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The user’s experience with a recommender system is significantly shaped by the dynamics of user-algorithm interactions. These interactions are often evaluated using interaction qualities, such as controllability, trust, and autonomy, to gauge their impact. As part of our effort to systematically categorize these evaluations, we explored the suitability of the interaction qualities framework as proposed by Lenz, Dieffenbach and Hassenzahl. During this examination, we uncovered four challenges within the framework itself, and an additional external challenge. In studies examining the interaction between user control options and interaction qualities, interdependencies between concepts, inconsistent terminology, and the entity perspective (is it a user’s trust or a system’s trustworthiness) often hinder a systematic inventory of the findings. Additionally, our discussion underscored the crucial role of the decision context in evaluating the relation of algorithmic affordances and interaction qualities. We propose dimensions of decision contexts (such as ‘reversibility of the decision’, or ‘time pressure’). They could aid in establishing a systematic three-way relationship between context attributes, attributes of user control mechanisms, and experiential goals, and as such they warrant further research. In sum, while the interaction qualities framework serves as a foundational structure for organizing research on evaluating the impact of algorithmic affordances, challenges related to interdependencies and context-specific influences remain. These challenges necessitate further investigation and subsequent refinement and expansion of the framework.
This poster sketches the outlines of a theoretical research framework to assess whether and on what grounds certain behavioral effects may be attributed to particular game mechanics and game play aspects. It is founded on the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion (ELM), which is quite appropriate to guide the evaluation structure for interventions that either aim at short term or long term attitude and behavior change.
Laurence Alpay, Harmen Bijwaard en Rob Doms hebben bijdrage geleverd aan dit boek. zie hoofdstuk 7. Blz. 159 In dit hoofdstuk bekijken we de betekenis van ‘de mens centraal’ bij de ontwikkeling van technologie voor gezondheidszorg en welzijnsbevordering. In de zorg- en welzijnssector zijn door de vergrijzing straks meer professionals nodig, maar deze zijn waarschijnlijk in onvoldoende mate beschikbaar vanwege budgettaire beperkingen en te weinig menskracht. Technologie kan hier een oplossing bieden door taken over te nemen of te vergemakkelijken.
De maatschappelijke discussies over de invloed van AI op ons leven tieren welig. De terugkerende vraag is of AI-toepassingen – en dan vooral recommendersystemen – een dreiging of een redding zijn. De impact van het kiezen van een film voor vanavond, met behulp van Netflix' recommendersysteem, is nog beperkt. De impact van datingsites, navigatiesystemen en sociale media – allemaal systemen die met algoritmes informatie filteren of keuzes aanraden – is al groter. De impact van recommendersystemen in bijvoorbeeld de zorg, bij werving en selectie, fraudedetectie, en beoordelingen van hypotheekaanvragen is enorm, zowel op individueel als op maatschappelijk niveau. Het is daarom urgent dat juist recommendersystemen volgens de waarden van Responsible AI ontworpen worden: veilig, eerlijk, betrouwbaar, inclusief, transparant en controleerbaar.Om op een goede manier Responsible AI te ontwerpen moeten technische, contextuele én interactievraagstukken worden opgelost. Op het technische en maatschappelijke niveau is al veel vooruitgang geboekt, respectievelijk door onderzoek naar algoritmen die waarden als inclusiviteit in hun berekening meenemen, en door de ontwikkeling van wettelijke kaders. Over implementatie op interactieniveau bestaat daarentegen nog weinig concrete kennis. Bekend is dat gebruikers die interactiemogelijkheden hebben om een algoritme bij te sturen of aan te vullen, meer transparantie en betrouwbaarheid ervaren. Echter, slecht ontworpen interactiemogelijkheden, of een mismatch tussen interactie en context kosten juist tijd, veroorzaken mentale overbelasting, frustratie, en een gevoel van incompetentie. Ze verhullen eerder dan dat ze tot transparantie leiden.Het ontbreekt ontwerpers van interfaces (UX/UI designers) aan systematische concrete kennis over deze interactiemogelijkheden, hun toepasbaarheid, en de ethische grenzen. Dat beperkt hun mogelijkheid om op interactieniveau aan Responsible AI bij te dragen. Ze willen daarom graag een pattern library van interactiemogelijkheden, geannoteerd met onderzoek over de werking en inzetbaarheid. Dit bestaat nu niet en met dit project willen we een substantiële bijdrage leveren aan de ontwikkeling ervan.
Aiming for a more sustainable future, biobased materials with improved performance are required. For biobased vinyl polymers, enhancing performance can be achieved by nanostructuring the material, i.e. through the use of well-defined (multi-)block, gradient, graft, comb, etc., copolymer made by controlled radical polymerization (CRP). Dispoltec has developed a new generation of alkoxyamines, which suppress termination and display enhanced end group stability compared to state-of-art CRP. Hence, these alkoxyamines are particularly suited to provide access to such biobased nanostructured materials. In order to produce alkoxyamines in a more environmentally benign and efficient manner, a photo-chemical step is beneficial for the final stage in their synthesis. Photo-flow chemistry as a process intensification technology is proposed, as flow chemistry inherently leads to more efficient reactions. In particular, photo-flow offers the benefit of significantly enhancing reactant concentrations and reducing batch times due to highly improved illumination. The aim of this project is to demonstrate at lab scale the feasibility of producing the new generation of alkoxy-amines via a photo-flow process under industrially relevant conditions regarding concentration, duration and efficiency. To this end, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Zuyd), CHemelot Innovation and Learning Labs (CHILL) and Dispoltec BV want to enter into a collaboration by combining the expertise of Dispoltec on alkoxyamines for CRP with those of Zuyd and CHILL on microreactor technology and flow chemistry. Improved access to these alkoxyamines is industrially relevant for initiator manufacturers, as well as producers of biobased vinyl polymers and end-users aiming to enhance performance through nanostructuring biobased materials. In addition, access in this manner is a clear demonstration for the high industrial potential of photo-flow chemistry as sustainable manufacturing tool. Further to that, students and professionals working together at CHILL will be trained in this emerging, industrially relevant and sustainable processing tool.
There is increasing interest for the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in the field of sustainable transportation and urban development. Even though much has been said about the opportunities of using VR technology to enhance design and involve stakeholders in the process, implementations of VR technology are still limited. To bridge this gap, the urban intelligence team of NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences developed CycleSPEX, a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator for cycling. CycleSpex enables researchers, planners and policy makers to shape a variety of scenarios around knowledge- and design questions and test their impact on users experiences and behaviour, in this case (potential) cyclists. The impact of infrastructure enhancements as well as changes in the surrounding built environment can be tested, analysed an evaluated. The main advantage for planners and policy makers is that the VR environment enables them to test scenarios ex-ante in a safe and controlled setting.“The key to a smart, healthy and safe urban environment lies in engaging mobility. Healthy cities are often characterized by high quality facilities for the active modes. But what contributes to a pleasant cycling experience? CycleSPEX helps us to understand the relations between cyclists on the move and (designed) urban environments”