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Although many countries have shown a distinct drop in crime over the last decades, the criminological literature suggests that fear of crime in those countries remained relatively stable. Research on this issue is sparse however, mostly confined to a single country, a few indicators and/or a relatively short timeframe. For this chapter 1,100 data series on fear of crime related items from (supra)national surveys were collected, covering 121 countries and more than 25 years (1989-2015). Using these data, a first prototype for an International Fear of Crime Trend Index was developed. Used on the five UN-regions with the highest average amount of data series per country, the index shows a pronounced fear drop in four of the five regions: all of them in Europe and the Anglo-Saxon countries. Explanations for these fear drops are hypothesized and directions for further research are formulated.
Individual and unorganized sports with a health-related focus, such as recreational running, have grown extensively in the last decade. Consistent with this development, there has been an exponential increase in the availability and use of electronic monitoring devices such as smartphone applications (apps) and sports watches. These electronic devices could provide support and monitoring for unorganized runners, who have no access to professional trainers and coaches. The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the characteristics of event runners who use running-related apps and sports watches. This knowledge is useful from research, design, and marketing perspectives to adequately address unorganized runners’ needs, and to support them in healthy and sustainable running through personalized technology. Data used in this study are drawn from the standardized online Eindhoven Running Survey 2014 (ERS14). In total, 2,172 participants in the Half Marathon Eindhoven 2014 completed the questionnaire (a response rate of 40.0%). Binary logistic regressions were used to analyze the impact of socio-demographic variables, running-related variables, and psychographic characteristics on the use of running-related apps and sports watches. Next, consumer profiles were identified. The results indicate that the use of monitoring devices is affected by socio-demographics as well as sports-related and psychographic variables, and this relationship depends on the type of monitoring device. Therefore, distinctive consumer profiles have been developed to provide a tool for designers and manufacturers of electronic running-related devices to better target (unorganized) runners’ needs through personalized and differentiated approaches. Apps are more likely to be used by younger, less experienced and involved runners. Hence, apps have the potential to target this group of novice, less trained, and unorganized runners. In contrast, sports watches are more likely to be used by a different group of runners, older and more experienced runners with higher involvement. Although apps and sports watches may potentially promote and stimulate sports participation, these electronic devices do require a more differentiated approach to target specific needs of runners. Considerable efforts in terms of personalization and tailoring have to be made to develop the full potential of these electronic devices as drivers for healthy and sustainable sports participation.
Op 13 oktober 2016 lanceerde de gemeente Enschede het programma Multiply, een samenwerking tussen Saxion, Gemeente Enschede, Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen, The Golden Egg Check BV en CeeCee, met ondersteuning van de Industriekring Twente, Technologiekring Twente en MKB Twente (Gemeente Enschede, 2016). De gedachte achter Multiply is dat veel mkb’ers elke dag druk zijn met het runnen van hun bedrijf en er weinig tijd en aandacht overblijft om in te springen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen terwijl innoveren en snel kunnen schakelen juist noodzakelijk zijn om gezond ondernemer te blijven. Multiply springt daarop in door met creativiteit en studentondersteuning een nieuwe business kans te verkennen voor betreffende ondernemer. Inmiddels vindt ook uitrol plaats in Deventer, samen met MKB Deventer. Kennis delen en business vermenigvuldigen, Multiply dus. Saxion ondersteunt dit programma, omdat zij samenwerking op gebied van innovatie, creativiteit en ondernemerschap hoog in het vaandel heeft. Saxion koppelt studenten aan Enschedese mkb-ers om hen te helpen met een nieuw business- en/of verdienmodel, om zodoende een boost te geven aan de bedrijvigheid in de gemeente. Dit zal positief werken op werkgelegenheid en uiteindelijk ook op de leefbaarheid. Met dit KIEM-project onderzoeken we de business impuls vanuit Multiply, door de impact van creative thinking binnen business transformation te meten. We gaan Enschedese ondernemers meenemen in de gedachten van Smart Society, Creative Futures en de voordelen van intrinsiek creatief innoveren. Multiply is een cyclus van 10 weken, waarin ondernemers en studenten sámen een innovatietraject doormaken. Er is aandacht voor creatief denken, trendwatching en het ontdekken van andere business kansen volgens de Golden Egg Check. Door vanuit een creatieve invalshoek om te gaan met business development, leren we ondernemers (en studenten!) anders aan te kijken tegen hun bedrijf. Hieruit ontwikkelen we een innovatieframe waarmee we het bestaande, vastgeroeste en slapende mkb wakker schudden en aanzetten tot nieuwe kansen, nieuwe wegen en nieuwe markten. Met deze KIEM onderzoeken we de effectiviteit van deze aanpak, om te zien of deze shake-up tot echte nieuwe business leidt.