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Abstract-Architecture Compliance Checking (ACC) is useful to bridge the gap between architecture and implementation. ACC is an approach to verify conformance of implemented program code to high-level models of architectural design. Static ACC focuses on the modular software architecture and on the existence of rule violating dependencies between modules. Accurate tool support is essential for effective and efficient ACC. This paper presents a study on the accuracy of ACC tools regarding dependency analysis and violation reporting. Seven tools were tested and compared by means of a custom-made test application. In addition, the code of open source system Freemind was used to compare the tools on the number and precision of reported violation and dependency messages. On the average, 74 percent of 34 dependency types in our custom-made test software were reported, while 69 percent of 109 violating dependencies within a module of Freemind were reported. The test results show large differences between the tools, but all tools could improve the accuracy of the reported dependencies and violations.
The task of risk assessment is a central feature of probation work and a core activity of probation officers. Risk assessment forms the basis for subsequent interventions and management of offenders so that the likelihood of reoffending is reduced. A primary difficulty for probation workers is the ability to predict the risk of probation violations which could facilitate prevention. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the value of the 61-item Dutch diagnostic and risk assessment tool Recidivism Assessment Scales (RISc) with respect to predicting probation supervision violations of male probationers (N = 14,363). Because all RISc assessments included in the study were completed before the start of the supervision period, they could not have been influenced by behavior of the offenders or other circumstances during this period. It was found that the predictive accuracy of the RISc, with regard to supervision violation, was supported. All RISc subscales and the total score significantly predicted probation supervision violation. The AUC demonstrating the strength of the relationship of the RISc total score (AUC = .70) is satisfactory. Logistic regression analyses resulted in a fitting model, demonstrating that a selection of only 17 items from the total of 61 RISc items was sufficient to predict probation violation while preserving predictive accuracy (AUC = .73). For one of the possible cut-off sum scores used to select groups at high risk for probation violation, it was shown that is possible to double the percentage of correctly identified future violators when compared to the base rate of probation violation.
There remains some debate about whether beta power effects observed during sentence comprehension reflect ongoing syntactic unification operations (beta-syntax hypothesis), or instead reflect maintenance or updating of the sentence-level representation (beta-maintenance hypothesis). In this study, we used magnetoencephalography to investigate beta power neural dynamics while participants read relative clause sentences that were initially ambiguous between a subject- or an object-relative reading. An additional condition included a grammatical violation at the disambiguation point in the relative clause sentences. The beta-maintenance hypothesis predicts a decrease in beta power at the disambiguation point for unexpected (and less preferred) object-relative clause sentences and grammatical violations, as both signal a need to update the sentence-level representation. While the beta-syntax hypothesis also predicts a beta power decrease for grammatical violations due to a disruption of syntactic unification operations, it instead predicts an increase in beta power for the object-relative clause condition because syntactic unification at the point of disambiguation becomes more demanding. We observed decreased beta power for both the agreement violation and object-relative clause conditions in typical left hemisphere language regions, which provides compelling support for the beta-maintenance hypothesis. Mid-frontal theta power effects were also present for grammatical violations and object-relative clause sentences, suggesting that violations and unexpected sentence interpretations are registered as conflicts by the brain's domain-general error detection system.
Met de opkomst van digitale diensten en de impact van digitale technologie is het vraagstuk van privacy hoog op de maatschappelijke agenda beland. Burgers gebruiken steeds vaker apps en andere online services, met als keerzijde dat we steeds meer informatie over onszelf moeten delen om optimaal gebruik te kunnen maken van deze faciliteiten. Dit kan leiden tot schending van onze privacy. Ook voor de meeste (mkb-)bedrijven is het lastig om inzicht te krijgen in de privacy implicaties van hun online services en in de privacy-eisen om deze implicaties te verzachten. Het privacyvraagstuk is voor deze doelgroepen grijpbaar te maken door de privacy-eisen waar online diensten aan moeten voldoen op een beknopte, overzichtelijke en duidelijke manier te communiceren. Privacy labels, in navolging van energielabels en voedingslabels, zijn hiervoor een veelbelovende methode. Binnen het, door NWO gefinancierde, SERIOUS project is een prototype ontwikkeld om privacy-eisen te visualiseren middels een multidimensionaal privacy label (Barth, Ionita en Hartel, 2020). Op basis van een vragenlijst met betrekking op datacollectie, dataverwerking en datadisseminatie kan de mate van privacy borging en bescherming worden vastgesteld. Het huidige prototype van dit privacy label is generiek. Echter is het mogelijk dat bepaalde elementen van privacy in de praktijk binnen sommige domeinen veel zwaarder wegen dan binnen anderen. Kenniscentrum Creating 010 onderzoekt, naar aanleiding van de vraag vanuit de samenwerkingspartijen van het SERIOUS project, binnen dit project hoe het SERIOUS prototype kan worden doorontwikkeld naar een volwaardig privacy label. Hierbij wordt nagegaan of en hoe het prototype in en voor verschillende sectoren werkt, deze zijn: retail, media en cultuur. Het doel van dit project is om middels een haalbaarheidsstudie de richtlijnen voor een domein-specifiek label te achterhalen en op te stellen die dienen als uitgangspunt voor een vervolgproject voor een domein-specifieke privacy tool.