I will examine the ways in which a hidden crisis can be exposed from a communications point of view. Therefore, this examination of the concept of crisis entrepreneurship is also relevant tot communication professionals. The article is in the form of proto-research and will shed light on the dilemmas experienced by crisis entrepreneurs and the interactional solutions they apply to cope with such dilemmas
I will examine the ways in which a hidden crisis can be exposed from a communications point of view. Therefore, this examination of the concept of crisis entrepreneurship is also relevant tot communication professionals. The article is in the form of proto-research and will shed light on the dilemmas experienced by crisis entrepreneurs and the interactional solutions they apply to cope with such dilemmas
The Utrecht School of Journalism has a long tradition in international higher education. The School’s European Culture & European Journalism (ED&EJ) programme is an example of a pedagogical practice in higher education where advanced students learn how to perform in an international context. Journalism students from Moscow to Ottawa and from Helsinki to Bilbao learn alongside Dutch students. It is not only the content of the programme and the reporting for the Web Magazine that makes the EC&EJ programme an inspirational educational experience. The programme demonstrates the importance of sharing different professional and cultural values. This sharing and confronting of professional standards contributes to an important new qualification for all higher educated professionals: awareness of cultural differences and similarities