchers that are willing to abandon traditional power dynamics and engage in a mutual learning experience.