CC-BY Nurse Education Today, 2021, January Background: Although older adults are sexual, sexuality is infrequently discussed with them by health care professionals. Nursing students, as future professionals, can make an important contribution by developing competences in discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults to increase quality of life and to prevent sexual problems. In order to improve these competences, current levels of knowledge and attitude need to be explored. Objectives: To investigate i) knowledge and attitudes of nursing students regarding intimacy and sexuality of older adults, ii) the difference in knowledge and attitudes of nursing students in different years of study and iii) frequency of discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Design: Cross-sectional. Settings: A University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Participants: Nursing students, ≥16 years who were able to read and write in Dutch. Methods: The Ageing Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale was used among nursing students. Furthermore, demographic information and frequencies were collected. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Results: In total, 732 students participated. The mean knowledge-score was 43.9 (SD = 8.9), the mean attitudescore 64.3 (SD = 16.0). Unlike attitude, the level of knowledge differed significantly per year of study: first year students had the lowest and third year students the highest knowledge. Most students stated they ‘never’ (54.1%) or ‘once’ (13.2%) discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Reasons to avoid talking about intimacy and sexuality were feelings of ‘not being the right person’ (17.3%) and ‘incompetence’ (14.0%). Conclusions: Nursing students had moderate knowledge and positive attitudes toward older adults’ intimacy and sexuality. The knowledge-level differed per year of study, the attitude level did not. Only a minority discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Moderate knowledge and positive attitudes do not mean that intimacy and sexuality is discussed. To ensure students feel responsible and competent, interventions should focus on continuous knowledge dissemination, role clarification and role modelling.
CC-BY Nurse Education Today, 2021, January Background: Although older adults are sexual, sexuality is infrequently discussed with them by health care professionals. Nursing students, as future professionals, can make an important contribution by developing competences in discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults to increase quality of life and to prevent sexual problems. In order to improve these competences, current levels of knowledge and attitude need to be explored. Objectives: To investigate i) knowledge and attitudes of nursing students regarding intimacy and sexuality of older adults, ii) the difference in knowledge and attitudes of nursing students in different years of study and iii) frequency of discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Design: Cross-sectional. Settings: A University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Participants: Nursing students, ≥16 years who were able to read and write in Dutch. Methods: The Ageing Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale was used among nursing students. Furthermore, demographic information and frequencies were collected. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Results: In total, 732 students participated. The mean knowledge-score was 43.9 (SD = 8.9), the mean attitudescore 64.3 (SD = 16.0). Unlike attitude, the level of knowledge differed significantly per year of study: first year students had the lowest and third year students the highest knowledge. Most students stated they ‘never’ (54.1%) or ‘once’ (13.2%) discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Reasons to avoid talking about intimacy and sexuality were feelings of ‘not being the right person’ (17.3%) and ‘incompetence’ (14.0%). Conclusions: Nursing students had moderate knowledge and positive attitudes toward older adults’ intimacy and sexuality. The knowledge-level differed per year of study, the attitude level did not. Only a minority discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Moderate knowledge and positive attitudes do not mean that intimacy and sexuality is discussed. To ensure students feel responsible and competent, interventions should focus on continuous knowledge dissemination, role clarification and role modelling.
CC-BY Gepubliceerd in Nurse Education Today, January 2021 Although older adults are sexual, sexuality is infrequently discussed with them by health care professionals. Nursing students, as future professionals, can make an important contribution by developing competences in discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults to increase quality of life and to prevent sexual problems. In order to improve these competences, current levels of knowledge and attitude need to be explored.Objectives: To investigate i) knowledge and attitudes of nursing students regarding intimacy and sexuality of older adults, ii) the difference in knowledge and attitudes of nursing students in different years of study and iii) frequency of discussing intimacy and sexuality with older adults.Design: Cross-sectional.Settings: A University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.Participants: Nursing students, ≥16 years who were able to read and write in Dutch.Methods: The Ageing Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale was used among nursing students. Furthermore, demographic information and frequencies were collected. Data was analyzed using SPSS.Results: In total, 732 students participated. The mean knowledge-score was 43.9 (SD = 8.9), the mean attitude-score 64.3 (SD = 16.0). Unlike attitude, the level of knowledge differed significantly per year of study: first year students had the lowest and third year students the highest knowledge. Most students stated they ‘never’ (54.1%) or ‘once’ (13.2%) discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Reasons to avoid talking about intimacy and sexuality were feelings of ‘not being the right person’ (17.3%) and ‘incompetence’ (14.0%).Conclusions: Nursing students had moderate knowledge and positive attitudes toward older adults’ intimacy and sexuality. The knowledge-level differed per year of study, the attitude level did not. Only a minority discussed intimacy and sexuality with older adults. Moderate knowledge and positive attitudes do not mean that intimacy and sexuality is discussed. To ensure students feel responsible and competent, interventions should focus on continuous knowledge dissemination, role clarification and role modelling.
Leerkrachten in Friese basisscholen zoeken naar goede strategieën om meertaligheid te erkennen en effectief in te zetten. Waar het onderwijs tot nu toe twee- en drietalig was (Fries, Nederlands en Engels), hebben leerkrachten nu in toenemende mate te maken met anderstalige migrantenleerlingen. Leerkrachten willen met deze strategieën antwoorden vinden op twee problemen. Ten eerste ervaren ze problemen in de omgang met migrantentalen: ze geven aan dat ze migrantentalen niet willen negeren, maar waarderen en gebruiken vinden ze moeilijk. Ten tweede willen leerkrachten de kwaliteit van het twee- of drietalige basisonderwijs waarin sprake is van taalscheiding, verbeteren. Er wordt per dag of in het Fries, of in het Nederlands of in het Engels onderwezen en geleerd. Men verwacht dat het verbinden van talen hogere resultaten opbrengt. Dit wordt ondersteund door wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Vierentwintig leerkrachten op twaalf basisscholen willen een innovatieve aanpak voor meertalig onderwijs ontwikkelen, die zowel een kader biedt voor de waardering en het gebruik van migrantentalen, als voor een samenhangend gebruik van het Nederlands, het Fries en het Engels in de scholen. Dat geheel vormt de basis van het project Meer kansen Met Meertaligheid (3M). Wetenschappelijk onderzoek levert gevalideerde benaderingen op die moeten worden uitgebreid, gecombineerd en toegesneden op de eigen schoolsituatie om voor de leerkrachten van nut te kunnen zijn. Het 3M-project richt zich op het samen ontwikkelen (d.m.v. ontwikkelingsonderzoek), uitproberen en evalueren van een nieuwe aanpak en nieuwe didactische tools voor meertalig onderwijs (d.m.v. interventieonderzoek). Alle ontwikkelde tools worden in een digitale 3M-Toolbox ondergebracht, die beschikbaar gesteld zal worden aan alle scholen. In de derde plaats vindt een flankerend effect-onderzoek naar (taal)attitudes plaats. In dit project beoogt het consortium een innovatieve kwaliteitsimpuls aan het meertalig basisonderwijs te geven, niet alleen in Fryslân, maar in heel Nederland.
Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum (NOM) wil actief bijdragen aan een duurzame samenleving met zijn kennis van materialen, producten, diensten en culturele tradities die eeuwenlang functioneerden binnen circulaire gemeenschappen. Ondanks technologische vernieuwing en globalisering heeft het NOM de overtuiging dat deze historische kennis kan bijdragen aan duurzame producten voor de toekomst. Het NOM wil een structurele samenwerking met de creatieve sector om meetbare impact te realiseren binnen en buiten het museum voor de transitie naar een circulaire samenleving. Daarvoor wil het graag zijn collectie en kennis toegankelijk maken voor ontwerpers. Belangrijke praktijkvragen daarbij zijn: Welke rol kan het museum spelen i.s.m. ontwerpers? Hoe kan relevante kennis van het NOM toegankelijk en toepasbaar worden gemaakt voor ontwerpers? Hoe creëer je samen met ontwerpers de gewenste impact in de samenleving? Op basis hiervan is de onderzoeksvraag geformuleerd: Hoe kunnen maatschappelijke organisaties zoals het NOM relevante kennis en artefacten toegankelijk en toepasbaar maken voor ontwerpers t.b.v. meetbare impact voor een circulaire samenleving? Deze onderzoeksvraag is vertaald naar enkele sub-vragen over definities van duurzaamheid en circulariteit, de verwachte rollen van museum en ontwerpers, de gewenste structuur van samenwerking en over de rol van prototypen om de gewenste impact te realiseren. Naast het NOM als MKB, participeren in dit project twee creatieve ondernemers (1 MKB, 1 ZZP-er) die zijn geselecteerd op basis van hun specifieke ontwerpkwaliteiten, hun ervaringen in samenwerken met partners en hun kennis van circulair ontwerp. Samen met docent-onderzoekers en ontwerpstudenten van ArtEZ onderzoeken zij deze vragen. De belangrijkste projectresultaten zijn: prototypen, getest op gewenste maatschappelijke impact; een rapport dat beschrijft hoe het NOM kan samenwerken met de creatieve sector om bij te dragen aan ‘Nederland circulair’; en presentatie- en netwerkbijeenkomsten om kennis te delen en te bouwen aan het netwerk van stakeholders om beoogde impact te realiseren.
The objective of the SIA KIEM proposal Capturing Value is to understand financial decision making and capturing value as a logical step in the conceptual and realization phase of creative products. We will explore the narrative of reasoning and making choices in the use of different financial instruments by creative professionals. These narratives are telling about the values creative professionals attach to financial decision making and how these influence the choice of financial instruments. Most research focusses either on the (non)availability of financial instruments or on the use of these instruments. This research proposal focusses on the missing link: how do creative professionals reason when confronted with making financial decisions? Which options do they consider and how are these influenced by their attitude towards and knowledge of various formal and informal financial instruments? The project is a first step to develop a bigger and international research proposal on the way artists and creatives capture the financial value of their creations.