Introduction: Given the complexity of teaching clinical reasoning to (future) healthcare professionals, the utilization of serious games has become popular for supporting clinical reasoning education. This scoping review outlines games designed to support teaching clinical reasoning in health professions education, with a specific emphasis on their alignment with the 8-step clinical reasoning cycle and the reflective practice framework, fundamental for effective learning. Methods: A scoping review using systematic searches across seven databases (PubMed, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase) was conducted. Game characteristics, technical requirements, and incorporation of clinical reasoning cycle steps were analyzed. Additional game information was obtained from the authors. Results: Nineteen unique games emerged, primarily simulation and escape room genres. Most games incorporated the following clinical reasoning steps: patient consideration (step 1), cue collection (step 2), intervention (step 6), and outcome evaluation (step 7). Processing information (step 3) and understanding the patient’s problem (step 4) were less prevalent, while goal setting (step 5) and reflection (step 8) were least integrated. Conclusion: All serious games reviewed show potential for improving clinical reasoning skills, but thoughtful alignment with learning objectives and contextual factors is vital. While this study aids health professions educators in understanding how games may support teaching of clinical reasoning, further research is needed to optimize their effective use in education. Notably, most games lack explicit incorporation of all clinical reasoning cycle steps, especially reflection, limiting its role in reflective practice. Hence, we recommend prioritizing a systematic clinical reasoning model with explicit reflective steps when using serious games for teaching clinical reasoning.
Introduction: Given the complexity of teaching clinical reasoning to (future) healthcare professionals, the utilization of serious games has become popular for supporting clinical reasoning education. This scoping review outlines games designed to support teaching clinical reasoning in health professions education, with a specific emphasis on their alignment with the 8-step clinical reasoning cycle and the reflective practice framework, fundamental for effective learning. Methods: A scoping review using systematic searches across seven databases (PubMed, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase) was conducted. Game characteristics, technical requirements, and incorporation of clinical reasoning cycle steps were analyzed. Additional game information was obtained from the authors. Results: Nineteen unique games emerged, primarily simulation and escape room genres. Most games incorporated the following clinical reasoning steps: patient consideration (step 1), cue collection (step 2), intervention (step 6), and outcome evaluation (step 7). Processing information (step 3) and understanding the patient’s problem (step 4) were less prevalent, while goal setting (step 5) and reflection (step 8) were least integrated. Conclusion: All serious games reviewed show potential for improving clinical reasoning skills, but thoughtful alignment with learning objectives and contextual factors is vital. While this study aids health professions educators in understanding how games may support teaching of clinical reasoning, further research is needed to optimize their effective use in education. Notably, most games lack explicit incorporation of all clinical reasoning cycle steps, especially reflection, limiting its role in reflective practice. Hence, we recommend prioritizing a systematic clinical reasoning model with explicit reflective steps when using serious games for teaching clinical reasoning.
Following the Sector Protocol for Quality Assurance for Practice-Based.Contributors Academy for AI, Games and Media:Mata Haggis Burridge (prof. EG), Qiqi Zhou, Hillevi Boerboom, Maria Pafi (postdoc, WuR), Alexander van Buggenum, Ella Betts, Wilma Franchimon (dir. AGM), Nick van Apeldoorn (Coord.Digireal), Harald Warmelink (Coord. Cradle & MSP Challenge), Magali Patrocínio Gonçalves, Ard Bonewald (MT Games), Marin Hekman, Marie Lhuissier, Carlos Santos (CTO Cradle), Jeremiah van Oosten (MT, games), Kevin Hutchinson, Frank Peters (MT ADS&AI), Bram Heijligers, Joey Relouw, Marnix van Gisbergen (Prof. DMC), Shima Rezaei Rashnoodi (Coord. DMC), Phil de Groot, Igor Mayer (prof. SG), Niels Voskens, Fabio Ferreira da Costa Campos, Tuki Clavero, Jens Hagen, Wilco Boode, Natalia Harazhanka-Pietjouw (PPC), Jacopo Fabrini & Silke Hassreiter.
GAMING HORIZONS is a multidisciplinary project that aims to expand the research and innovation agenda on serious gaming and gamification. The project is particularly interested in the use of games for learning and cultural development. Gamification - and gaming more broadly – are very important from a socio-economic point of view, but over the past few years they have been at the centre of critical and challenging debates, which highlighted issues such as gender and minority representation, and exploitative game mechanics. Our project’s key contention is that it is important for the European ICT community to engage with design trends and social themes that have affected profoundly the mainstream and ‘independent’ game development cultures over the past few years, especially because the boundaries between leisure and serious games are increasingly blurred. GAMING HORIZONS is a direct response to the official recognition by the H2020 programme of work that multidisciplinary research can help to advance the integration between Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH). The project’s objective is to enable a higher uptake of socially responsible ICT-related research in relation to gaming. This objective will be achieved through a research-based exchange between communities of developers, policy makers, users and researchers. The methodology will involve innovative data collection activities and consultations with a range of stakeholders over a period of 14 months. We will interrogate the official ‘H2020 discourse’ on gamification – with a particular focus on ‘gamified learning’ - whilst engaging with experts, developers and critical commentators through interviews, events, workshops and systematic dialogue with an Advisory Board. Ultimately, GAMING HORIZONS will help identify future directions at the intersection of ethics, social research, and both the digital entertainment and serious games industries.EU FundingThe 14-month research project 'Gaming Horizons' was funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
De creatieve industrie levert oplossingen voor maatschappelijke uitdagingen, en wordt daarom gezien als aanjager van innovatie in sectoren zoals de zorg. Zo brengen mkb-ers binnen deze industrie een divers aanbod aan games op de markt, met als doel een positieve impact op het welzijn en gezondheid van de samenleving. Vooral voor de doelgroep kinderen is de belofte van zorg-games groot, omdat zij nog bezig zijn hun attitudes en gewoontes te vormen. Zorg-games maken data-uitwisseling, en daarmee personalisatie, monitoring, en bijsturing mogelijk. De waarde van games zit dan ook in de mogelijkheid om op grote schaal dienstverlening op maat aan te bieden. De opschaling van games wordt echter belemmerd doordat er geen gevalideerde systematiek is om, op een ethische manier, game engagement en gedragspatronen bij kinderen te meten. Een dergelijke systematiek is van belang om games te optimaliseren zodat ze relevant zijn én blijven voor diegene die ze afnemen (gezondheidzorg en zorgklanten). Dit is cruciaal voor mkb-professionals, die behoefte hebben aan handvatten voor een data-gedreven aanpak, een langere levenscyclus van hun games, en een grotere afzetmarkt binnen de zorg. Dit voorstel adresseert deze behoefte: “Hoe kunnen mkb-professionals een nieuwe generatie zorg-games ontwikkelen, die met ethisch verkregen data de (1) game engagement en (2) gedragspatronen van kinderen inzichtelijk maken, zodat optimalisatie en validatie mogelijk is?” Om deze vraag te beantwoorden wordt een consortium tussen Jeugdgezondheidzorg (JGZ), gamebedrijven en kennisinstellingen opgezet dat op iteratieve wijze onderzoekt hoe gebruikersdata uit games inzicht kan geven in (1) engagement en (2) gedragspatronen van kinderen, met (3) correcte toepassing van de privacyregelgeving rondom data-uitwisseling. De intentie is om een “lerend” lab op te zetten waarbij gebruikersdata input vormt voor adaptieve entertainment- en preventiestrategieën. Het project levert kennis op over de strategische inzet van zorg-games voor kinderen en een blauwdruk van criteria waaraan deze games moeten voldoen.
In September 2018 a gaming dashboard is implemented and reviewed on effect at Jan de Rijk, Gebroeders Versteijnen and Merba. The dash board should give insight in the individual and team performance of employees in the their work processes through a gamesome modern visualisation‘In what way is it possible to design and apply ‘game design techniques’ and ‘game elements’ in performance dashboards, so that employees are constantly motivated to improve productivity, quality and safety of their individual proceedings and learning, so that the investment in gamification is profitable?’