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The use of cleanrooms is increasing and the expectation is that this growth will continue in the coming decade. When compared to an average office building, cleanrooms consume large amounts of energy due to their high Air Change Rates (ACRs) and strict air conditioning requirements. Application of Demand Controlled Filtration (DCF) is a means to reduce the (fan) energy demand. The question is whether the air quality is compromised at reduced ACR and overpressure conditions in the non-operational hours of a cleanroom. In a cleanroom mock-up, experiments have been performed to investigate the particle concentration build-up for different cases with DCF, including an extreme case with zero ACR and zero pressure difference. For the DCF conditions and the specific case study, conditions for particle concentration outside the cleanroom, that may still provide high-quality Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conditions in the cleanroom, are derived from the results. Furthermore, it assumes DCF application via occupancy sensing, i.e. starting DCF 30 min after the last person left the cleanroom. When applying DCF for a normal workweek (production 08:00–17:00), fan energy savings higher than 70% can be obtained without compromising the air quality requirements under normal circumstances. DCF, in combination with a reduced pressure difference, therefore is regarded as a feasible solution to reduce the energy demand of cleanrooms when the personnel in the cleanroom are the main source of contamination. These results are obtained for the presented case study. Though assuming a conservative approach, confirmation of these outcomes for other cleanrooms is recommended.
A local operating theater ventilation device to specifically ventilate the wound area has been developed and investigated. The ventilation device is combined with a blanket which lies over the patient during the operation. Two configurations were studied: Configuration 1 where HEPA-filtered air was supplied around and parallel to the wound area and Configuration 2 where HEPA-filtered air was supplied from the top surface of the blanket, perpendicular to the wound area. A similar approach is investigated in parallel for an instrument table. The objective of the study was to verify the effectiveness of the local device. Prototype solutions developed were studied experimentally (laboratory) and numerically (CFD) in a simplified setup, followed by experimental assessment in a full scale mock-up. Isothermal as well as non-isothermal conditions were analyzed. Particle concentrations obtained in proposed solutions were compared to the concentration without local ventilation. The analysis procedure followed current national guidelines for the assessment of operating theater ventilation systems, which focus on small particles (<10 mm). The results show that the local system can provide better air quality conditions near the wound area compared to a theoretical mixing situation (proof-of-principle). It cannot yet replace the standard unidirectional downflow systems as found for ultraclean operating theater conditions. It does, however, show potential for application in temporary and emergency operating theaters
Sporen uit het verleden zijn het waard bewaard te wordenvoor volgende generaties!In het onderzoeksproject Energieke Restauratie (2011-2013)van het kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte istwee jaar onderzoek gedaan naar restauratie, energieconceptenen herontwikkeling van historische gebouwen. Dit project,gefinancierd door SIA-RAAK, werd uitgevoerd in samenwerkingmet vele bedrijven en instellingen in Noord-Nederland.Energieke Restauratie verwijst naar een integrale aanpak vanbehoud en vernieuwing in historische gebouwen, met eenhoge ambitie voor energiebesparing.Een ‘Energieke Restauratie’ begint met het herkennen vanwensen en randvoorwaarden in het vooronderzoek. Zo wordtbij het ontwerp rekening gehouden met historische waarden,energie, en gebruikerswensen. Uiteraard wordt er bij derestauratie van een historisch gebouw veel aandacht besteedaan effecten op de lange termijn, bijvoorbeeld voor hetvoorkomen van schade aan historische materialen, flexibiliteitvoor (toekomstig) gebruik, energielasten en gebruikscomfort.Op 19 september 2013 vond de afsluitende internationaleconferentie ERIC2013 plaats in Groningen. Met trots bieden wiju nu het magazine Energieke Restauratie aan, waarin u korteweergaves vindt van de presentaties op ERIC2013, voornamelijkin het Engels. Bovendien zijn de volledige artikelen van veledeelnemers aan de conferentie opgenomen.Verder vindt u een beknopt overzicht van alle uitgevoerde casestudies van Energieke Restauratie.Tot slot bedanken wij iedereen die heeft bijgedragen aan detotstandkoming van dit magazine: de schrijvers van de artikelen,de vormgever en uiteraard de sponsors die het drukken van ditmagazine mogelijk hebben gemaakt.