Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
BACKGROUND: Burn survivors are frequently faced with disfiguring scars. Various techniques exist to improve scar appearance, such as laser treatment and dermabrasion. Next to that, surgical reconstruction, such as scar excision is an option. This randomized controlled trial investigates whether a larger burn scar can be excised using a skin-stretching device for wound closure, thereby optimizing use of adjacent healthy skin. This technique may allow scar excision in a one-step procedure instead of two or more steps, which is necessary for serial excision and tissue expansion.METHODS: Two arms were compared: scar excision and closure by skin stretch and scar excision without additional techniques. The primary outcome measure was scar surface area reduction. In addition, complications were registered.RESULTS: Fifteen patients were randomized for skin stretch and 15 patients were randomized for scar excision only. In the skin stretch group, 10 of 15 scars were completely excised compared with three of 15 in the scar excision-only group (p = 0.025). In the skin stretch group, a significantly larger reduction in scar area was achieved: 95 ± 11 percent of the scar was excised versus 78 ± 17 percent in the scar excision-only group (p = 0.003). One patient in the skin stretch group and three patients in the scar excision-only group experienced partial wound dehiscence (p = 0.598).CONCLUSIONS: In burn scar reconstructions, a significantly larger reduction in scar area can be achieved using a skin-stretching device compared with scar excision with no additional techniques, without an increased risk of complications. It was shown that skin stretching is of added value for scars that cannot be excised in a one-step procedure.
Cultuurbeschrijving ziekenhuizen naar aanleiding van de Zembla-uitzending over de hygiëne in ziekenhuizen uit 2009. Na deze uitzending zijn er regels en protocollen ingevoerd en hebben ziekenhuizen zich gecommitteerd aan een verandering van het gedrag van hun personeel.
Falls are common after stroke. This article presents a literature review of the incidence and risk factors of falls and the consequences for professionals working with stroke patients. It is important to consider the specific problems after stroke. Depression and cognitive impairments were found to be risk factors for fall incidents after stroke. In the relevant literature many different risk factors and circumstances are described. When patients move from bed to chair, walk to the bathroom and the first few days after the patient is discharged to another setting, - all these circumstances showed high percentages of falling. A fall during hospital stay is a significant risk factor for future fall incidents. A reliable index to measure the fall risk is not (yet) available. But scores on the Barthel Index and the Timed-Up-and-Go test can be used as fall risk indicators. Fear of falling is an important complication after a fall and therefore it is recommended prior to discharge to inquire about the patients self efficacy in maintaining balance. Few intervention studies use the number of falls as an outcome measure. Exercising balance following a mass training protocol seems to diminish the risk of falling.