Background: Knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) among older adults account for substantial disability and extensive healthcare use. Effective pain coping strategies help to deal with OA. This study aims to determine the long-term relationship between pain coping style and the course of healthcare use in patients with knee and/or hip OA over 10 years. Methods: Baseline and 10-year follow-up data of 861 Dutch participants with early knee and/or hip OA from the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) cohort were used. The amount of healthcare use (HCU) and pain coping style were measured. Generalized Estimating Equations were used, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results: At baseline, 86.5% of the patients had an active pain coping style. Having an active pain coping style was significantly (p = 0.022) associated with an increase of 16.5% (95% CI, 2.0–32.7) in the number of used healthcare services over 10 years. Conclusion: Patients with early knee and/or hip OA with an active pain coping style use significantly more different healthcare services over 10 years, as opposed to those with a passive pain coping style. Further research should focus on altered treatment (e.g., focus on self-management) in patients with an active coping style, to reduce HCU.
Background: Knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) among older adults account for substantial disability and extensive healthcare use. Effective pain coping strategies help to deal with OA. This study aims to determine the long-term relationship between pain coping style and the course of healthcare use in patients with knee and/or hip OA over 10 years. Methods: Baseline and 10-year follow-up data of 861 Dutch participants with early knee and/or hip OA from the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) cohort were used. The amount of healthcare use (HCU) and pain coping style were measured. Generalized Estimating Equations were used, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results: At baseline, 86.5% of the patients had an active pain coping style. Having an active pain coping style was significantly (p = 0.022) associated with an increase of 16.5% (95% CI, 2.0–32.7) in the number of used healthcare services over 10 years. Conclusion: Patients with early knee and/or hip OA with an active pain coping style use significantly more different healthcare services over 10 years, as opposed to those with a passive pain coping style. Further research should focus on altered treatment (e.g., focus on self-management) in patients with an active coping style, to reduce HCU.
This dissertation presents the results of a research project on unraveling the dynamics of facilitating workplace learning through pedagogic practices in healthcare placements. Supervisors are challenged to foster safe learning opportunities and fully utilize the learning potential of placement through stimulating active participation for students while ensuring quality patient care. In healthcare placements, staff shortages and work pressure may lead to stress when facilitating workplace learning. Enhancing pedagogic practices in healthcare placements seems essential to support students in challenging experiences, such as emotional challenges. This dissertation proposes approaches for optimizing learning experiences for students by highlighting the value of day-to-day work activities and interactions in healthcare placements, and shedding light on agency in workplace learning through supervisor- and student-strategies.
“In Nederland overleden in 2010 ongeveer 136.000 mensen, waarvan 108.500 (ca. 80%) niet onverwacht. Bij deze laatste groep is palliatieve zorg aan de orde. Hiervan was 80% ouder dan 65 jaar. In de toekomst zal dit aantal door de dubbele vergrijzing sterk toenemen. Van de mensen die in 2008 overleden aan een chronische ziekte stierf 34% thuis (IKNL, Algemene principes van palliatieve zorg)”. 84% van de Nederlandse bevolking prefereert thuis te sterven (Gomes, 2012).Palliatieve zorg helpt bij het voorkomen en verlichten van gezondheidgerelateerd lijden door vroege identificatie, juiste beoordeling en behandeling van pijn en andere problemen (WHO, 2020). Bij thuiswonende kankerpatiënten in de Nederlandse eerstelijnszorg geeft 72% aan pijn te ervaren, van wie 25% ondraaglijke pijn (Ruijs, 2012). Meer dan een kwart van de oudere volwassen patiënten ervaart pijn in de laatste 2 jaar van hun leven, waarbij de prevalentie toeneemt van 23% in 24 maanden voorafgaand aan het overlijden tot 55% in de laatste levensmaand (Smith, 2010). Tijdens de laatste levensweek meldt 25% van de palliatieve patiënten pijn te ervaren, ondanks het voorschrijven van opioïden (Klint, 2019). Onverlichte pijn is een veelvoorkomend probleem bij patiënten die sterven aan kanker en aan niet-kwaadaardige chronische ziekten. De leeropdracht Kortdurende zorg en interprofessionele samenwerking bij kwetsbare ouderen is onderdeel van het lectoraat Healthy Ageing, Allied Healthcare and Nursing. De insteek binnen de wijkverpleging van ZuidOostZorg is om, waar mogelijk, de kwetsbare ouderen kortdurend te ondersteunen en te werken aan reablement. In de laatste levensfase zijn de kortdurende doelen en acties gericht op het bieden van kwaliteit van leven, waarin een intensieve samenwerking is met o.a. huisartsen. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld zijn op het gebied van het in kaart brengen van de laatste levenswensen (proactieve zorgplanning), bieden van symptoommanagement en zorg voor naasten.