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One potential renewable energy resource is green gas production throughanaerobic digestion (AD). However, only part of the biogas produced (up to50-60%) contains the combustible methane; the remainder are incombustiblegasses with the biggest being carbon dioxide. These gasses are often not usedand expelled in the atmosphere. Through the use of BIO-P2M where hydrogenis mixed with the remaining CO2 additional methane can be produced,increasing the yield and using the feedstocks more effectively. Within thisresearch the environmental sustainability and effectiveness of BIO-P2M isevaluated using the MEFA and aLCA method, expressed in; net green gasproduction, efficiency in (P)EROI, emissions in GWP100, and environmentalimpact in Ecopoints. The functional unit is set as a normal cubic meter ofGroningen quality natural gas. Results indicate a net improvement of allindicators when applying BIO-P2M in several configurations (in situ, ex situ).When allocating the production of renewable energy to the BIO-P2M systemenvironmental impacts for wind the results are still positive; however, whenusing solar PV as an energy source the environmental impact in Ecopointsexceeds that of the reference case of Groningen natural gas. An additionaloption for improving the indicators is optimization of the process. When usingBIO-P2M combined with heat and power unit for producing the internalelectricity and heat demands all indicators are improved substantially. On anational scale when utilizing al available waste materials for the BIO-P2Msystem around 1217 MNm3/a of green gas can be produced, which is 3% ofthe total yearly consumption in the Netherlands and around 60% more thanwhen using normal AD systems. Within the context BIO-P2M is an interestingoption for increasing green gas output and improving the overall sustainabilityof the AD process. However, the source of green electricity needs to be takeninto account and process optimization can ensure better environmentalperformance.
In manufacturing of organic electronics, inkjet printing as an alternative technique for depositing materials is becoming increasingly important. Aside to the ink formulations challenges, improving the resolution of the printed patterns is a major goal. In this study we will discuss a newly developed technique to selectively modify the substrate surface energy using plasma treatment as a means to achieve this goal. First, we look at the effects of the μPlasma treatment on the surface energy for a selection of plastic films. Second, we investigated the effects of the μPlasma treatment on the wetting behaviour of inkjet printed droplets to determine the resolution of the μPlasma printing technique. We found that the surface energy for all tested films increased significantly reaching a maximum after 3-5 repetitions. Subsequently the surface energy decreased in the following 8-10 days after treatment, finally stabilizing at a surface energy roughly halfway between the surface energy of the untreated film and the maximum obtained surface energy. When μPlasma printing lines, an improved wetting abillity of inkjet printed materials on the plasma treated areas was found. The minimal achieved μPlasma printed line was found to be 1 mm wide. For future application it is important to increase the resolution of the plasma print process. This is crucial for combining plasma treatment with inkjet print technology as a means to obtain higher print resolutions.