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We tested the hypothesis that in human ageing a decreased intramuscular acylcarnitine status is associated with (pre-)frailty, reduced physical performance and altered mitochondrial function. Results showed that intramuscular total carnitine levels and acetylcarnitine levels were lower in (pre-)frail old females compared to fit old females and young females, whereas no differences were observed in males. The low intramuscular acetylcarnitine levels in females correlated with low physical performance, even after correction for muscle mass (%), and were accompanied with lowered expression of genes involved in mitochondrial energy production and functionality. We concluded that in (pre-)frail old females, intramuscular total carnitine levels and acetylcarnitine levels are decreased, and this decrease is associated with reduced physical performance and low expression of a wide range of genes critical for mitochondrial function. The results stress the importance of taking sex differences into account in ageing research.
Carnitine/choline acyltransferases play diverse roles in energy metabolism and neuronal signalling. Our knowledge of their evolutionary relationships, important for functional understanding, is incomplete. Therefore, we aimed to determine the evolutionary relationships of these eukaryotic transferases. We performed extensivephylogenetic and intron position analyses. We found that mammalian intramitochondrial CPT2 is most closely related to cytosolic yeast carnitine transferases (Sc-YAT1 and 2), whereas the other members of the family are related to intraorganellar yeast Sc-CAT2. Therefore, the cytosolically active CPT1 more closely resembles intramitochondrial ancestors than CPT2. The choline acetyltransferase is closely related to carnitine acetyltransferase and shows lower evolutionary rates than long chain acyltransferases. In the CPT1 family several duplications occurred during animal radiation, leading to the isoforms CPT1A, CPT1B and CPT1C. In addition, we found five CPT1-like genes in Caenorhabditis elegans that strongly group to the CPT1 family. The long branch leading to mammalian brain isoform CPT1C suggests that either strong positive or relaxed evolution has taken place on this node. The presented evolutionary delineation of carnitine/choline acyltransferases adds to current knowledge on their functions and provides tangible leads for further experimental research.
Schepen in moeilijkheden op zee leveren vaak besluitvormingsproblemen op tussen de scheepseigenaar/kapitein en de kuststaat. Kuststaten en met name de lokale overheden willen een probleem schip graag zo ver mogelijk weg sturen van hun gebied terwijl de eigenaar/kapitein zijn schip graag zo snel mogelijk naar de kust, een beschutte locatie of haven wil brengen. Het onderzoek geeft onderbouwing voor de besluitvorming rond schepen in moeilijkheden, zowel voor de zeescheepvaart als de betrokken besluitvormers van oeverstaten. Het product van het project is: een, op uitgewerkte scenario’s per scheepstype en lading gebaseerde besluitvormingsprocedure voor zeeschepen in moeilijkheden