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Victim-offender contact has been studied extensively in prisons, but research on contact between victims and mentally disordered offenders in forensic mental health settings is lacking. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted on contact between victims and offenders in four Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals. These offenders have committed serious (sexually) violent offenses, for which they could not be held fully responsible due to severe psychopathology. During the mandatory treatment, it is possible for offenders and their victims to engage in contact with each other if both parties agree to this. To explore the conditions under which this contact is suitable, we interviewed 35 social workers about their experiences in 57 cases from four Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals. Findings demonstrated that, according to the social workers, no type of offense or psychopathology were obvious exclusion criteria for victim-offender contact. Social workers described offenders' problem awareness, stable psychiatric condition, and ability to keep to agreements as important factors that enable victim-offender contact. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.
De auteur beschrijft de migrantenstroom in de grensplaats Velika Kladuša (Bosnië en Herzegovina). Sinds een jaar of twee is dit stadje de laatste halte voor migranten die via de Balkanroute naar de EU reist. Vanuit het binnenland arriveren onophoudelijk groepjes migranten die één richting uitgaan: Europa. Inmiddels kent het stadje duizenden migranten uit Azië, bijvoorbeeld uit Pakistan en Afghanistan maar ook uit Noord-Afrikaanse landen, zoals Algerije en Marokko. Zodra het kan, steken zij de grens over. Toen de eerste groepen migranten destijds aankwamen, stond de lokale bevolking onmiddellijk klaar om hun de nodige ondersteuning en hulp aan te bieden. De middelen in Velika Kladuša zijn schaars. Er is een hoge werkeloosheid, het leven is relatief duur en er is weinig inkomen. Vanuit de hoofdstad komt nauwelijks ondersteuning. Het toenemende aantal vluchtelingen legt een grote druk op de weinige beschikbare middelen. Verhalen over overlast, criminaliteit en seksueel ongewenst gedrag nemen toe. Dat leidt tot vechtpartijen en demonstraties waarbij wapens zichtbaar aanwezig zijn. De Bosniërs zien de migranten nu als bedreiging en willen dat ze zo snel mogelijk vertrekken. De auteur pleit voor ondersteuning voor zowel de bewoners als de migranten. De EU behoort daarin het voortouw te nemen en samen met de Bosnische overheid op te trekken.
While criminality is digitizing, a theory-based understanding of the impact of cybercrime on victims is lacking. Therefore, this study addresses the psychological and financial impact of cybercrime on victims, applying the shattered assumptions theory (SAT) to predict that impact. A secondary analysis was performed on a representative data set of Dutch citizens (N = 33,702), exploring the psychological and financial impact for different groups of cybercrime victims. The results showed a higher negative impact on emotional well-being for victims of person-centered cybercrime, victims for whom the offender was an acquaintance, and victims whose financial loss was not compensated and a lower negative impact on emotional well-being for victims with a higher income. The study led to novel scientific insights and showed the applicability of the SAT for developing hypotheses about cybercrime victimization impact. In this study, most hypotheses had to be rejected, leading to the conclusion that more work has to be done to test the applicability of the SAT in the field of cybercrime. Furthermore, policy implications were identified considering the prioritization of and approach to specific cybercrimes, treatment of victims, and financial loss compensation.