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Friday 27th October 2018 the official kick-off event unfolded at Inholland University of Applied Sciences in Delft. Participants from numerous companies and research establishments congregated to make new acquaintances and share their ideas. The dean of Inholland Delft, Gerard van Oosten, gave a welcoming speech. Next lector Robotica Cock Heemskerk formally introduced the unique HiPerGreen project. Several guest speakers presented additional subject related information: Jeremy Harbinson (distinguished researcher in plant physiology atm Wageningen UR), David Pajares (AvioniCS – a company specialised in rapid prototyping and control systems for small UAVs) and Arash Noroozi (ElpaNav, a start-up company for localisation technology). Lucien Fesselet, assistant project manager, resumed the day with a brief history of the ‘Drones in de kas’ project where HiPerGreen evolved from. Then the audience were split into smaller groups to assess the risks associated within each project work package. A important outcome was the consensus that the business case validation should be started right from the beginning. The kick-off was concluded with a drink.
For long flights, the cruise is the longest phase and where the largest amount of fuel is consumed. An in-cruise optimization method has been implemented to calculate the optimal trajectory that reduces the flight cost. A three-dimensional grid has been created, coupling lateral navigation and vertical navigation profiles. With a dynamic analysis of the wind, the aircraft can perform a horizontal deviation or change altitudes via step climbs to reduce fuel consumption. As the number of waypoints and possible step climbs is increased, the number of flight trajectories increases exponentially; thus, a genetic algorithm has been implemented to reduce the total number of calculated trajectories compared to an exhaustive search. The aircraft’s model has been obtained from a performance database, which is currently used in the commercial flight management system studied in this paper. A 5% average flight cost reduction has been obtained.