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Objective: To investigate the effects of a school-based once-a-week sports program on physical fitness, physical activity, and cardiometabolic health in children and adolescents with a physical disability. Methods: This controlled clinical trial included 71 children and adolescents from four schools for special education [mean age 13.7 (2.9) years, range 8–19, 55% boys]. Participants had various chronic health conditions including cerebral palsy (37%), other neuromuscular (44%), metabolic (8%), musculoskeletal (7%), and cardiovascular (4%) disorders. Before recruitment and based on the presence of school-based sports, schools were assigned as sport or control group. School-based sports were initiated and provided by motivated experienced physical educators. The sport group (n = 31) participated in a once-a-week school-based sports program for 6 months, which included team sports. The control group (n = 40) followed the regular curriculum. Anaerobic performance was assessed by the Muscle Power Sprint Test. Secondary outcome measures included aerobic performance, VO2 peak, strength, physical activity, blood pressure, arterial stiffness, body composition, and the metabolic profile. Results: A significant improvement of 16% in favor of the sport group was found for anaerobic performance (p = 0.003). In addition, the sport group lost 2.8% more fat mass compared to the control group (p = 0.007). No changes were found for aerobic performance, VO2 peak, physical activity, blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and the metabolic profile. Conclusion: Anaerobic performance and fat mass improved following a school-based sports program. These effects are promising for long-term fitness and health promotion, because sports sessions at school eliminate certain barriers for sports participation and adding a once-a-week sports session showed already positive effects for 6 months.
In the fall of 1999, an international integrated product development pilot project based on collaborative engineering was started with team members in two international teams from the United States, The Netherlands and Germany. Team members interacted using various Internet capabilities, including, but not limited to, ICQ (means: I SEEK YOU, an internet feature which immediately detects when somebody comes "on line"), web phones, file servers, chat rooms and Email along with video conferencing. For this study a control group with all members located in the USA only also worked on the same project.
In this thesis we analyzed clinimetric measurement properties of physical fitness tests in wheelchair-using youth with SB. Furthermore, the amount of physical behavior in wheelchair-using youth with SB was quantified and associations with age, gender, VO2peak and Hoffer classification were evaluated. Finally, we described the factors associated with physical behavior in youth with SB and youth with physical disabilities, after which the evidence of interventions to improve physical behavior in youth with physical disabilities was analyzed. This last chapter presents the theoretical and clinical implications. At the end, methodological considerations and directions for further research will be discussed after which the overall conclusion is presented.
Er is momenteel een enorme groei op het gebied van consumentenproducten om activiteiten en bewegingen te meten; zowel voor de fitnessindustrie (bv. Fitbit, Jawbone) als in de gaming wereld (bv Kinect, Wii). Bedrijven op het gebied van zorgtechnologie vragen zich af of zij producten en diensten kunnen ontwikkelen op basis van deze technologie. In dit project richten we ons specifiek op de vraag van de bedrijven of met deze producten het valrisico van ouderen kan worden ingeschat. De incidentele metingen in een klinische omgeving kunnen dan worden vervangen door continue metingen in het dagelijks leven. Het onderzoek dat wordt uitgevoerd betreft het bepalen van de nauwkeurigheid, robuustheid en acceptatie van technologie om in realistische omgevingen (hier: woonomgeving en ziekenhuisom-geving) de bewegingskenmerken van ouderen te meten. Het onderzoek wordt ingericht rond de onderzoeksvraag: Hoe kunnen technologieën voor bewegingsregistratie die zich hebben bewezen in een labsetting worden ingezet in de woonomgeving en in het ziekenhuis, ten behoeve van het inschatten van val-risico bij ouderen? Het onderzoek zal worden uitgevoerd in twee parallel lopende cases: valrisico meten in de woon-omgeving en valrisico meten in het ziekenhuis. In beide gevallen wordt een living lab aanpak ge-volgd: de technologische oplossingen van de MKB worden op iteratieve wijze, in de praktijk , be-studeerd en verder ontwikkeld. Ook de inbedding van de technologie in het zorgproces wordt in het onderzoek meegenomen. De kennis die wordt opgedaan zal worden gebruikt door de participerende MKB in nieuwe pro-ducten en diensten. Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door een multidisciplinair team bestaande uit de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Domein Digitale Media en Creatieve Industrie en Domein Gezond-heid), de Vrije Universiteit (Bewegingswetenschappen), het AMC (Geriatrie), zorgaanbieders Cor-daan en Amsta en de participerende MKB. De resultaten zullen worden gepresenteerd op twee publieke seminars, in vakbladen en op we-tenschappelijke conferenties.