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The World Hunt: An Environmental History of the Commodification of Animals is written by John F. Richards, a ‘pioneer in environmental history’ as J. R. McNeill calls him in his introduction to the volume. This introduction explains how this unique yet not always easily accessible text exploring the environmental and socio-economic dimensions of commercial exploitation of non-humans came into being, and how it can be seen in the contexts of the history of human relationships to the environment and of contemporary ethics. The World Hunt is an unusual volume in that it blends environmental history, the dispassionate narrative of facts, with a voice that is at times full of hurt, as it expresses genuine concern for the voiceless victims of hunters’ increasingly global pursuits. The volume is essentially an extract from the meticulously researched and finely detailed history of hunting, fishing and whaling presented in Richards’ exhaustive The Unending Frontier.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is widely believed to have a positive effect on the performance of company. However, empirical proof of this is hard to come by. In this study, we try to establish a linkage between HRM and financial output of two case studies in the profit sector. To do this, we have developed a performance measurement system that is tailored to the specific needs of measuring HRM-performance in for-profit of company. Although we do not try to generalize the outcome of this study, it looks promising in the way that more case studies should be conducted using this specific performance measurement system. If nothing else, management and controllers could use the system to evaluate the performance of their HRM-tools.
In deze publicatie is een aantal vrij willekeurige concepten gebundeld diede verbeelding een plaats geven en die niet alleen verbonden wordt met de wereldbuiten de taal, maar die ons ook laten zien hoe de taal ons kan helpen om diewereld te doorgronden. Dit alles vanuit het geloof dat taal net als het beeld directmet het artistieke onderzoek verbonden is zolang het maar vergezichten kanopenen.