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ObjectiveRepeated practice, or spacing, can improve various types of skill acquisition. Similarly, virtual reality (VR) simulators have demonstrated their effectiveness in fostering surgical skill acquisition and provide a promising, realistic environment for spaced training. To explore how spacing impacts VR simulator-based acquisition of surgical psychomotor skills, we performed a systematic literature review.MethodsWe systematically searched the databases PubMed, PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, ERIC and CINAHL for studies investigating the influence of spacing on the effectiveness of VR simulator training focused on psychomotor skill acquisition in healthcare professionals. We assessed the quality of all included studies using the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) and the risk of bias using the Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias assessment tool. We extracted and aggregated qualitative data regarding spacing interval, psychomotor task performance and several other performance metrics.ResultsThe searches yielded 1662 unique publications. After screening the titles and abstracts, 53 publications were retained for full text screening and 7 met the inclusion criteria. Spaced training resulted in better performance scores and faster skill acquisition when compared to control groups with a single day (massed) training session. Spacing across consecutive days seemed more effective than shorter or longer spacing intervals. However, the included studies were too heterogeneous in terms of spacing interval, obtained performance metrics and psychomotor skills analysed to allow for a meta-analysis to substantiate our outcomes.ConclusionSpacing in VR simulator-based surgical training improved skill acquisition when compared to massed training. The overall number and quality of available studies were only moderate, limiting the validity and generalizability of our findings.
The purpose of this research is to investigate how Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies influence the decision-making process in real estate investments. The research aims to understand how these technologies can enhance the decision-making process and provide insights into their potential to transform the real estate investment sector.
Lipids, proteins and biological active compounds that are present in insects can serve as nutrient source for poultry production. Because of the potential benefit effects of using insects as feed additives, we must consider the effects of gut microbiome on the insect affects itself, and the expected effect on the microbiome of the broilers that consume these insects. This is specifically important in the situation where live insects are fed to poultry, without prior processing. In this proposal we describe to study whether larvae fed to broilers will affect their microbiome in a positive way for practical applications in poultry industry. Hence, a pilot proof-of-concept study will be carried out as basis for a follow-up proposal for a larger project in the future, that we also like to set-up within this project. In that follow-up proposal, focus will be on the effect of different substrates for insects, on the insect microbiome, to spike insects with specific bacteria and to track their microbiome dynamics over time, and the effect of these insects used as a feed additive on the broiler gut microbiome. This study will provide results on if live Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) can affect the broiler gut microbiome in a positive way, and relevant outcomes will be exploited in a follow-up research proposal in which these effects will be unraveled in detail for adoption by the industry. The project is a collaboration between cooperative insect company RavenFeed and NGN Pro-active both with knowledge on BSFL rearing, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) with knowledge on insect diseases and microbiome analysis, Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) highly experienced in poultry nutrition research and having unique poultry facilities, and Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten (AHD) with research facilities for BSFL rearing under experimental conditions.
New biobased and circular products and solutions are invented and optimized all the time. Products that might have the potential to improve the world by preventing pollution and saving natural resources. However many of these promising products do not get a significant place in the market and fail to reach their positive impact. The result is a triple waste: in creativity and innovation, in investment of the companies involved and in opportunities to improve society. In this project Avans Expertise Centrum Sustainable Business (ESB), Avans Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (CoEBBE) and SMEs Upstairs, Wiltec and NPSP look at the reasons why new sustainable products do not manage to achieve a significant market position and which practical guidelines can be designed to improve the success rate of the introduction of sustainable products and solutions. To realize this, we do not solely look at economic success but we start from the perspective that a successful product is one that truly improves society, rather than predominantly being profitable for a specific company. The focus is on creating multiple value (economic, social and ecological). Based on the theories of meaningful marketing and the adoption of innovations, the project analyses why the introduction of sustainable products and solutions will or will not be likely to succeed and also proposes ways to increase the likelihood of success. The learnings are translated to guidelines a SME should consider before product introduction.
De verplichting in de Binnenvaart om haar emissies te reduceren leidt tot grote uitdagingen in de sector, omdat nieuwe technologie in bestaande schepen tot problemen leidt en vaak een te grote investering vraagt. VIV, de branchevereniging van inbouw-, reparatie- en revisiebedrijven, heeft zich uitgesproken voor het gebruik van hernieuwbare methanol. Het ontbreekt de bedrijven echter aan kennis en vaardigheid over de conversie van een bestaande dieselmotor naar hernieuwbare methanol. De methanol industrie, verenigd in het Methanol Institute, zet zich in voor het gebruik van methanol in de scheepvaart. In de Zeevaart is al ervaring opgedaan met hernieuwbare methanol, maar de schaal en technologie verschilt met die in onze Binnenvaart. VIV en het Methanol Institute hebben de HAN benaderd met de vraag om de kennis en vaardigheid in gebruik van hernieuwbare methanol in scheepsmotoren te vergroten. De HAN beantwoordt deze marktvraag in 4 werkpakketten waar het draait om de retrofit conversie van een bestaande binnenvaartaandrijving, op een praktisch toepasbare manier. Ze maakt hier een vertaalslag van de wetenschap en kennis bij grote zeevaartmotoren, naar het binnenvaart-MKB. Dit gebeurt door te onderzoeken binnen welke kaders, en met welke indicatoren tijdens het afstellen van een onderzoeksmotor, een optimale methanol dual-fuel motor opgezet kan worden. Het hoofddoel is het verhogen van de kennis en vaardigheid over dual-fuel motoren op Hernieuwbare Methanol in de reparatie- en revisiesector. Het Schoon Schip project combineert de opgedane kennis met kennis uit de academische wereld, en de motorervaring van alle partners, om tot een betrouwbare toepassing van methanol in de binnenvaart te komen. Het gaat er om tot een werkende praktijkoplossing te komen voor het gebruik van hernieuwbare methanol in de bestaande vloot van 12.000 binnenvaartschepen.