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Past research on designing for behavioural change mostly concerned linear design processes, whereas in practice, Agile design methods are increasingly popular. This paper evaluates the possibilities and limitations of using Agile design methods in theory-driven design for behavioural change. We performed a design case study, consisting of a student design team working on improving waiting experiences at Schiphol Airport security and check-in. Our study showed that Agile design methods are usable when designing for behavioural change. Moreover, the Behavioural Lenses toolkit used in the design process is beneficial in facilitating theory-driven Agile design. The combination of an Agile design process and tools to evidentially inform the design enabled the design team to formulate viable and interesting concepts for improving waiting-line experiences. However, limitations also occurred: a mismatch between the rate at which the Scream method proceeded and the time and momentum needed to conduct in-depth research.
This workshop provides participants with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Behavioural Lenses Toolkit. This toolkit supports designers in using theory from the behavioural sciences to inform their work. The workshop consists of an introduction to the toolkit and a couple of hands-on exercises in which we will demonstrate and try out the toolkit in establishing use (r) contexts in behavioural design projects. Furthermore, we will try out a new prototype tool that supports making an evidence-based transition from user insights to behavioural change strategies.
The role and ethics of professionals in business and economics have been questioned, especially after the financial crisis of 2008. Some suggest a reorientation using concepts such as craftsmanship. In this article, I will explore professional practices within the context of behavioural theory and business ethics. I suggest that scholars of behavioural theory need a strategy to deal with normative questions to meet their ambition of practical relevance. Evidence-based management (EBMgt), a recent behavioural approach, may assist business ethics scholars in understanding how professionals infer ‘evidence’ to make decisions. For a professional, ethical issues are an integral part of decision-making at critical moments. As reflective practitioners, they develop insights related to ethical concerns when collecting and assessing evidence within decision-making processes.
This PD project aims to gather new knowledge through artistic and participatory design research within neighbourhoods for possible ways of addressing and understanding the avoidance and numbness caused by feelings of vulnerability, discomfort and pain associated with eco-anxiety and chronic fear of environmental doom. The project will include artistic production and suitable forms of fieldwork. The objectives of the PD are to find answers to the practice problem of society which call for art that sensitises, makes aware and helps initiate behavioural change around the consequences of climate change. Rather than visualize future sea levels directly, it will seek to engage with climate change in a metaphorical and poetic way. Neither a doom nor an overly techno-optimistic scenario seem useful to understand the complexity of flood risk management or the dangers of flooding. By challenging both perspectives with artistic means, this research hopes to counter eco-anxiety and create a sense of open thought and susceptibility to new ideas, feelings and chains of thought. Animation and humour, are possible ingredients. The objective is to find and create multiple Dutch water stories, not just one. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop new methods for selecting and repurposing existing impactful stories and strong images. Citizens and students will be included to do so via fieldwork. In addition, archival materials will be used. Archives serve as a repository for memory recollection and reuse, selecting material from the audiovisual archive of the Institute of Sound & Vision will be a crucial part of the creative work which will include two films and accompanying music.
Gezond beweeggedrag bevordert de kwaliteit van leven en helpt bij het verminderen of voorkomen van gezondheidsklachten en heeft een positieve invloed op sociaal welbevinden, participatie en welzijn. Gezond leven is primair de verantwoordelijkheid van mensen zelf, maar niet iedereen is in staat om gezond gedrag zelfstandig te initiëren en vol te houden. Voor deze mensen is in de eerstelijnszorg veel aandacht. Frustrerend is dat ondanks alle inspanningen de zorgprofessionals, zoals de fysiotherapeut, praktijkondersteuner en beweegconsulent, zelf inschat-ten dat 50-90% van de cliënten binnen een jaar terugvalt in ongezond beweeggedrag. Hoewel aansluiten bij de mate van zelfmanagement van de cliënt hierbij kansrijk lijkt, blijkt de huidige aanpak onvoldoende. Bewijskracht voor het belang van het stimuleren van gezond gedrag in de context, een combinatie van achtergrondkenmerken en sociaal, psychisch en fysiek functioneren in de leefomgeving, neemt toe. Maar hoe betrek je als professional deze context in een persoonsgericht ondersteuningstraject? Hogeschool Leiden, De Haagse Hogeschool en Hogeschool Rotterdam gaan samen een methodiek ontwikkelen die antwoord geeft op deze vraag. Het BiBoZ project identificeert functioneringsprofielen vanuit cliëntenperspectief en identificeert profielspecifieke bouwstenen voor duurzaam gezond beweeggedrag. De functioneringsprofielen zijn gebaseerd op individuele kenmerken en gedrag beïnvloedende componenten zoals het fysieke, sociale en psychische functioneren in de dagelijkse leefomgeving van de cliënt. Bouwstenen zijn bestaande interventies en diensten zoals: beweeginterventie, een app of verwijzing naar een beweegaanbod of burgerinitiatief. Voor het definiëren van de functioneringsprofielen en bouwstenen starten we bij de cliënt, werken we gedurende het hele traject in co-creatie met de praktijk, gebruiken we het Behavioural Change Wheel als theoretisch raamwerk en gebruiken we naast kwalitatieve technieken ontwerpgerichte onderzoekstechnieken. Vanuit deze nieuwe open en brede blik werken we toe naar een prototype van een methodiek te gebruiken door zorgprofessionals voor op maat ondersteunen van hun cliënten in het bereiken van duurzaam gezond beweeggedrag.
Everybody has conscious and unconscious experiences during their holidays. They usually impact your life to a limited degree, but sometimes you have an experience as a result of which you will have a new outlook on life from that moment onwards: a life-changing experience.There are travelers who consciously seek a place in which they can have this type of experiences. Think, for instance of a wellness resort in Bali, in which you learn to eat healthy food and monitor your work-life balance. When returning from this holiday, you are likely to change course and take the plunge.You could also have an unconscious (spontaneous) experience during your holiday. An experience of which you did not know you would ever have it. You are being triggered, and when arriving home, you are going to take action to change things for the better. You may have visited an orphanage or a nature reserve during a round trip for which you are going to set up a fund-raising appeal after your holidays.This PhD research will seek answers to the following questions:• Can a life-changing experience be designed?• To what degree can a life-changing experience lead to a sustainable behavioural change? Partner: University of Surrey