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Under the premise that language learning is bidirectional in nature, this study aimed to investigate syntactic coordination within teacher-student interactions by using cross-recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA). Seven teachers’ and a group of their students’ interactions were repeatedly measured in the course of an intervention in early science education. Results showed changes in the proportion of recurrent points; in case of simple sentences teachers and students became less coordinated over time, whereas in case of complex sentences teachers and students showed increasing coordination. Results also revealed less rigid (more flexible) syntactic coordination, although there were no changes in the relative contribution of teacher and students to this. In the light of the intervention under investigation this is an important result. This means that teachers and students learn to use more complex language and coordinate their language complexity better in order to co-construct science discourse. The application of CRQA provides new insights and contributes to better understanding of the dynamics of syntactic coordination.
In bepaalde single-core configuraties met één processor, b.v. embedded control systems zoals robotic applications die uit vele korte processen bestaan, kunnen de context switches van een proces een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid van de beschikbare processing power verbruiken. Het verminderen van het aantal context switches vermindert de executietijd en verhoogt daardoor de prestaties van de toepassing. Bovendien is de end-to-end executietijd van de processen langer dan strict noodzakelijk, b.v. omdat de processen moeten wachten op controllers die een taak uitvoeren. Door de regels voor synchrone communicatie via kanalen in de procesalgebraïsche specificatietaal Communicating Sequential Processes te versoepelen, kunnen we de end-to-end executietijd verkorten. In ons onderzoek definiëren we verschillende graafproducten, bewijzen we dat deze producten een prestatiewinst opleveren (onder bepaalde voorwaarden) en we werken de numerieke en combinatorische aspecten van deze graafproducten uit.
The aim of this study is to determine the contribution of student interventions to urban greening processes. In two Dutch cities action research was conducted, including reflexive interviews a year after the first intervention, to assess factors causing change in the socio-ecological system. Results show that students and network actors were mutually learning, causing the empowerment of actors in that network by adding contextualized knowledge, enlarging the social network, expanding the amount of interactions in the socio-ecological system and speeding up the process. Students brought unique qualities to the process: time, access to stakeholders who tend to distrust the municipality and a certain open-mindedness. Their mere presence made a difference and started a process of change. However, university staff needed to keep the focus on long-term effects and empowerment, because students did not oversee that. After a year, many new green elements had been developed or were in the planning phase. In Enschede, the municipality districtmanagers were part of the learning network, which made it easier to cause changes in the main ecological network. In Haarlem however, no change took place in the main ecological network managed by the municipality, because no political empowerment of the civil society group had developed yet.