Responsive public spaces use interactive technologies to adapt to users and situations. This enhances the quality of the space as a public realm. However, the application of responsive technologies in spatial design is still to be explored. What exactly are the options for incorporating responsive technologies in spatial designs to improve the quality of public spaces? The book Responsive Public Spaces explores and disentangles this new assignment for designers, and presents inspiring examples. A consortium of spatial designers, interaction designers and local stakeholders, headed by the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, carried out a two-year practice-based study of responsive public spaces. This book draws on those insights to provide a practical approach and a roadmap for the new design process for responsive public spaces.The study results are of signi¬icance for various professional fields. The book is intended for clients and stakeholders involved in planning and design of public spaces, spatial designers, interaction designers and students.
Responsive public spaces use interactive technologies to adapt to users and situations. This enhances the quality of the space as a public realm. However, the application of responsive technologies in spatial design is still to be explored. What exactly are the options for incorporating responsive technologies in spatial designs to improve the quality of public spaces? The book Responsive Public Spaces explores and disentangles this new assignment for designers, and presents inspiring examples. A consortium of spatial designers, interaction designers and local stakeholders, headed by the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, carried out a two-year practice-based study of responsive public spaces. This book draws on those insights to provide a practical approach and a roadmap for the new design process for responsive public spaces.The study results are of signi¬icance for various professional fields. The book is intended for clients and stakeholders involved in planning and design of public spaces, spatial designers, interaction designers and students.
Developing a research approach from Amsterdam Zuidoost. We are committed to using our presence in the area to contributea) continuing promoting interest in, and acquiring knowledge of, Zuidoost; b) respecting and embracing its versatility and c) eliminating barriers in its layout.In all three elements, we adopt the metaphor of a guided tour that provides a physical and mental map to share. We relate such a map to anexisting tradition of what we like to call ‘translators’ of the area, people suchas guide Jenny van Dalen, or architect Peter Dautzenberg. These are peoplewho recognised the beauty of places such as the Bijlmer before others, andwho taught many to appreciate (and conserve) them. In this sense, theirwork has contributed to a revalorisation of Bijlmer heritage and to a morewidespread awareness of its value.However, there are also concerns that this revalorisation could result inexcessively lucrative operations that may be detrimental to the currentresidents of Zuidoost. The renovation of the Amsterdamse Poort and thetransformation of the emblematic ‘Zandkasteel’ (Sand Castle) building intoluxury apartments has been met with mixed feelings, as these works couldaffect accessibility and increase prices throughout the area. More than ever,especially in relation to point ‘b’ above, concerted efforts need to be made toensure that investments will improve collective public spaces and will buildon an inclusive and diverse cultural and historical awareness.More specifically, The Bijlmer has now acquired legitimacy and cannot simplybe demolished. Its history is also linked to the many newcomers that broughtnew rhythms to the city of Amsterdam.We are convinced that Zuidoost’s sustainable plans and metropolitanambitions will only succeed if they also include, reflect upon and safeguard this versatility.In cooperation with Carla Hoffschulte
Media ENriched Sport ExperienceS (MENSES) creates media enriched sport experiences by introducing innovative digital concepts that combine media entertainment and live sport content What would you do to increase the experience of a live sport event? Do you think it is needed? Would you start with the visitors of the live event or the people that attend the live event through media? Why not connect the live audience with the people watching it through a medium to create a better overall experience? Media ENriched Sport ExperienceS aims to help organisations to answer the question of how live and broadcasted sport experiences can be enriched by means of new digital strategies. By combining interaction, transformation and data enrichment, the mediated and live sport events could be turned into memorable sport experiences. With a multidisciplinary team of professionals and (over 300) students, which reflects on the media knowledge on the one hand and on the leisure and live events knowledge on the other hand, as well as the skills to measure experiences, 50 concepts will be created and tested.Partners: VodafoneZIGGOCity of HilversumMediaPerspectivesUnitedBeeld & GeluidSailing Innovation CenterHuddersfield Town